How do you get your husband/boyfriend to workout?


It really frustrates me that I can't seem to get my husband to exercise. I try to say it nicely or suggest fun things to do (like play frisbee in the park or swim in the beach) to more serious work out stuff like go to the gym but he just refuses to go. I ask him whether he would even consider exercising once or twice a week but he doesn't want to. I don't want to nag him but I am concerned about his health.

Any suggestions??
Its hard to get them to exercise.DH plays hockey so he gets his gets some exercise 3-4 times a week.Then after each hockey game he rehydrates himself with beerx(
The thing that bothers me with DH is he called me up at work one night talking about the Bowflex and how he would like to get one.Stupid me...I went along with it.I don't know why I thought he would use it.He got it and he only used it about 10 times in the last 18 monthes.I can't beleive we forked out all that money for something thats not going to get used.I don't use it b/c I enjoy working out with videos.
Im not really any help,am I? I just wanted you to now that you are not alone;)
Every person has to decide for his/her self to exercise, just as every one has to has the "light bulb moment" to start to eat right to lose weight. You can't force it - they have to see the benefit, find the time or make the time. It's plain to all of us why everyone should do it, but not "everyone" agrees.
No b/f or husband here... but 2 kids and agree - they have to find their own reason for motivation. My daughter a freshman at college has become hooked on the gym - she goes 6 times a week. Since her school is 6 hrs away, she clearly has the motivation from herself. She also found out the school has a nutriotionist (and its free) - very cool.

Been tough as many of you know with my son's very major health issues, having to give up all contact sports, VERY cool though last week we did Cardio kicks and KPC together.
LOL, Bill--moving the remote is a good idea!! Either that or designing a computer that is powered by walking on a treadmill.

I know it's my bf's decision--he is an adult and is responsible for his own health. But he is also always there for me, helping me with areas in my life that are a problem for me. So I try to encourage him to workout, but walk a fine line to not make it into a nagging thing. What I've found works best for him is compliments. :) He has started taking long walks and doing a little swimming, and I've definitely seen a difference already. I make sure that I notice that and say something about it--it seems to help keep him motivated and feeling good about himself. Ultimately, though, it is up to the person--you have to want to be in good shape.
I think just presenting a good example is the best way to motivate family members. My husband doesn't workout yet, but since I've been living a healthier lifestyle, he has quit smoking, quit drinking beer, started taking at least occasional long walks, and is eating much healthier (although not according to a specific eating plan). It truly has made a huge difference, a little bit at a time, and I've never said a word other than to praise him when he makes a positive change.

The same is true for my son, but to a lesser extent. He's a teenager, after all, and is often impulsive (and, of course, he already knows everything). I DO see many changes, though, and believe he will remember these things as an adult. At least I know he has the basic knowledge he'll need as an adult, as well as a good example to learn from.

You can't and he'll just resent you for pushing it on him. If my husband had even hinted to me about it before I decided I wanted to do it myself, I would have been insulted.

I was actually having kind of this discussion with my husband yesterday. I can see that he's getting a little thicker around the middle, but I haven't said anything to him about it. I'm sure he knows. So yesterday, I was going to go do a drive-thru at McDonald's for lunch and I asked him if he wanted anything. He asked if french-fries were REALLY that bad, and I said that they weren't if you exercise enough. That was a good enough time to ask him if he does any cardio (he exercises while I'm in the shower, so I don't know what he does). He said he does about 20 minutes of cardio, but that's all he has time for. I told him he needed at least a half hour, so he says he's going to do more when he gets home at night. We'll see...Then I suggested (jokingly) that he join me doing Cathe. Of course he laughed about that because he wouldn't be caught dead doing the steps. He said that he had tried one of my tapes one day but it was just "too gay" and he couldn't deal with it. I asked which one, and through deduction, I figured out it was The Firm 5 Day Abs. I was like, "oh no no can't do that one. That one is even too gay for me!" So I told him to try Core
Max or the abs from KPC. We'll see how it goes. He's to the point where he's ready to kick it up a level (I think).

Anyway, the moral of the story is that he'll do it when he's ready.

BTW - I hope no one takes offense to the "too gay" comment. WE don't use it in any refernece to homosexuality
Oh Man can I relate to this one!!!!

. . and this is the guy who when I was dating would not have sex with me until his six mile run was over . . . go figure.

Now - 50 lbs later . .

AND - last week we had dinner with friends that we don't see that often and the guy who is the same age as DH (43) had a heart attack two years ago!!!!!!!!!!! Told us the whole story. Now works out everyday on his treadmill. Eats healthy about 95% of the time and drinks a glass of red wine every night. He is in better shape than he has ever been. Scared him to do it . .

I thought that would be the light bulb moment for my DH but NO . .

My experience is the same as Bunbuns. Compliments do much more than criticism. My DH turns off to me when I start to nag. It's his body and it's got to be his motivation.

Another thing that works is creating a little envy. Like tell him you saw a guy at the gym who was his age who looked really great. My DH is super-competitive and there's nothing like a little hint of competition to get him going! You have to be subtle though.

I'm thrilled to hear your son was able to do those workouts with you! How is he doing? (Seems like he must be doing awesome to do CK & K,P&C!) Yeaaah for him!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Maybe put on a tape that has some of the males working out with Cathe when he is in the room. Right off the top of my head, I know the guys are in CK, Bootcamp & Circuit Max. My hubby's first intro to Cathe was Bootcamp and he LOVED it. From then on, he was sold on the idea and worked out faithfully with me for a couple years. (Cardio and strength work.) Unfortunatley his work scheduled changed and I can't get him to do it on his own. But...he still sings the praises of her workouts to anyone we talk "fitness" with. Good Luck!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You could put men's body building posters up in your bedroom.

<ok, I know that was immature but hey, we all have a child in us, right?>
RE: Robyn!

Thanks Debbie.

It's quite a long hard path. Yes it is so cool to be able to work out. He did cardio with football team this fall and it was great. This winter did x-country skiing but not so great. He would get headaches and couldn't finish the race. Drs think it may be med related.

So yep we are trying to do it together. It's good for me - since all this happened I haven't been working out.

Thanks for your reply it made my day :)
RE: Feliz!

Agree having the men in it makes a huge difference. My son really likes the guys in CK. Hmmm I forgot about circuit max. It's school vacation week we should give that a shot.

My son said the same thing as your hubbie about some of those moves.. just too prancy/dancy for him

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