<-----I believe I can fly

<--says we are OVER 200! WOO!:7

<--says toss me a beer please, thanks!:9

<--guesses Nancy went to bed as she needs to have all the energy she can muster to go to battle against the one and only TIGGER!!!:p
<---tosses a Michelob to TiG...boink...
<---apologizes for the beer to the head, TiG
<---doesn't aim so well when friggin sleepy
<--tells Melody thanks for the beer and go to bed girl!:)
<--is done eating potato chips and is going to throw up now!x(
<---is still kinda stuck back at the potato chips postx(
<---has to find healthy alternative...wonders what kind of chocolate candy is in Easter stash that crunches
<--remembers those days, Tammy.
<--never left to go out THIS late though! Would be sleeping before it was time to leave! LOL
<--used to go out around 9:30 if <--was going to hit the bar/club scene. FUN! }(
<---really will attempt the sleep fantasy now
<---it's been a blast
<---asks where has <---heard that phrase
<---nite night

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