How do I dare quit?


Active Member
Hi all-i need some real advice-fast! I took a new job, hate it-not doing the job I was hired for-figure I can make it work at home financially, have a job interview on Friday-this job is 8 minutes from my house, the job I want to quit is 35-40 minute commute....AND every time I turn around, am being given tasks that no one else wants to do...I have 14 years experience and am being treated like I'm entry level...waited 3 weeks for a computer! Had to steal a calendar! ANYWAY-have been here for a bit over a month, and I have 2 boys at home...what would you do? I appreciate all advice!!! Not sure what I will be offered at the other job, but if I hate this so much, what diff does it make, right?! Should I feel bad if I quit here? Why do I always feel so damn guilty? Why do we torture ourselves like this-or is it just me?!!

Thanks again!!!
If you hate it, quit. That is my advice. If you don't need to work, definately quit. And don't feel quilty about it.

Good Luck with the other job!

Hi Connie.

As long as you give the customary 2 weeks notice then I wouldn't worry about quitting. If you aren't happy, you aren't happy. Hopefully you will get an offer that works for you at the other place and then you can tell these people that you are outta there!:)

I know what you mean about feeling bad though. It' always been hard for me to resign even from a job I didn't like! I guess I'm just a wuss! LOL

Good luck to you!:)
My thoughts are - get out before you invest too much of yourself in them and before they invest too much in you (although it sounds like they're taking advantage of you as opposed to investing in you). As long as you can afford to do so, why put yourself through the dread of dragging yourself out of bed every day only to work at a job you hate? Funny, I talk big . . . but as much as I should probably start looking for a new job myself, I'm still enduring mine! Good luck - hope you get the one you really want.

You could talk to them if you think there is something to selvage. Otherwise, wait and see how things go on Friday. Having a job is more desirable on your resume (to other employers). It also offers you a little more negotiating power. If things go well, they will progress rapidly enough. If it doesn't work, I personally would stick it out, just for the money, and keep looking. (but that's me - if I didn't need to work, I wouldn't).
yeah...I've been feeling that one all week....allm of a sudden, they decide that I need training in every department! It's all I can do to keep from saying-don't give me another project until we all know if I'm gonna be here next week!!! I appreciate everyone giving their my heart, I think I should stay home with my has been a very rough year for me, my husband, and our families.... IF I were to be offered this job that is closer to home, what IF they offer less money? I feel the jobs are going to be similar in nature, but a smaller company usually means less do i stay at a job that I hate for more money or take a chance on making less...i guess I know that I already hate it here!!!

Thanks again to everyone who gives advice...I need it!

Can you stay home? I'm not sure from what you wrote that you should stay home is the same as I can or I cannot stay home due to financial reasons. If you think you should stay home and things have been rough for your family try and FIND a way to stay home!!!

again Good Luck!!!!

One more thing ... be sure to analyze the new job for aspects that you "hate". If it is the same thing (and same "hate" factors) for less money ... hmmmm. Then it's how much less money and then look at your commute costs and time cost to commute. However, there is something to be said for mental health and liking your job! Tough decisions. Deb

My sister is going through exactly the same thing. She started a new job over 3 months ago and doesn't like it. She likes the job but they lied to her (and 2 other people) about the vacation policy. As of 2 weeks ago they didn't have a policy. My sister sent an email to the President requesting the vacation policy once again. Our aunt had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and she needed to know in case she needed to take time off. The guy was a jerk and basically accused her of lying. She is interviewing for a sales position today in a town where we live (she currently has a 30 minute drive). She doesn't feel at all guilty about leaving because the terms that were presented to her were incorrect. She is willing to take less money because she is miserable and doesn't trust them.

Do what you feel is best for you and don't feel guilty about leaving. In light of my aunt's situation, life is too short to be miserable.

Good luck on your interview.
I was going to say, even if the smaller company pays less money, your commuting costs and time would go down . . . so that is something to take into consideration. I'm probably preaching to the choir, but it sounds like your family is truly your priority - and we all have the ability to adjust our financial lifestyles if necessary - we all have things we can do without. There have been many times that I think "paper or plastic" would make me much happier than what I do now at 60 hours a week - even though my wallet would suffer for it!

No, of course you shouldn't feel guilty. They wouldn't feel guilty for letting you go, if they didn't think you were working out. If you feel it's not working out for you say, "Thanks for the opporunity, but it's just not what I want"

You owe them nothing.
Quit and move on. Based on the way you're being treated at the present job, the company is probably used to it.

Life is too short to torture yourself with guilt over something like this.
<<so do i stay at a job that I hate for more money>>

NO! Because very often the bad feelings we have at a job we hate end up carrying over at home...this is coming from experience. Free yourself from that job!
My advice would be to discuss this with your husband. If you are able to stay home and money is not an issue for the family, I would say “stay home”. If money is an issue and you need to work then I would stay “stick it out” while you continue to search for another job. You have been there only a month and the job is still new. I would say it is too early to really say that you “hate it” because you are doing odd jobs.

I say stick it out another month then make your decision. Really, what is another month – time goes by so quickly.

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