I guess I'll buy a BTR (finally)


Alright, I can't stand lower body. I find every excuse to skip it, you know like "my toe nails are wet and my shoes will ruin my polish." I just dread it. I need a bun and thigh rocker. Where do I find one? I'm a little leery of ebay. I thought I might try the ya-ya swap. Any other suggestions?
I have a BTR (I got it a several months ago) and I hardly have used it. It is kind of hard on my knees. Also, I get bored quickly on it so I don't stay on it for very long. I'm ready to get rid of it. Maybe, I just haven't found a good way to work it into my work outs.

Has anyone seen the "Bun and Thigh Roller"? There's a new infomercial about it on TV. Basically the same motion as the BTR, but no "bottom" to it. The man who developed it is a professional body builder, and he got his inspiration from stability ball work. That made me think that maybe the stability ball can be used in a similar way. I got out my ball and some dumbbells, propped myself up against the ball and put the dumbbells on my upper thighs and began to rock. Seems to work just like the BTR and the BTR (rocker and roller!). Of course, there is a much lower limit to how much extra resistance you can add (I wouldn't want to hold 30 pound dumbbells on my upper thigh!).
Hi Dawn,
I think I might hang on to it for a little while longer. I did get mine off of Ebay for about $40.00. You should look into that. Also, I've seen some at garage sales.

Hi Joanne,
I should look at garage sales. Now is certainly the time for them.

I know what you mean about keeping it, you would hate regretting the decision x( . I wonder how much I would use it. I'm just so sick of that barbell on my back.

I don't know what I think. Ugh!
Try Ebay. I have bought a lot and had great luck. You have to look at the ratings and read well. Good luck. I actually love the lower body workouts and have seen a definite change in legs, butt and thighs. You might want to try an eaiser lower body workout like the Firm's Lower Body Sculpt one or two. Good luck!!
Unfortunately, it's not the toughness of the workout, it's my laziness about getting started. I've actually done LL after PH. (I'm into pain}( ) I just have to work so hard for legs. Whine, whine, whine:7
I got one off ebay and it arrived in five days. I do like it. If it bothers your knees, you may need to adjust the length somewhat. I like mine a lot. When I first got it, I was determined to use it for six weeks to see what happened. It was sheer will power that got me through those six weeks, but I did see results. That really helped my motivation.

When I went back to using a barbell, my legs had gained a lot of strength. It's easier on the BTR because you don't have to hoist the weight over your head.
Just wondered if you have seen the informorcial for the Bun and Thigh Max ? www.bunandthighmax.com .... looks pretty cool, but I don't know anything about them or there pricing, I really don't know whats a good deal there. ........ Rhonda :7

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