Hiit - Explosives Moves executed with good form

Straddle taps always make me feel like I'm going to trip and hit the deck. I don't mind taps when you are parallel to the step but staddling it, no thanks. You have to have good coordination/balance to do the straddle ones, for certain.

Nathalie, I really like plyo scissors, so difficult but they do wonders for your leg definition/strength.

Oh Swimmer feeling 100% shared!:D
I love love love them cause as you stated they do do wonders for legs.:D:):)
I love box jumps on high step too. It is not everyone cup of tea but It work for me and I love them. A quarter a hour premix of TTM plus a heavy leg lifting session is a more enjoyable and effective leg session than without a premix.

Another one I found difficult is leap frog forward back and rotate 180 degree and back! those leap frog keeping a lower stance fry the legs big time:D:D. The benefit we get from it is, as you stated, the legs get stronger but also gain some flexibility. All these need to be performed with good form of course to prevents stressing the knees.
I hate to say I love burpees and jump kicks etc - don't be mad!:eek: It's the less explosive moves like jumping jacks and skipping that I cannot stand and oddly my knees dislike them too when the plyo moves do not bother me - can't figure that out....

Ahhh We are twins here! :eek: Plyo moves don't bother my knees at all, but I get big time ouchies with the supposedly "easier" moves. In fact, in X10 Cardio Blast, all the moves that Cathe says are the easier ones in between the harder plyo I have to do on my rebounder because they hurt my joints on the floor.

These types of moves include jumping jacks, high knees, cross country ski and jump rope. I also have a hard time with "bunny hops" which is the side to side jump that is really fast but without the plyo aspect. With plyo moves, I take my time to execute them so I can watch my form and make sure to absorb the impact in my muscles and not my joints. With those faster, supposedly easier moves...the move is too quick and jerky for me to control it.

In fact, this is why I actually have less pain in my knees with more advanced workouts than with "intermediate" ones like Jessica Smith, Chris Freytag and others. :)
Hi Everyone,

I am back on this thread to list the moves I enjoy the *the most*
I just love plyo, I know I can not do them all the time.

*scissors followed by a tuck
*snowboard with quarter turn, I am loving this one.
*narrow plie jump.
*leap frog foward and back followed by 180 degree turn facing opposite.
*Lunge jump, slow motion touching the floor lol...Legs are cooking:)

Hope to hear from you!
Since doing RWH, I have come to love burpees. These days, I'm into making my own Hiit. Yesterday, I did a ladder of Kettlebell swings, and burpees. Four rounds. Loved it. I know, call me crazy, burpees? Please!!

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