I just did Ripped to the core for the first time...


And I am really tired. Has anyone else done this workout? I was with Jari on the weight most exercises, a bit below on one and a bit above on two others.
Has anyone else that has mainly done Cathe had good success with this? I have only done pyramids and MM before this and never tried Cathes more endurance type workouts like power hour etc. So I have nothing else to compare too. All I know is it is a different kind of tired, an all over tired instead of just "muscle" tired.


I did this workout the other day and I really liked it. It was exhausting, but I used slightly heavier weight than Jari did. I liked this workout a lot better than her first Get Ripped. The compound exercises are what make you so tired I think.It really shocks the body if that is not the usual way you lift weights. It was challenging and I was tired the next day too. Good luck with it and keep me posted on how you are doing. I have slim and lean too but I haven't done that one yet. }(
I have all 3 of Jari's work outs.

RttC is a great work out. It kicks a$$! I have trouble getting the weight right w/some of the exercises though cause if I go heavy enough to fatigue the legs well then it's too heavy for the upper body and if I am at a good weight for upper then it's too light for lower. That's my own issue that I am trying to figure out.

I LOVE her work outs!

I have been doing them for about a month now and I am seeing more definition and have lost a few pounds! YEAY!}(
I've done this workout twice and it kicked my butt both times. (I do all of Cathe's endurance workouts). Jari is the next best thing to Cathe. I had to go to my knees on the last set of spiders.

It definatley works the core the whole time!
Sorry to hijack this thread but have a question for Wendy. :) Do you like slim and lean best or RTTC? I did RTTC and well I thought it was not that hard so just curious.

I wanna get RTTC sooo bad. You guys make it sound sooo good your making me jealous}( }( :p

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

I'm doing a Jari rotation now - S&L and RTTC only. I like S&L but it seems RTTC gets harder and harder each time I do it! I have a major dread factor going on now with it, especially the Dreaded Spiders. The pushups are not getting easier for me either. I've been trying to use the maximum weight used by a woman (not Jari) for each exercise, but I'm thinking I'll drop down to the weights Jari is using, and maybe do the pushups on my knees like Jari, and see if that makes it easier. Otherwise I'm afraid I'll get burned out. I'm going to do the full 6 weeks of this rotation, but right now my body alternatively feels bigger and more bloated and stiffer, then leaner and more defined and looser. I feel like I"m in a sci fi movie, I never know what body I'll have when I wake up each day lol. I've been doing mostly Cathe for strength training for so long and this is a weird change for me! Anyhow, I totally agree that RTTC is very tiring. I've started saying nasty things to Jari the way I used to do to Cathe sometimes!
>Sorry to hijack this thread but have a question for Wendy. :)
> Do you like slim and lean best or RTTC? I did RTTC and well
>I thought it was not that hard so just curious.

I find RttC to be more difficult but I like S&L better and no, not cause it's easier! LOL

RttC is more difficult for me just because cause I often have to go super heavy on u/b in order to make the l/b work.

I think they are both great work outs though...just gotta make sure you are using a good weight!}(
I just got these two myself and I did RTTC for the first time the other day. Let me just tell you, doing this workout made me truly realize the difference between "strength" and "endurance". I've been concentrating on lifting as heavy as possible to build muscle mass, and I've kind of skimped on more endurance based weighted workouts. Well let me tell ya, my arms were screaming at me after I finished this thing. I felt fatigued in a completely different way than I feel after doing P90X, or one of Cathe's strength oriented workouts.

Those darn step ups with overhead presses...OUCH!!! I didn't think they were ever going to end. And I swear I have no clue how Jari did them with the weight she had...I started with 8's, then had to drop to 5's, and I swear if she had done one more set of them I was going to have to drop weight all together and just lift my arms up and down x( :eek: :D !! My shoulders were on FIRE. I have to say though, I wasn't a huge fan of the side squats with side laterals...maybe because I have zero coordination, which could also explain why the kickbacks while extending and bringing in your opposite leg were also quite challenging in regards to balance and coordination. I thought I was a queen at multi-tasking until I did this video...it takes "multi-tasking" to a whole new level...heehee.

Overall, I really enjoyed the workout, and can't wait to do it again. Hopefully, next time with a little less soreness in my shoulders and hamstrings the next day...YOWZA!!

Thanks for all of your comments. I have been doing cathe strength and cardio for a while now, so I am doing this to shake things up and hopefully lose the "last" five pounds and define. I woke up this morning with doms in the legs! I rarely get that. Hope that is good. Anyway, I am going to do Slim & lean and RTTC in a rotation for about 6 weeks, then do cardio and yoga for a couple weeks and then get Gym styles and go back to Cathe strength for awhile. Of course, I will be doing her wonderful KPC, KM and LM for cardio during the process.
That is so funny about the nasty things you said! I did the exact same thing...(sorry Jari I really didn't mean it)

Well, Jari's workouts are endurance workouts. This means, the hi reps/low-moderate weights. Yes, you will be tired after doing this workout, but keep at it!!! This workout will lean you out, along with her Slim & Lean. These workouts are the best on the market for its price points, excellent workouts.

You can get both of these workouts for around 8 bucks @ www.deepdiscountdvd.com

Also, I do not know what area of the country you live in, but these are also available @ Ross Stores for around 4.99 to 5.99.

And that is a steal.

Hi Paula,

I have done Ripped to the Core 3 times now and each time it
is more challenging. I really love this workout and it is
the compound exercises that make it so hard. I find that
I like to do some light to moderate cardio right after and
then I don't feel as sore or tired from it and I also
do more stretching than the DVD has on it.
I bought Ripped to the Core and Get Ripped from Deepdiscoutsdvd.com. I think for the strength training, Jari is the next best thing to Cathe, and for the price of the DVD's. Well, you just can't go wrong. I also ordered Slim & Lean, but it's on backorder. Hopefully they will be getting it in very soon. Those high reps get me every time. Some people have said her workouts aren't challenging enough, but I don't see how that can be, when you all have to do is increase the weight and make it as challenging as you want it to be.

>You can get both of these workouts for around 8 bucks @
>Also, I do not know what area of the country you live in, but
>these are also available @ Ross Stores for around 4.99 to
>And that is a steal.

Shoot! I just looked and it wasnt there anymore. :(
Can someone tell me if these DVD's are chaptered? I'm not sure that I'll be able to do as many reps as Jari does so I may have to move the exercises along a bit more quickly. ;-) Also, since I'm not really a fan of doing tons of lunges and squats, would the upper body exercises really tone up my shoulders and arms, especially triceps? I've heard a lot about how people really tone up their lower body but I was wondering about the upper body. TIA! :)

OHmygosh, Cindy, my hat is off to you for doing cardio after RTTC. I always head STRAIGHT for the couch afterwards lol...

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