How Often Do you Use Coremax?


I am just wondering how often some of you use your Coremax DVD when it seems as if Cathe has so many great ab routines tacked onto the end of many of her workouts?

Do you find this DVD to be a must have for your abs or do you find that the other ab w/o's suffice?

Thanks for your input!! :D
I use it once every week or two. The ab sections at the end of Cathe's workouts just don't cut it for me--in fact I also have Ab Hits & rarely (if ever!) use it. I much prefer ab workouts with some kind of weight or resistance training.

I work abs twice a week (on occasion 3X if I can fit it in). I have one weighted ab routine I do at the gym, & then typically I'll do 2 sections of CM on a different day (sometimes I'll do another DVD like Ab Ripper X if I'm short on time). I always do sec. 3 of CM first b/c I want to do the weighted part while I'm still fresh, before I burn out my abs w/sec. 1 or 2.
Thanks Laura for your input on this! I really wasn't sure if I should purchase the DVD or not because I wondered if there was enough variety from her other ab workouts.

I think I may have to go ahead and take the plunge and order yet ANOTHER DVD!!!

I feel like I have been on a workout-acquisition frenzy lately!!}(
OMG you must get it! CM is a fabulous ab workout--even the floor section (part 1) gives me DOMS. I love that DVD! :)
I got rid of mine fairly quickly.
I actually prefer many of the ab workouts that are at the end of her workouts better, or core workouts by other instructors.
>I got rid of mine fairly quickly.
>I actually prefer many of the ab workouts that are at the end
>of her workouts better, or core workouts by other


What are some of the other core workouts that you have found effective?
I do Core Max sometimes with my yoga workout, once a week. Usually this is during a workout with no cardio or weights... and on a Friday when I'm most tired.
Every week. Each segment is around 20 min. There are 3 workouts on the dvd, plus 3 premixes. I love seg. 2 with the stability ball. I also really like seg. 3 with the weighted ball.

>What are some of the other core workouts that you have found

FitnessFix ( has some really good ones, as well as a lot of core work in all the workouts.

Karen Voight does good core work on many of her workouts.

I'll have to think about some others, because I mostly use the core work that comes at the end of workouts.
I never use this workout. I would love to but for some reason I just can't make myself do abs for 20 min after my workouts. I think that it has some good moves in it though, but it just isn't for me.

That's understandable, I feel that way a lot myself. Before Drill Max came out & hooked me on circuit, I had one day a week dedicated only to core. So I'd do a kickboxing workout & then CM right after if it was on the weekend, or kickbox in the morning & CM at night if it was a weekday.

Karin, try just doing it on an off day. It really is a fun & very effective ab routine.
I just did Coremax 3 last night, I had not done it in almost a year. It really worked my core hard! I am pretty sore today. I will have to start doing that one on a regular basis again.

I use it but not regularly. I train my abs 2x a week but practice yoga daily so my abs get worked out daily.

I love ab training, especially Cathe. I just kind of pick a workout for the day. Sometimes its Coremax and other times something else.
>That's understandable, I feel that way a lot myself. Before
>Drill Max came out & hooked me on circuit, I had one day a
>week dedicated only to core. So I'd do a kickboxing workout &
>then CM right after if it was on the weekend, or kickbox in
>the morning & CM at night if it was a weekday.
>Karin, try just doing it on an off day. It really is a fun &
>very effective ab routine.

Lauramax, okay you have convinced me to give it a try. Now, which routine would you recommend I do first?

Oh, do sec. 3 first! It's the toughest & IMO also the most fun. Actually all 3 are fun & give you a burn in a different way. But sec. 3 is my favorite! :)

Let us know what you think...........
I like #3 and also the tough core premix. I took a break from CoreMax while doing P90X (and Ab ripper 3X a week!), but love CoreMax! I always take it w/ me while traveling to my Mom's, easy to get a great ab workout in away from home!

I don't do it enough either. I love segment 2 and also the Tough Abs premix, which starts with levitation holds and ends with planks. Yikes!
Thanks everyone for the input!

One of the moves that does scare me quite a bit are the levitation holds. I have tried them and I am pretty much a sinking ship right off the bat.

But hey...something to aspire to and work hard for!

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