I’m scarrrrrrrrrrrrrred of my kettlebells!


The first day I used my kettlebells and did the AOS Providence workout I broke the middle finger on my Lt hand (crushed it really). It has healed (little stiff) and I am ready to try again. I went to my workout room and could only look at them. I was too afraid to pick them back up. I want to use them so badly! How can I get past this???

I can understand how you feel. Ouch! I started out just recently watching the Minute of Strength clips on Anthony's AOS web site. I'm just now getting the snatch down! It takes practice and sometimes pain (callouses, forearm bruises). I'd suggest just practicing single moves before you go into a whole routine, but that's just me.

I think Providence is known for not much introduction and that might not be the best to start with if totally brand new. Also don't use too heavy of a bell. I have a history of carpal tunnel, so I started out with the AOS clinic DVDs, where each move is covered and safety is stressed.

I also put my kettlebells in the living room and pick them up now and then when I have a minute or two for swings, etc. I have heavier bells but will absolutely not move up until I can safely handle my smallest bell. Please be careful and don't give up!

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The first day I used my kettlebells and did the AOS Providence workout I broke the middle finger on my Lt hand (crushed it really). It has healed (little stiff) and I am ready to try again. I went to my workout room and could only look at them. I was too afraid to pick them back up. I want to use them so badly! How can I get past this???


Oh Abbygail!! How did you do it? My suggestion would be to maybe do 1 round at a time and ease back into it VERY carefully.
Ouch!!! I'm also curious how you broke your finger.

If you're feeling a little gun shy, then I would start with just doing two handed swings. It's the most basic move, but foundational and can be a great workout on it's own.

Then when you're comfortable, work into one-handed swings, alternating swings, high pulls...you get the idea. Also, I don't know how far you got into Providence, but there are rounds that don't really do a lot of moving the KB around, like the racked squats/sumo squats and one-legged deadlifts.

You can get back on that horse! (as long as your finger is healed) :)

Good luck!
I second the idea of trying the AOS Clinic dvds. Also, Iron Core (Sarah Lurie) has a couple of dvds out that are really basic and she breaks down the moves pretty well. I'm so sorry that happened to you!
If you really are scared, don't try to do a workout with them at first. Just pick them up and hold them once in a while, bring them into your living room, get used to seeing them and holding them. After you are more comfortable, try a beginner workout first.
How about trying to find a local instructor to teach you proper form? I just went to a snatch clinic last weekend to learn proper snatch technique, and once you know the proper way to do it, it's so much easier, and.... I was amazed at how many times the instructor pointed out ways we could hurt ourselves, including breaking a thumb on a plain swing. Keep your thumbs tucked in!

Thanks for all of your suggestions. When I do pick up my kettlebells again I will for sure take your advice.

I was doing the basic swing and switching hands (I am not sure what this move is called). It was all going fine but I tossed it too high and instead of letting it fall to the floor my first automatic reaction was to catch it. I also thought my Lt hand was flat (I had planned on grabbing the handle with my Rt hand) but apparently my middle finger was straight up; the entire weight of the kettlebell came down directly on my finger. I cannot tell you how bad that hurt! What hurt even more was that it put such a constraint on my workouts.

I plan on checking out the other videos you suggested too.

Beth, where did you find such an instructor in your area? I would love to go to such a clinic.


Hang in there! I agree with everyone else. My sister clocked herself in the head with a kettlebell and she is fine. The first thing we learned when I took a kettlebell class was to drop the bell if it got out of control.

To find RKC instructors go to www.dragondoor.com/rkc

Also, Lisa Shaffer has some great instructional dvds and books.

Good Luck,
I purchased my kettlebells and several AOS (including clinic) dvds several months ago and I'm just now getting around to trying them out.:eek:
I'm in the first recovery week of STS and have been doing swings only to build up my confidence.
Anyway, my glutes, hamstrings, and inner thighs are very sore. Is that normal? I've done swings 3 days in a row, so I'm taking a rest today.
I purchased my kettlebells and several AOS (including clinic) dvds several months ago and I'm just now getting around to trying them out.:eek:
I'm in the first recovery week of STS and have been doing swings only to build up my confidence.
Anyway, my glutes, hamstrings, and inner thighs are very sore. Is that normal? I've done swings 3 days in a row, so I'm taking a rest today.

Hi Cynthia - Yes, soreness in those areas is normal, and since so much of the swing involves a hip snap, it sounds like you're using good form. Someone correct me if I'm off on that.
Sorry to delay in posting -- I see someone pointed you to the Dragon Door site for finding an instructor -- I think that's how I found mine, too.

And yes, Cynthia, as confirmed, the kbells will make your glutes and hamstrings sore even when you think Cathe has done all she can to them! :) I am on my recovery week between meso 1 and 2 and thought that I'd be busily practicing my snatches, but so far I've mostly wanted to recover. ;) So hard to fit in everything!!

Thanks Gayle, Jan, Beth!

It's amazing....I just finished 8 weeks of Cathe's STS legs with bonus plyo leg day every week and I'm so sore from kettlebells:eek:
I just got home from shopping at Target today and I felt like I was walking in slow motion because I'm so sore! No swings today!!!
OMG, I read Lioness does something like 200 swings a day:eek::eek: Something to work up to for sure! My hope is by next summer my glutes will be so tight you can bounce a quarter off them:D
Thanks for the dragon door link. The closest kettlebell class is 50 minutes away from me. I would however drive that far if they had a clinic. But not for one class. So I will keep my eye open for a clinic. Maybe soon there will be some kettlebell training closer to me. It is an awesome workout. If I just keep my fingers where they should be :). But I guess I made out better than your sister. I think I would rather have my finger crushed than hit my head. If she can get back into it after doing that then I have nothing to complain about.

I too think I will take the suggestion of just doing swings for a while. Till I get my courage back.


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