I need to RANT!!!


Please let me vent and maybe someone has an idea or suggestion.

I purchased a new laptop from Best Buy and also purchased the extended warranty. Well, just 4 months later it would not turn on. I took it in for repair on 7/31/07 and have not had it returned since. The websites where you can check the status of your order show only that it was shipped to HP but nothing else. It's been in limbo for 6 weeks. Whenever I go to BB or call, they give me the run-around. All they claim they can do is escalate it via email. They refused to call HP the last time I was there and claimed not to have a phone number I could call. I called HP and they stated they couldn't tell me anything because BB is the contact party.I am a full-time, online student as well as a full-time RN and I obviously need my laptop or I would not have plunked $1200 for it.

I am horrifed at the customer service they have. They refuse to give out any contact numbers. Even if HP lost it, why doesn't BB step up and replace it or at minimum demand HP get it back or replaced. I paid BB the money to be protected not to be given the shaft. Has anyone had this experience? Am I supposed to give my money to someone and just wait indefinitely until they get around to fixing the problem? Thanks for letting be vent.
Hi Marla,
If I were you I would go to BestBuy.com (where it says contact us, at the very bottom of the page) and fill out the form and let them know about your problem. I have done this in the past and have gotten results. Hope this helps.

Hi Marla,

I am sorry to hear about your problem with Best Buy. My friend had bought a high end SRL camera from them and something broke so he had to send it in for repair... He kept going back to get the status on repair and it took them 6 weeks to tell him that THEY HAD LOST THE CAMERA and took another few weeks for them to issue a check. Horrible service.

Hope your issue get resolved soon.

I have found myself never wanting to buy any major item from Best Buy.

Among many other complaints from friends my bf tried to take his computer in to have a dvd burner replaced. They told him he needed to replace his computer because it wouldn't even turn on for them. My bf tried to tell them how to turn it on and even after that they said it just wouldn't work.

Well, my bf took it home and we had my dad check it out and it was just a bad power supply. My dad replaced that and my bf put in his own dvd burner. That computer is still running (2 years later). (It is actually 4 years old total)

IMO Best Buy is a big rip off when it comes to major purchases.

Hang in there and I hope you can get your money back.

When contacting Best Buy, I would be sure to mention that if the problem is not taken care of in ____ days, you will be reporting them to the Better Business Bureau - then do it!

Good Luck!

Susan L.G.
That is WAAAAY too much money to put down on an item and not get a good/rapid response. I was also an online student for two years, and I can only imagine how annoying and frustrating it would be without a running computer.

If I were in your shoes, I might even consider a free consulation with an attorney to see what routes you can take. Its amazing how fast people usually respond when an attorney gets involved! Good luck!

Thanks, Lynne and everyone. I will try that tomorrow. I was so frustrated today, I did put in an online complaint with the BBB. I've never done that before. Tomorrow, I will go again in person and pray that it gets resolved. We will never purchase anything from there again.
I've had issues with BB myself. DH and I purchased a GPS system ($1200!!!!) about 18 months ago. They assured us that it would work in Europe and it was the only one they carried that would. Well, guess what? Doesn't work in Europe. So here we are getting lost ALL the time meanwhile our GPS is thinking we're somewhere in Canada!!x( I say you call and ask directly for the manager and tell them everything. Usually (not always), they will be willing to help.

We have a consumer reporter here nameds Clark Howard and he actually calls BB's customer service "customer no-service." He says they have terrible customer service. Maybe you could go to his website (I think it's just www.clarkhoward.com and see if he has any suggestions as to how to deal with them).

Clark has been in Atlanta forever and always has the best advice! Sometimes, if you just mention his name in regards to a consumer problem, the stores here will change their tune. No one wants to be named on his show!!! HTH!
Hi Marla,
I work in the industry for one of HP's largest resellers, and I used to specialize in warranty programs.

Have you read the Ts and Cs of your repair contract with Best Buy? The ultra fine print? There should be some note on how long a "standard" repair should take. Within the world of HP directly, it should never take longer than 10 days to have your unit either repaired or replaced.

Chances are STRONG that they lost your notebook somewhere in transit, and are not willing to admit to it. I would also not be surprised if they sent it off to an HP authorized repair center, not HP directly.

I would suggest talking to someone in mgmt at BB (go to the store, don't call) to get the tracking information for the shipment to HP. Whomever underwrites their service programs (AON, Service Net, etc...) is contractually bound to rectify the situation. I'm just sorry that you need to get nasty with them to do it.
ah yes wonderful BB! I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have 2 laptops from them, bought a year apart, and that was a HUGE mistake. My first laptop has now died (2 years in). My 2nd laptop has been in for repairs about 7 times. They say after the 3rd time you get a new computer, but it was a lie. It's had the motherboard replaced, 3 keypads replaced, 4 batteries, and 2 mousepads replaced.

Anyways, we always got our stuff back within 3 weeks. Anytime I called to see what was up, they could tell me exactly where my computer was...so I think your laptop must be lost.

I would go down there and DEMAND an explanation.

Let us know what happens!


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