Hey, this is FUN!!!


Starting my 3rd week of "The Kikster" STS Pyramid Rotation (Disc 7 tonight)!!! This is REALLY FUN!!!!!:eek:
I straddled Disc 6 Legs with Double Wave Pyramid the previous day, and Athletic Training the following day....thank God the day after that (yesterday) was Yoga Relax! My hammies are still talkin' to me today!;)
I love the progressive nature of this rotation, and I think I picked some good cardio for the in-between days...something is always letting me know it has been challenged!
Hi Nancy,

Fun indeed! But tough too!! I just did Disc#3 (Legs) this morning. Those forward lunges with the disc are NOT easy, lemme tell ya! I woke up long-dormant muscles in my butt with those lunges!

Keep up the good work everyone!
I know what you mean about tough!!!! I have been challenged so much with this rotation! The push-ups are SO HARD for me! I can only do a few on my toes and then it's down to the knees (praying for mercy! ;)) How are you doing with the chin-ups/pull-ups? I've been using the tubing option, but my dream is to use my tower like Cathe does! I did LISLIC last night along with Weights & Plates from Ab Circuits. I am ready for tonight: Disc 8 Back and Tris!!! Have fun, Cathy...I really think week 2 was fun and week 3 is shaping up really well too!:D
I'm on my 6th rotation of STS, currently Disc 19, and I still find it so challenging! Like right now, I have the most hellatious doms in my legs that I can barely sit down or crouch to pick something up! I seriously went up in squat weight and this is what I love about STS, the constant change and challenge.

I cannot do pullups, at all...! I can do chin-ups though, and I can do all the pushup challenges. I think it is the way my shoulders are built, not that I'm excusing myself, but really I cannot pull myself up on my chin up bar with my palms facing away from me. Although I can do pull downs on my BodySolid machine at 105 pounds.

I don't see myself ever NOT doing this program, I feel lost without it.
WOW!!!! 6th time of STS???? I can't wait to be able to say that one day! I really do enjoy it! Yesterday I did HiiT 40/20 for the first time for my cardio workout and I was wiped out! I had the windows open for fresh air and it was humid and 90 degrees out there....my muscles were certainly warm, but I was SO DRENCHED!!!! Today will be Disc 9 Legs...I think I may just put the air conditioning on!:eek:
thats awesome!

6th rotation of STS?! wow!!! awesome!!
Starting Meso 2 tomorrow its my 2nd time around with STS and doing much better than 1st time.:D
Since this is my first time doing STS, I'll be happy to make it through my first time! Six times? Very impressive!!!

Nancy, to answer your question...
Before I got the STS series, I was going to my local park just to get used to hanging (chin-up style) from the chin-up bar, since I don't have a chin-up bar or a turbo-tower at home. Last week, right after disc 2, I went to to the park and I did one set of TWO chin-ups!!! That's right, only 2. Not to be a total slacker, I did two more sets of just hanging, underhand grip, with my chin over the bar. I know that sounds weird (not to mention how weird it must've looked to moms walking by with small children), but I used to be able to do 7 or 8 consecutive chin-ups a few years back, so I know that I'll be able to work my way up again by hanging. I'm hoping I can crank out 3 or 4 on Wednesday!

Pull ups, on the other hand, were much harder for me. I had trouble hanging from the bar in the pull-up position, so lucky for me, my park has an assortment of bar heights so I chose a lower bar and I was able to do pull ups the way Cathe does, with my body in an incline.

I can do regular style push ups from my toes, but Cathe's variations are very hard. I read in the STS manual that you can go to an easier variation (ex. on the knees) in order to complete the set. That's what I ended up doing this morning with that final set of push ups on Disc 4! Ouch!

