I have only done the Low Impact premix of KM


and I am wondering from you more experienced KM users, how much more can I expect if I try to do the kickbox/bootcamp challenge premix. Will it be a night a day difference or just a little more challenging?
IMO, the Bootcamp Challenge premix of KM is the hardest version of it, because you warm up, then go straight into the blast. It's the only way I ever do KM. I would say you're going to notice a HUGE difference if you've only ever done the low impact premix. If you've never done the KM blast before, you're going to probably be in a heap on the floor after the first time:p
Hey Shelly:
Since my back is feeling much stronger I feel I can go a little further than the low impact premix. Shall I do the dvd "as is" first? I was looking for a premix that was a little more intense than the low impact but still less time consuming than the full workout. If you say The bootcamp challenge premix is that difficult I may not try to do it tomorrow first thing in the a.m.!
The low-impact premix is the combos and the standing leg drills, right? I think the Bootcamp Challenge is the blast section followed by the combos.

BIG Difference!

The blasts are killer impact and killer cardio. Unfortunately, they are all on one chapter and can't be shortened unless you do what you can and push pause or chapter forward.

I no longer have the DVD to be able to advise you which premix would be less challenging. I can only warn you about what I remember of the blasts!

allwildgirl is right -- the bootcamp challenge includes the blast which is extremely difficult. I think you should try it and just either modify or do what you can then skip through the remainder of the blast. The blast is very hard for me. I cannot do it all yet -- but hopefully I will some day.

Hi there,

When I first got KM and did the blasts I HATED them (because I totally couldn't do them without getting angry and disappointed in myself ;) ). I didn't like the blasts enough that I would always choose to do KPC.

Then some nice people on the forum suggested I decide to try to do only 2 or 3 blasts.

I was reluctant at first, but now I LOVE the KM blasts. I still don't do them all, but I'm working my way through them without the dread I used to hold.

So if you're thinking to try out the blasts, you might decide for yourself how many you will do and just do that set. Each time you do the KM blasts, you might choose to do the following two, or add on one more. At least I've found that doing them this way makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something rather than turning the workout off early feeling like I need a ton of work :) .

Have fun!
I agree with August. Do the combo's, then follow that with 1 or 2 of the blasts. Then go on to the drills. You can always add blasts as you are ready. Just go SLOWLY and preview the blasts before you do them. I personally really enjoy the blasts, and look forward to MOST of them. Not the explosive lunges, though... Owwwiieee!!
The blast are tough. I would try doing maybe one blast at a time and go as far as I could then advance forward. This will help you do a much higher impact workout.
Diane Sue
What are the premixes on Kick Max? What do they consist of? I can't tell by the titles what they are exactly. I just typically do the whole workout, though sometimes minus the leg conditioning drills. I am happy to report that today, for the first time, I made it all the way through the Blast segment. I was so proud of myself. :)
I have some of them written down:

Low impact kickbox-w/u, low impact,leg drills, str
Low impact timesaver-?
Kick box bootcamp challenge-w/u, blasts, low impact drills 2,3,4, str
Cardio leg sculpt-w/u, blasts, leg drills, str

Diane Sue
>I have some of them written down:
>Low impact kickbox-w/u, low impact,leg drills, str
>Low impact timesaver-?
>Kick box bootcamp challenge-w/u, blasts, low impact drills
>2,3,4, str
>Cardio leg sculpt-w/u, blasts, leg drills, str
>Diane Sue

Thanks so much! :)

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