HIIT it!

Ahem. So where are you, my lovelies?

Ate lunch and just sitting down to check in. I went with an endurance, functional fitness week. Next week is back to a heavy split. I started with spin class.

Then 25 chins in sets of 5 then 4s. Next worked back by laying on a weight bench under barbell chest press (stay stiff as a board and only use back strength to pull you up to the bar) & pulling whole body weight up to bar w/ wide grip. That was 3 sets of ten. Next I did one legged squats/pulses w/ stability ball (from GS legs). Did 2 sets of 12 each leg and then 12 pulses each leg. Used standing ab chair to do dips using whole body weight - 3 sets of 5. Last I did standing abs/obliques on the same chair.

It was a really great w/o. My goal was to use body weight as catalyst. The only thing I added weight wise were swimmers arms w/ 5 lb weight - you cycle them forward quickly as in forward stroke and then backward quickly as in backstroke. I did that 2 times each way for about 20-30 secs. That wiped me out. Okay, if you read this far, I love you ;) Just thought I'd share what I did. HIIT will be at the gym Sunday. Next 2 days are off since I did 5 in a row.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

ETA - oops I forgot I also did drop set pushups from 16 and wall squat w/ stability ball. Wall squats were very brief b/c I was quite fried at that point. Okay, that's really all :)


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
Okay, Deb...you made me tired just reading that!!!


I did 15 intervals of running for 45 seconds at 9.9 and walking for 60 seconds at 4.7 with a 5 minute warm-up at 7.0 and a 5 minute cool-down at 4.7.

Then, I did Legs & Glutes. I have a real love/HATE relationship with that workout. I know I am going to be sore tomorrow, so am planning on doing upper body and core.
Hi again,

Thanks for the recommendations for using Imax blast premix. Yesterday I used 3 riser under the platform and did all 10 blasts. It was fun. I did CC Press and Play today. It seemed a little like HIIT with the first 15 min of the workout. It was 1 min level 3 could go level 4 and 30 sec recovery for 15 min. What do you think?

I can't remember who but is one of you doing a 5K this weekend? I would love to know if doing HIIT makes a difference.

Have a great day.
Hey Lorie, fantastic job! You are going to make me start running faster in HIIT, now ;)

Karen, great going on the Imax blasts! Which one did you do? IM3 blasts only makes me about want to puke, though I love it ;) I think HIIT makes a world of difference to your overall speed and stamina :)


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
Debbie, I did Imax 2 blasts yesterday. With adding the breaks in between each blast, I don't think Imax 3 blasts are that hard. I think Kickmax blasts are really hard.

Have a good day.
So, how do you do HIIT with Imax3? I have that workout but only tried it once and didn't like it (too dancy) but would be willing to try doing just the blasts.
I completely think IM3 blasts only are akin to HIIT. It's about 25 minutes long, no breaks b/w blasts. Trust me, it kicks butt. I use 2 risers on each side.


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
Hi All!

Today was iTread 13/30 and the stability ball section from PLB.

Hmmmm...IM#3 blast only premix...I'll put it on next week's rotation.
Debbie, is it true HIIT if you don't take breaks between the blasts? I guess I thought you needed to bring your heartrate down in between. I have done Imax 3 blasts only and they are hard but I guess I do that particular one enough that it isn't as hard as Imax 2 which I don't ever do.

Lori(spelling) you should try it you would love it. I really like the music in this one but then again I like the whole workout too.
I mean, she takes maybe 15-20 second breaks, long enough to breathe, you know? I follow Cathe with that. The work/recovery ratio is different depending upon what you are doing. It is not a hard and fast rule about 1 min 'all out' then 1 min 'recovery'. It is somewhat flexible depending upon what you are doing. Now I find IM3 blasts only tough b/c I don't get to it that often. I find it harder than IM2 blasts only for sure, and this is on 2 risers per side. Remember, working at all out pace is going to different for everyone.


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
Debbie, I am glad you clarified that. I thought there always had to be a rest to get back to easy breathing. In Imax 2 she gives enough breaks with her recoveries, not so much in Imax 3. If I was going to do sprints running would I recover totally before starting my next sprint? So many questions, glad we have some experts here. Thanks.
Good question, Karen. I also thought that when doing HIIT, you had to bring your HR back down after each interval. I have only done HIIT with running and alternate 45 seconds all out and 60 seconds walking.

Deb, can you also do HIIT by just doing 25 minutes of all-out exercise? I don't think there's any way I could run at a 6 minute pace for 25 minutes!!!


I am also glad we have Deb to give us HIIT advice! Thanks, Deb!
The short rests in IM3 should be enough to bring your HR down a bit to be ready for the next blast. If it's not enough, just pause it for a few seconds longer. The blasts are very tough, but it is still different than sprinting at 9.5 or whatever you chose...know what I mean? So, with the blasts you are stopping, albeit very briefly, before the next blast. Just gauge how you feel. Different types of HIIT require different rest periods.

For example, if you are going crazy hard on the treadmill, maybe over 10.0, you might need 2 minutes of rest. So you might do less sprint blasts than 20 minutes worth but still get the same benefits. It doesn't always have to be the max alloted time. I can be 15 min, even.


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
Thanks for your help, Deb.

Today was LIC Upper Body Premix.

I am plannign a run for tomorrow, but my hip is hurting so we'll see how it feels tomorrow. Grrrr!
Thanks Debbie. I see what you mean.

Lorie, hope your hip feels better for the run tomorrow. Have fun with LIC.

I am doing B&G premix and PUB. Tomorrow will be a 50 min run and Sun. I will try HIIT with Barrys Boot Camp or CC.

Have a great weekend all.
Good workouts as usual, ladies :)

I am resting today. My body needs to recoup. I hope the information is helping you guys. I am happy to offer anything I can to help you learn :)


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
Great workouts ladies!

Deb ~ enjoy your well earned rest day.

Karen ~ Nice workout combo!

Lorie ~ Hope your hip feels better soon.

I just finished CTX PowerCircuit and abs. Have a great Friday night!
Happy Saturday!!! :D

I am going to do that IM#3 blast only premix and LL :eek: :eek: I'll let y'all know how I make out.

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