I can't get motivated


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I am a former exercise fanatic. I exercised 6 days a week for about 20 years. (I am 42 years old.) I have been a HUGE fan of everthing Cathe had to offer. Sixteen months ago, I just quit exercising. I had absolutely no interest in doing anything physical. I just got sick of it all even though I was (and am) healthy. I used to get remotivated by buying new tapes when I felt a little burned out. However, I have twelve Cathe tapes in my workout room that have never been opened. I look at those unopened packages and feel great guilt for not having the will to do them. Has anyone ever been through this? How do I get back on track, both physically and psychologically? I would really appreciate any thoughts. I getting pretty depressed and need support.
Maybe you need a change: a new exercise outfit (that sometimes motivates me), a new workout (have you tried anyone besides Cathe? Sometimes just changing things up can help. Amd don't worry about them not being as intense. Less intense is better than no exercise! Maybe shorter workouts), a new activity (kickboxing, spinning, walking, rebounding). Create rituals: I keep a workout log (just a small spiral notebook) where I write down my workouts, and one of my pre-workout rituals is to write down the exercises I'm going to be doing (for weight work) and the weights I'll be using. FOr cardio, I write down the workout and the step height, for example. During (weights) or after (cardio) the workout, I'll write notes on how the workout felt, if I should go up or down in weight, etc. Usually, those notes are almost completely illegible, even to me, but somehow it still keeps me motivated. Another ritual is putting on my workout wear for the workout I plan right when I get home from work, then having a small snack and watching a 30 mn. TV show, then working out at my scheduled time.

What usually gets me back on track when I falter (ie: when I haven't been working out consistently for months: the last time this happened was about 4 years ago, and I hope it doesn't happen again) is feeling disgusted with the way I look (lumpy, loose) and feel (dumpy, frumpy and matronly). But we each have to find our own motivations.

Promise me this right now: you will work out 3 times (a minimum) this coming week. You can do more, but I expect 3 workouts from you! Now go and find the workouts you want to do, the clothes you'll wear, buy a notebook to keep track of workouts (I hate seeing "OFF" too many days in a row!) and be ready to rock!

I've been really unmotivated as far as eating and exercise for a few weeks. This tends to happen to me every once in a while, and I hate it. I also have some Cathe DVDs that I've never done, and whenever I see them, I feel guilty.

A few days ago, a healthy eating check in was started, and that has helped me a bit. I think I am also going to start checking in at the daily workout check in as well.

Many days I wake up and just don't feel like doing anything, and I know that not eating right and not exercising just makes me feel worse. I've exercised on and off for many many years, but I never stick with anything longer than 6 months or so. For me, the change finally occurs when I get fed up with feeling bad, and feeling bad for myself.

I definitely encourage you to check in on any of the daily threads. Kathryn asked you to promise her to exercise at least 3 times next week. Since you and I are both feeling down, let's both make her a promise, and promise ourselves that we will. Kathryn is awesome and always posts so many motivating and informational things- we owe it to her lol! And you know we owe it to ourselves!

I've been going through the same extact thing for over 2 1/2 years.I was getting up at 3:15 every morning.Working out 6 days a week.I was doing great during my "cleanse".I was at a increasing my weights to the highest weight i've reached.I got a phone call one night.And that was the end of it.My parents seperated after 37 years.It totally devasted me.It's been a rocky 2 1/2 years.I've gone through alot of emotional stress.These past six months have been even tougher.My DF has been sick for four months.I feel like i'm going to have a melt down.I'm up one week,down the next week.I'm all or nothing.It's been more of nothing lately.I know that I must workout to feel better.I'm only hurting myself when I don't workout or eat "clean".Emotions can really destroy you.I'm trying so hard to get that spark back.But,that demon keeps pulling me down.Sometimes i wish we could take a break from life and just regroup.

I put myself in this rut and I'm the only one that can get myself out of the rut.So,I'll join you with making a commitment to get back to working out.
Thank you Kathyrn for setting an expectation for 3 times next week. Since I seemingly cannot be accountable to myself, maybe I will be motivated to be accountable to someone else for awhile. Thank you for reminding me that I don't have to kill myself everytime I workout. I would push myself so hard during each and every workout. You made mention of adding variety to my workouts. Admittedly, I favored Cathe but I was also heavy into kick-boxing, cycling, and running (about 7 miles at a time). Oh...yeah, I have two workout logs that are still unopened and have bought many new workout clothes. These tactics have not worked during my slump (like they had in the past). However, my B-day is coming up and I asked my husband today for a new DVD player for the workout room. He went out and bought me one right away. (Needless to say that I didn't tell him that I ordered 11 more DVDs. He'd Flip! I already have well over 100 video tapes which obviously I don't use). Be thinking about me, OK? Susan
I have been in this same slump. I have not worked out for 2 weeks, and have ate all the wrong things. I ordered P90X and looked the best I had in years, then I slumped. I can already see a difference in my body, and it is not a good difference. I am starting a walking program today. I work out in my basement, and it is so dreary, and the high intensity cardio really bothers my shoulders and neck, that I do not enjoy working out anymore. Hopefully, by walking, and getting fresh air, and walking with someone, I can get a new perspective on excercise. I will still do a LB, UB, and one total body every week. I mapped out a 4 mile walk yesterday with 4 good, slow, steep hills. I just have to make excercise enjoyable again. Good Luck to us all.
Too bad we couldn't all work out together and help motivate each other! I feel the same way as you all alot of the time....
>Too bad we couldn't all work out together and help motivate
>each other! I feel the same way as you all alot of the
You guys should start a check-in! Call it the "Remotivators" check in!

