I need a good comeback


Hello everyone!

Boy, it's cold in my basement and my hands are freezing--so please excuse any typo's.;-) It's great for working out, but not for sitting.

Anyway, I need a good reply to compliments. How do you politely thank people but at the same time let them know that you really do work very hard? I know people mean well, but it is sometimes quite irritating when someone says something like "you're looking good, have you been walking or something?" No one who hasn't done Cathe could know how hard we work, but I'm human enough that I have trouble sometimes just saying "thank you" and letting it go at that. I want to say "thanks, I do a killer workout for an hour or more plus an hour of power yoga 6-days a week; and I average 1200 calories a day, keep a food diary, and watch everything that goes into my mouth." I'm sure that is way more information than anyone would care to hear. I usually just say "thanks, it's a lot of work," and let it go at that.

I was interested to how everyone else handles similiar situations.


Carol F
I know what you mean--this might sound really stupid or vain, but it does get a little uncomfortable when you hear it a lot. However, I think a simple thank you is fine. Of course, you can get a little sassy if you have some add ons......like when I hear "you look great, I wish I looked like that" I might say "it doesn't come by wishing." }(

But I usually stick with just thanks.
Thanks Maximus! It totally depends on the person whether or not I'm tempted to do a "sassy add-on."

Thanks for understanding!

Carol F
I sure understand what you're saying! It can be difficult to keep quiet. Most of the time, I can't let it pass completely without comment. I usually say something to the effect that I work very hard, but always in a nice, quiet way, of course. More than anything, I just want other people who are like I was (I've lost 130 pounds) to know it's possible but not easy. If they want to know more, I'll tell them. (Most don't.) :) If I'm feeling sassy and it's someone I know well enough to tease with, I say, "Hey, I woked hard for this. This body was made, not born, and it's all natural-- nothing artificial."

Hi Carol! I have always had a hard time taking compliments from people and would point out what imperfections I am working on. How sick is that? I have learned over the years to finally say, "THANKS!" Or, "That made my day." Or, That is so kind of you." and sometimes, "I work hard at it." I wouldn't go into what you do workout-wise UNLESS they ask. I have found from past experience that most don't want to hear it unfortunately. Good for you for all your hard work and your great eating habits. YOU GO!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I understand how you feel. When people have said to me "You look great, have you lost weight" or something to that degree I usually say something like "Thank you for noticing, I have been working really hard." It's been a good response for me.

I usually just say "thanks, it's a lot of work," and
>let it go at that.

I think Miss Manners would be proud of you for just saying "Thank You". Unfortunately, most people are not interested in how hard you work. :(

Us Catheites understand your pain (and your gain :))! And we understand your wishing to say more. But, manners are not about pleasing ourselves, nor increasing the discomfort of others (even if they REALLY deserve it - HA!) In fact, manners are about easing the discomfort of others. I think your only comeback is no comeback at all, just "thank you".

Besides, you have more class than to sink to a comback.

BTW - your fitness accomplishments sound amazing!


Susan L.G.
I think "thanks" is a great comeback. Just getting a compliment is a good thing. Most people have no idea what it takes to be fit and look it. We know it takes dedication and very hard work!

I've come to look at my diet and fitness as a personal thing. I just posted over at VF on how most people would think I was completely nuts if they knew the deep secrets of my exercise room and refrigerator. That's ok. It's why we come to boards like these. It's like a whole different planet lol.
I like what many posters stated "Thanks..I work very hard at it". I also like Deedeemac's response. It gets the point across humorously and so doesn't sound at all hostile.
It does feel strange when someone compliments you.I like for people to notice that I have been working out but I don't want them to talk about it.Does that make sense?
I think when you workout, you think alot of other people do as well.We were looking through a mag at work the other day and the new girl said something regarding someone in the mag.The other girl then spoke up and mentioned all the working out that I do.The new girl was amazed that I ran so far and I worked out everyday.I think of my workouts as not a big deal,unless I run a couple of extra kms,and I know that I should be patting myself on the back.Not everyone can do everyday what we do.Alot of them wouldn't be able to walk;-) Then again, there are days when I can't!
So in other words I get a little shy when people talk about what shape I am in, or how nice I look.Then when they ask what I do I will tell them.Sometimes people want to know to much and I will share Cathe with them.Most people just comment,I say Thanks and we let it go.
I hve also had older ladies at work ask me if I eat.Come off of it..Im not that small.Or they will say,just wait till you have a child,then I tell them I already have one, and they don't know what to say.
Just say whatever is on your mind.Thanks ,none of your business....just joking!
I agree with the previous post, in that most people don't exercise enough and the majority of them probably not at all. I absolutely despise it when people say that I'm "obsessed" or something of that nature simply b/c I exercise daily. Then they ALWAYS have to throw in that the only exercise they get is _____________ (fill in the blank with anything from walking between the fridge and the couch, taking the mail to the mailbox, or squatting to get something from the bottom shelf) and then they laugh really hard. I also hate it when they say, "so-and-so works out? he looks great already--he doesn't need to exercise!" DUH!!!! He looks great BECAUSE he exercises!! My usual response to people that comment on how I look or how much I exercise is, and keep in mind that I'm a bit of a smart-elleck (sp?), "Thanks. I work my a%$ off, literally!"}(
How about:

Thank you for noticing. I work very hard at it.

Short, simple, polite and to the point, that way if they want to know more, you've quaintly opened a door for them. If they don't, you've let them know that it doesn't come easy, it takes commitment.

Just a thought.
I used to have a problem with accepting or responding to compliments. Eventually I learned that a simple "thank you" is the best response. What is the point of saying anything more?

If the person giving the compliment specifically asks me what I have been doing, I will tell them. However, most people don't want to hear the gory details so I simply say, I workout every day. If they dig further, then I will give them the details.

Thats a good one Ashley.People ask me all the time why I run...I wouldn't look like this if I didn't.I guess alot of people will workout, only until they drop that 10 lbs and then they give it up.
The girls I work with a pretty good though.They are all overweight and they comment on my size.But then they will end it with a "she works hard though",or"Id look like that if I did what she does".I still don't think they understand the magnitude of our workout videos.
I also hate it when they
>say, "so-and-so works out? he looks great already--he doesn't
>need to exercise!" DUH!!!! He looks great BECAUSE he

I agree: that is about the stupidest comment anyone can make! "You don't NEED to exercise: you look good already (or variations like "you're in good shape" or "you look fine the way you are").
Same with "you can eat some (crappy, fat-laden, sugar-loaded junk food)...you don't need to (lose weight, watch what you eat, etc.)" Duh...!

As for the original post: I would go with a simple "thanks, I work at it." Going into more detail sounds kind of arrogant.

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