I have pneumonia at 29 weeks


I'm finally starting to feel a little like a human again, so I'd thought I'd share my past 2 weeks with you, knowing you'll understand...

A week ago Monday my Grandpa passed away and, of course, I was upset. I got a terrible headache and just thought it was from being sad. The headache got worse and worse and was unbearable for 5 days. When I phoned my doctor, they urged me to come in and check my blood pressure to check for toxemia & health of the baby (all was fine, thankfully).

By Friday I had a fever and all the symptoms of a bad flu, plus a terrible cough. The cough got worse and I spent the entire weekend in bed coughing and unable to sleep. My doctor made sure I took Tylenol every 4 hours plus cough syrup as fever isn't great for the baby. Neither worked.

On Monday I was back at the doctor and was diagnosed with pneumonia. I was then given Amoxicyllin and again told it was fine for the baby. I didn't feel any better and went for my regular baby check-up on Wednesday and was also prescribed a "puffer" and Tylenol #3 to help with the cough. The dr could still hear the rattling in my lungs.

Apart from feeling absolutely horrid, exhausted, and a little scared for me and the baby, I took (and still am taking) all my meds and am happy to say the cough has subsided enough to get some sleep. I'm going in to have my lungs checked again today. I PRAY they are clear!

In the meantime, I am so thankful for my family and friends that have helped with my 3 kids during this time as I have been on strict bedrest. And every time I feel "Junior" kick and move around, I thank God that he seems fine. Something like this really makes me appreciate good health.

Hope you are all fine.

(due Jan 23/03)
Wow! What a tough couple of weeks. I am really sorry to hear your grandpa died. I like to think he lead a long fulfilling life and was at peace with the idea of death. Seems some people are. I hope your kids took it ok, too. I wonder if the stress of his death lowered your immune system such that you got sick. At any rate, it sounds like you are much better and "junior" is ok too. Sometimes it does take adversity to make us mroe acutely aware of how good we have it. Continue to take care of yourself and the little one!
Thanks Gina

My Grandpa's death wasn't totally unexpected - he was 93 and had Alzheimer's, but his body was very strong and we expected him to last quite a long time. But in his last week, his body started to shut down, so we were somewhat prepared. He lived about an 8 hour drive from us and my kids got to know him the past 2 summers when we were able to visit them. I am grateful for that. We all believe he is happier now, as he was so full of fun and life, these past few years with Alzheimer's were tough on him.

I'm still under orders to rest as much as possible, but the doctor says it looks like my lungs are starting to open up again. I go again Wednesday for another check.

I guess the hardest part has been going from being so healthy and active, doing Cathe several times a week, to being totally incapacitated, just like that. It truly makes you realize how important our health is.

I miss my workouts but will concentrate on getting healthy, then jump back in with gusto!

Thanks again for your kind thoughts.

RE: Thanks Gina

Hope you are continuing to get better physically and get over your grandpas death. --Gina
RE: Thanks Gina

Hi Gina,

Thanks for thinking of me. I had great news from my doctor on Wednesday - my lungs are clear! I still have to take it easy until I see my doctor again next Wednesday, but I am so grateful to be well on the road to recovery. I hope to resume working out after that.

We will all really miss my Grandpa, but know that he wouldn't have been happy had he known what the Alzheimer's had done to him these last few years. I feel sad for my Dad for losing his Dad, although he knows it was for the best also.

Thanks again and take care.


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