<-----I believe I can fly

<---thanks Tig for moving this back up where it belongs
<---is giving it another boost
<---actually has a hefty little project to do today but doesn't want to get started
<---needs to finish it before the end of the day
<---okay, okay, I'm going
<---pauses.... wonders if we can break 100 posts again today }(
<---had so much fun yesterday.... went home, thinking in <---speak. It was pitiful.
<--- laughs at Shannon's "<--- speak" comment
<--- thinks it will be fine for Wendy to lift some weights
<--- tells Tammy UR and BU are great choices!!!! but oh so different!
<--- is glad Shelly ran with out any hip problems
<--- had Likes2bfit's best run ever, 6 miles and felt great
<--- is now icing prophylactically and drinking a smoothie

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Success is acheived by early preparation


<---crawls in and does not believe <---will fly today
<---has been up since wee wee hours as youngest DS who does not move too swiftly has been bowing to the porcelin god (when he is able to reach it in time;( )
<---will also not walk today due to GS legs yesterday
<---fears a trend for the weekend as when virus hits the DSs drop within 24 hours of one another
<---make fake a drop herself
<---says oh, Robin, want some company in the crappy mood zone
<---says oops, waves a :) (fake) to all ^^^ and vvv
<---extends a big warm {{{{{hug}}}}} to Melody
<---sincerely hopes the bug decides to fly right on past her
<---really hopes it vacates the premises quickly and leaves DS alone!
<---dearly loves Melody's chocolate Easter bunny cartoon
<---says that's EXACTLY how <--- felt yesterday!
<--waves good mornin' to all fellow Catheites
<--is sooo sorry that Melody's DS has been taken over by evil bug and puts up protective shields around other DSs so won't succumb as well!
<--is glad to hear Melody enjoyed GS legs }(
<--wishes <-- could cheer up Robin today :)
<--can tell her that in 8 hours <--'s house will be crammed to the brim with 8 year old girls that are already in a tizzy because of who gets to sit by who on the bus to the zoo field trip today :eek:
<--'s DH has NEVER even tasted alcohol, but told <-- to pick up a bottle of somethin' strong for tonight :eek:
<--is glad that Tig is doing better and hates how long *%&*^% coughs ca last after the fact x(
<--waves hi to Judy and Tammy and wishes them a happy day!
<--wonders what UR stands for?
<--is envious of Shannon's chocolate chip cookies--so worth the calories!
<--has NO plans for Easter and is kinda sad 'bout it :(
<--is off to fill many plastic eggs with evil jelly beans for egg hunt tonight :eek:
<--KNOWS that jelly beans are the result of a brainstorm between the devil and dentists as <-- can NOT stop eating them and has only one cavity and was directly related to uncontrollable consumption of Starburst tropical jelly beans
<-- I believe I can touch the sky...
<-- thanking fit mom for now getting this song stuck in the head
<-- wants to say good morning/afternoon to everyone in Catheland
<-- want big cookie..
<-- I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky....uhhh
<-- don't remember all the words to this song...
<-- tells everyone to never watch the end of Terms of Endearment first thing in morning..never a good idea...oh the tears....
<-- song still stuck in head....
<-- if off for shower time now
<-- wishes everyone in Cathe land a good day!
<---is sitting on her throne
<---is waiting for the jester to come in and cheer her and Melody up
<---or perhaps a dashing knight to slay the dragon
<---or annoying co-worker, maybe?
<---yells "Off with his head!"
<---adds, only one cookie Shelley
<---ok, one for you, one for me, one for Michele, one for Melody, one for Tigger, one for Debbie, one for Kara , one for Tammy, one for Judy, one for Shannon etc, etc, etc
<---waves to Kara and Marleysmom
<---hands marleysmom a tissue
<---tells Kara <---purchased plastic Easter eggs that are green camouflage(sp?) pattern and after filling them with evil jelly beans and such will hide them in the woods and LMHO while DSs attempt to find them
<---also thinks the strong stuff is the solution for tonight's "fun"
<---edits to tell Robin <---can eat her own cookie, thank you:p
<---also adds DS seems to have finished tossing his cookies
<---found this pic which seems to adequately portray <--- and Robin today http://bestsmileys.com/blobs/3.gif
<-- says Ack! forgot to say happy cookie day to Shelley and warns her to stay away from girl scout cookies as <-- has it in confidence that those little girls inject awful addictive concoctions in those cookies, so don't even go there!
<--wonder where in the heck Melody found camouflage eggs?
<--dons cape, flies into Robin's lab, hacks evil co-workers head off with machete, and disappears
<--tells CSI to solve that one baby
<--sits back with bag o' jelly beans and says "all in a days work, ladies"
<---is doing a quick drive by because she shouldn't be here at all
<---has only briefly scanned the <---thread so is not totaly sure of what's going on
<---is also in a pi$$y mood and it involves DH's fam damily...just don't get her started, okay!?
<---*big inhale*... is glad TiG is feeling better, is sorry Melody's DS in sick, is glad Shelley's hip held out for a run, will volunteer to use Robin's evil co-worker for target practice, thinks Shannon should have brought cookies for the rest of us, would rather be dipped in honey and strapped to an ant hill than be at Kara's house tonight, is happy to see Tammy, is happy to see Jana, is glad Ame had a nice run with her mom, is glad Nancy enjoyed the seder and that she is feeling better, thinks Melody is a tyrant for putting treats in camoflauged eggs
<---hopes she didn't miss anyone
<---wonders how Melody get's her smilies to show up
<---downloaded smiley central but when she tries to paste a smilie, the only thing that shoes up is, oh, I don't know what you call it, it's just print with the tags and web adress (see below)
<---has to run <---has so much to do she doesn't know where to start
<---*giant exhale*
<---almost forgot Judy...hi Judy!

<--- runs into thread, dispensing cookies to all she sees!
<--- says here's a cookie for Tig, and Tammy and Melody and Judy and Robin and Kara and Marleysmom and Shannon and Bunbun
<--- hopes she didn't miss anyone
<--- is in a frenzy this morning
<--- has, so far, walked the dog, run 4 miles, done biceps, showered, put the dishwasher on, walked the dog, made brownies, tidied up the disaster that is her house
<--- is on her way to clean bathrooms, put away laundry and vacuum
<--- forgot to mention that she scrubbed her kitchen sinks Flylady styles:)
<--- runs out of thread, leaving a trail of cookie crumbs
<---says waaaaaaah because Shelley didn't give her a cookie
<---says if she does not back away from the 'puter she is never going to get everything done
<---wonders if Shelley's family tree burning ritual involves toasting marshmallows?
<---really really says bye now

<--- apologes profusely to Michele but started her post and then forgot about it and then....
<--- gives Michele a whole tray of cookies:)
<---sniffles and wipes her tears and says with a wimper.."thanks Shell"
<---is now going to hide with her tray of cookies and may never come out
<---tells Shell to relax already! because she DESERVES the down time!
<---has not done anything Fly Lady style
<---has to go but is so drawn to her friends here
<---would rather "be" with you guys today, but alas, she must go
<---is glad she gave Kara a good laugh
<---just realized Bunbun stopped by---hi Bunbun!


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