How often should I use the STS program?



Sorry if this has already been addressed. I have pre-ordered the STS program, and I was wondering how often I can use it? For example, when I finish one complete cycle of STS, is it safe to use it again right away? Are there any suggestions as to how to incorporate this program along with other Cathe workouts? Obviously, I was thinking I would probably do one cycle of STS, then do my other Cathe workouts, using STS periodically throughout the year.

I don't know if it was in a Forum Post or on something else Cathe wrote, but she said that it would be good to do STS two or three times a year. I don't remember if she said how long of breaks to take in between, but I would think at least a month.
Thanks Renee,

Two or Three times a year sounds like good sense. I am sure this will be an intense program! Would not be a good idea to use it too often.


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