How often do you increase your weights in the ps series?

Hey everyone, I've been doing the ps series for about 3 weeks now, and I still haven't been able to up my weights for BBA & CST. I have still felt very challenged by the weights that I have been using. Is that normal, or should I push myself harder? How long did it take some of you to increase your weight load? Thanks in advance:)
RE: How often do you increase your weights in the ps se...

Hi There,

Can't really answer your question, but just wanted to say that as long as you are challenged, you're using a good weight. Different people progress with different exercises at different rates - geeze I really need to use the word different again, huh? :D

My first weight increase was at 3 weeks, because I apparently started too light.

It's three weeks later and I think it'll be another three to four weeks before I can increase again.

This is my first PS rotation.

You could test a very slight (2-3 pound increase on the barbell) to see if you can handle it.
Purple-what I do is add a little more weight after a few weeks (even if I'm struggleing) and just do a few less reps than what Cathe is doing. I go to muscle failure. That will help you bust any plateaus.
Thanks for the replies! :) For some reason I thought that it was normal to up weights each week, I think something I read in Fitness Magazine er sumthin. I knew that definatly wasn't going to happen for me after doing the workouts a couple of times...because it was still extremely tough with the weights I had been using. Glad to know that's normal :D
More like every six weeks ... that was from Body Rx. But like Cathe said it depends on what's going on in your I can't lift heavy if I'm tired. I don't think it matters that much as long as you still find your weight selection challenging each took me ages to up my delt works to 8 and with the IS series...the weights went down again because of the reps.

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