PS I had more DOMS with Discs 1 & 2 than I did with Disc 3 (legs) and I was able to alternate STS days with three days of running. So far...so good!:D
I bet you'll be cranking out chin-ups AND pull-ups like nobody's business in no time! Sounds like you have a lot of good muscle memory for them! I just heard a term for the type of pull-up where you have the bar low and your body is in the straight incline line like you describe: Australian style (because you are down under the bar)!
Tonight I'll be ending Meso 1/Week 3 with Slide n' Glide. Yesterday's Disc 9 Leg workout was invigorating, but I'm feeling it today! I am looking forward to tomorrow's Yoga Relax!
Do you do any of Cathe's cardio workouts or just running on the in-between days?
Hi Nancy,

Yes! STS is fun!
I'm one disc away from wrapping up M1, W2. So far I've enjoyed every minute of it. Now I know why everyone is so enamored with this program. It totally rocks!

Have fun STS'ing Nancy! I wish you the best :)

Hi Nancy,

Yes! STS is fun!
I'm one disc away from wrapping up M1, W2. So far I've enjoyed every minute of it. Now I know why everyone is so enamored with this program. It totally rocks!

Have fun STS'ing Nancy! I wish you the best :)


I did Meso 1/Week 4 Disc 10 Chest/Shoulders/Biceps last night and my pecs are REALLY talking to me today! You move up to 70% of your 1RM
which doesn't seem like a lot but I was workin'! The shoulder work was quite challenging and I admit I had to drop the weight down on that last set of the Barbell Front Shoulder Press 21s! (YIKES!) Either I'm starting to see results already, or I'm just swollen :eek:! Hope you're having fun too! Have you had to buy heavier weights yet?
I did Meso 1/Week 4 Disc 10 Chest/Shoulders/Biceps last night and my pecs are REALLY talking to me today! You move up to 70% of your 1RM
which doesn't seem like a lot but I was workin'! The shoulder work was quite challenging and I admit I had to drop the weight down on that last set of the Barbell Front Shoulder Press 21s! (YIKES!) Either I'm starting to see results already, or I'm just swollen :eek:! Hope you're having fun too! Have you had to buy heavier weights yet?


You are almost done M1!!! That's great!! I'm sure you ARE starting to see results. I'm 2 weeks in and noticing definition too. Yay for muscles!
I have dumbbell weights up to 25lbs, which will sustain me for UB work for quite some time, but not LB. I don't like doing static lunges and squats w/dumbbells, I prefer my barbell. Did you buy heavier weights already? I am going to have to invest in a weighted vest for sure! Do you have one?

I need to get heavier dumbells and plates...I've been using my 20# dumbells combined with one pound wrist weights and adjustable ankle weights to attain the weights I'm supposed to be lifting. So far, I've been around 24# for my heaviest dumbell weight, but that's all going to change with the next mesocycle. I have a 10# barbell with 52.5 pounds of plates total. So far that's been okay, but I'm hoping to jack that up with the next mesocycle, too. The 12-20# weighted vest has been a Godsend for squats (I bought it for Gym Styles last summer)! I love that thing! I also use it for knee push-ups to get stronger so I can do toe-style exclusively in the future. I can do some toe-style, but Cathe really exhausts you and I'm going to my knees after about 16 reps :eek:! This last week of M1 has been challenging with the 5% weight increase; tonight I do Disc 11 Back & Tris and I'm a little intimidated by what I see on my plate! I find barbell rows (the 21s) to be my frenemy right now! Which exercise gives you the most dread factor?
You ladies are awesome!

Nancy, the other day I mentioned that I should be able to crank out 3 or 4 chin ups but was I sorely mistaken!!! I barely got the third one out with good form! I wasn't too discouraged though...chin-ups are like push-ups...you have to keep at 'em and you can do them eventually! I totally agree with you about Cathe's push-ups. Thank goodness for those modifications! I think I may invest in a weighted vest too.

The Australian style pull-ups were a bit easier, but I could only do one set with good form. I did the other set with bent legs. I'm grateful I have a park two blocks from my home so I can squeeze those chin-up/pull-up exercises in at the end of my workouts!

I registered to run in a 10K on June 9th that's why I'm alternating with running days. I hope my body continues to cooperate until then! I miss doing Kick, Punch and Crunch but there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything and I also don't want to demand more from my body than its able to deliver!

