how about a chat place


is there a place we all can come to *live chat* and talk about say a DVD of the weeek or an issue of the week?

Anyone know of one and want to pull together and get something going. Pick a night and day and afternoon so one one feels slighted and just get to know each other a little more and etc.

Working towards Perpetual Motion:+
what's the matter is that one of them been there done that to things?

now that's not helping people is it?

Working towards Perpetual Motion
Gee, that was just downright rude.

Tybody, I think it is a good idea. You could always set up an instant messaging night on yahoo and we all could join in. (Well, whoever wants to, that is.)

You are truly an inspiration and I, for one, would love to chat with you.

I think someone did bring up this idea a while ago (dont rmember what happened though)

but I think most members were happy chatting here or through PM's


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
I checked out yahoo chat and I guess you can make your own room.

We can start when everyone has a time and see how me make out.
we can collectively choose a time and just get it going. If we wait for a consensus, it might never happen.

Shall we call ourselves, Chatty Cathe's??

I used to want that doll and never got one. :(

Working towards Perpetual Motion
Since this is nothing new to anyone we can start next week.

We will just choose a time, and plan to meet there. Post it so in case there is someone that does not know about may also attend.

Will check back on Monday after I get done sleeping from a 16 hour and see what is good for all.

we can start off with one day and move forward from there.

Working towards Perpetual Motion

Have any time tonight. I'll make up the board if you like.

Then we can post what time it's on.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
I'm sorry, but I can't imagine what it would be like being in a live "chat" with you, if you type like this for post: (taken from the GUIDE TO WORKOUTS THREAD)

the list did help me orde. I hope they update it soon. I went and looked at the clips an I'd say there were pretty right on cause some. I'm not even touching. then I said,well what can I touch?? I found some lol But the cardio. no way. I don't want a heart attack any time soon.

End Quote
Sorry, I am not Jesus Christ. I did try to be perfect I was just trying to improve with what I had. There really is no reason for this continued flogging. Talk about The Passion of Christ. What on earth could I have done here to deserve this. ??? Job well done. She is beaten and down.
Ouch! Cathe - some comments are best left unsaid I think

and Tytbody, I'd love to join in for a chat with you and Shirley. I am in Australia though, (so time difference may be a factor) and you'll have to set it up, but I'm pretty sure I can chat once, maybe twice a week

Nothing tytbody...absolutely nothing. Hang in there girl. You don't have to tolerate the above attitude. Imagine for a moment that there are many of us standing with you here. I admire greatly your ability to stay calm and not get ugly. Your my kind of person. dmd
The couple of VERY RUDE members here are NOT speaking for the other 99% here that DO NOT think or post unkindly of you.

Easier said than done, but ignore them Tytbody, and concentrate on the other positive things happening. If this chat doesnt work out, I would love you to PM me anytime you want to talk.


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
I'd certainly be interested in a live chat situation. I only use MSN Messenger though. Does anyone else use it? The good thing about it is that you can hook a whole bunch of people up together and just chat away.
Yep! I only have MSN Messenger to


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres

I believe that you have too much time on your hands if you are scoping out the boards to critique people's grammar or spelling. Get a life.

With Messenger, we'd have to add each other as contacts, and then two people start the chat, and you can invite other people to join. I've been in chats with 10 or more people before and it's pretty easy to follow.

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