How to get bigger legs?


Active Member
I was hoping you could give me a sample routine on getting my lower body bigger in order to be more proportioned. My body shape has me gaining weight in my torso and abdomen, but my hips and legs are too skinny. I have read that weights can change body shape if you follow the appropriate routine. Something that might improve my shoulder to hip ratio? I find my shoulders respond too well but my lower body stays ridiculously skinny.
Hi PinkPuffer!

Im not Cathe but I am currently looking to do the same thing. The perfect routine will obviously always depend on your genertics (whether you build easily in certain areas or not) and what body type you have (meso/endo/ecto)..

For me, I started with the 4DS legs for two weeks to introduce myself into a regular, heavy weight routine.

I have been doing the GS legs for the past two weeks now, but I rearrange the workouts completely to suit my needs and to target the areas I want most... so I guess I don't really follow that routine then hehe..

But I would suggest trying something moderate if you haven't been doing regular leg work for a couple weeks, then I would go into the GS legs. Start the first two or three workouts with moderate to heavy weight and follow the reps Cathe uses, then increase the weight a little more and shave off a couple reps at the end.

This is just my personal recommendation, if you want larger legs you most likely have to use heavier weights and do the "real" mass building exercises: squats, lunges, deadlifts & plies. I used to just do floor work and now I rarely bother-- I just do the big stuff.

Make sure you warmup before and stretch good afterwards or you won't be able to sit on the toilet without helping yourself down lol..

I would do this routine 2 or 3 times per week, rest at least two days btw.
Good luck (to the both of us!) on our journey for stronger legs!
>This is just my personal recommendation, if you want larger
>legs you most likely have to use heavier weights and do the
>"real" mass building exercises: squats, lunges, deadlifts &
>plies. I used to just do floor work and now I rarely bother--
>I just do the big stuff.

I so agree with this. I have a dedicated squat machine with plate weight, but what adds the second dimension are Slow & Heavy and Pyramids. I'm going to purchase the gym styles pretty soon to keep things fresh.
Thanks so much for the recommendations. I have been running out of ideas since all I've had to work with is Slow and Heavy and as much as it's an amazing series, variety would be nice.

Trust me, if the rest of me was skinny then skinny legs wouldn't be such a problem. You do not want this problem.:9
Thanks so much for the recommendations. I have been running out of ideas since all I've had to work with is Slow and Heavy and as much as it's an amazing series, variety would be nice.

Trust me, if the rest of me was skinny then skinny legs wouldn't be such a problem. You do not want this problem.:9
> Thanks so much for the recommendations. I have been running
>out of ideas since all I've had to work with is Slow and Heavy
>and as much as it's an amazing series, variety would be nice.

My first dvd was Pyramid Upper & Lower. Pyramid Lower really defined my legs, especially my calves. I got Legs & Glutes a few weeks ago...woohoo! Between Slow & Heavy and these two I am very happy with the results.
> Thanks so much for the recommendations. I have been running
>out of ideas since all I've had to work with is Slow and Heavy
>and as much as it's an amazing series, variety would be nice.

My first dvd was Pyramid Upper & Lower. Pyramid Lower really defined my legs, especially my calves. I got Legs & Glutes a few weeks ago...woohoo! Between Slow & Heavy and these two I am very happy with the results.

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