I've found that doing a challenge or participating in a check-in at videofitness (I'm currently doing the P90X check-in and the 2004 workout challenge--the latter of which has us choose how many days we plan to workout, or how many workouts we plan to do, in 2004). Some other check-ins/challenges I've participated in: "Every day in..." (I did November 2002 and May 2003) and "Virgin/Dustbunny" challenge (I had so many unused or seldom-used workouts that I started this challenge to motivate me to do them! Each participant decided what her goal was--one V/DB per week? 3 per week?--and did the check-in accordingly.

Personally, I find that more frequent check-ins help much more than monthly check-ins. I liked to check-in daily at the "Every day in..." challenges, and do so for the P90X check-in as well.
Kathryn, I want to say thank you myself for a very uplifting motivation talk. I think you worded it perfectly.
I do cathe's tape most of the time, but when I am thinking I don't want o exercise I do an advanced taebo work out, I love taebo and kickboxing, sometimes we need do just do a different work out, I even love the Christi talor tapes I have and one of Janis Saffell, I think Cathe is number one in my book, but the best thing for me to keep going strong at 48 (WELL NOT UNTIL TOMORROW LOL) IS VARIETY VARIETY VARIETY AND SOME DAYS I WILL DO A LIGHTER WORK OUT. I AM ABSOLUTELY LOVING MY WORK OUTS BY ADDING ON A WINSOR PILATES TAPE TO THE END OF A CARDIO OR WEIGHT TAPE, I JUST WANTED TO SHARE.


There are so many nice people on this sight I enjoy all your posts thank you.:) :) :D

I think another thing I do wrong, is I have to follow rotations becasue I think it is the thing to do. It puts unneeded pressure on me. I HAVE to do this today, I HAVE to do that....I did walk 4 miles today with my mom. It wasn't as fast as I wanted, so I am going to do a workout tape to add on. My mom is 61, but we had a GREAT time. I am going to do a Firm, or Cathe's new high step tape, the easier one, which I have never done. I am going to srat doing what I feel like, not what I have to do, and maybe I will enjoy excercise more. Even if it is a Firm, somedays, those are enjoyable!!!!!!
It is so hard to find the words to motivate someone, because most of us have been in that situation and we know that it is SO hard to get a new mind-set, and re-commit to fitness. It's like you know that mindset is out there somewhere---floating aorund---you had it once---and if you could just get hold of it and reel it back into your life and your psyche---you'd be all set! ;-) And yet that former mindset that felt so natural and every-day to you at one time, just stays at arms-length like it's in a parellel universe or something.

I was in the best shape of my life about 6 years ago (at 43 years of age)---had lost 53# and got tight and toned and was 6 sizes smaller than the post childbirth me that had beem walking around for a few years. I looke dand felt great. Then one day I siad---'Ya know? I am just tired of trying to taxi kids around to all their activities and sports and go to all the school meetings and cook and clean and........ and try to fit in this HARD, time-consuming exercise every ________day!' It was a combo (in my case) of not having enough self-esteem and self-love to set aside something for ME everyday, and also being just plain exhausted and (for me) self pitying. I think everyone starts or quits for their own reasons.

Now, my youngest son just turned 18 :)7 ) and will go off to college in the fall. I look at DH and realize that HE is in much worse condition physssically than I am even, and if we both don't get it turned around, we will never make it to retirement and have all the fun we've always planned on--trips, etc. His Blood sugar is borderline and his BP is out of this world! He is a walking wreck.

So--it is about health for us. Getting alot of weight off and getting fit again--feeling good again the way we did a few years back. Thinking about the idea of having grandchildren in a few years and not being able to do anything with them. Stuff like that. I also wouldn't mind turning 50 this year being the fittest and best looking I can be. ;-)

It feels so rotten not being fit! PLEASE don't let it go as long as I did. It is SO hard getting back to it--starting with HALF the weights you could lift before, having to turn off Imax 2 about 4 times just to finish it..........

I guess you'll have to find your reasons, but if you someday want to be able to play soccer with your grandkids......run up the stairs 3 at a time when you are 65......Look great in clothes (or out)......Watch your strength and confidence begin to soar again......Now, THAT'S what I'M talkin about!!!!

Good luck!

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