Natasha, it looks as though we're on the same track! I did Disc#6 this morning! I have to tell ya, I hard a hard time with those wall squats! Once I squat low enough to grab the dumbells, I can't seem to get my body up again!!! I ended up cheating and holding the dumbells at my side the whole time!

Also, with those one-legged chair squats, when Cathe says "Don't just flop yourself down in the chair!" I get this eerie feeling that she can see me through the television!!! Those are NOT easy!

Good luck to everyone and keep on getting fit and having fun!
Cathy, I laughed out loud when I read about the "flopping chair squats"!!! Those things are SO tough! My form just falls to pieces after a few....something I need to practice more (along with push-ups and chin-ups)! I'm impressed with your schedule, too! Training for a 10K AND doing STS is not to be taken lightly!
Natasha, I apologize for calling you Natalie :eek:! I don't know how that happened??? I hope that Cathy puts the weighted vest on her Deal of the Day so you can pick it up at a nice price! It was a great in"vest"ment ;)!

Yesterday's Disc 11 Back and Tris was pretty brutal! The weight increase has me a bit intimidated, but I pushed my way through. I really focused on form, and if I had to drop a rep at the end of the set I did! Today I'm doing Cardio Core Circuit and going for a long walk. It looks like a beautiful sunny day out there and I'm going to grab it!
Hi Nancy,

Don't worry about the name confusion :). I get it often ;).

Don't you love seeing that weight increase? Yes, it does seem intimidating at first, but then it's like "hell ya, I can lift that!! I'm a champ!!!".

I'm still doing my Cathe cardio in addition to taking nice long walks outside with my daughter. I truly love the outdoors and warm weather. I'm planning to visit the Scenic Caves, here in Collingwood, Ontario. You would love it! It's a lot of hiking, climbing and exploring through caves. Very cool!

How are you loving STS so far? I'm in love :)

Have a good day :)

Hi Nancy,

Don't worry about the name confusion :). I get it often ;).

Don't you love seeing that weight increase? Yes, it does seem intimidating at first, but then it's like "hell ya, I can lift that!! I'm a champ!!!".

I'm still doing my Cathe cardio in addition to taking nice long walks outside with my daughter. I truly love the outdoors and warm weather. I'm planning to visit the Scenic Caves, here in Collingwood, Ontario. You would love it! It's a lot of hiking, climbing and exploring through caves. Very cool!

How are you loving STS so far? I'm in love :)

Have a good day :)


Scenic Caves sounds heavenly! I guess us Aries girls love clamboring about! In answer to your question: YES!!! I am loving STS!!! It feels like a very safe progressive program...I don't feel like I'm over-doing it, but I definately am being pushed more than I would push myself without the structure. The amount of weight I'm lifting amazes me! And we're not even to M3 yet!

Tonight I'm starting my active recovery week off with Step Blast and abs from Step Jump & Pump. I just love the music from those! And the gang is so darn cute and perky (and FIT!!!!). I want to try to keep my cardio steady state this week, so no HiiT or metabolic stuff. I've got Turbo Barre slated for tomorrow and I'm debating about the upper body work because Cathe says "no weights!" during the recovery week.

What are your thoughts on this?
Scenic Caves sounds heavenly! I guess us Aries girls love clamboring about! In answer to your question: YES!!! I am loving STS!!! It feels like a very safe progressive program...I don't feel like I'm over-doing it, but I definately am being pushed more than I would push myself without the structure. The amount of weight I'm lifting amazes me! And we're not even to M3 yet!

Tonight I'm starting my active recovery week off with Step Blast and abs from Step Jump & Pump. I just love the music from those! And the gang is so darn cute and perky (and FIT!!!!). I want to try to keep my cardio steady state this week, so no HiiT or metabolic stuff. I've got Turbo Barre slated for tomorrow and I'm debating about the upper body work because Cathe says "no weights!" during the recovery week.

What are your thoughts on this?


The STS veterans from my check-ins have warned me against doing ANY weight training during active recovery, that includes light toning.

I love Step Blast! I agree, everyone looks so damn cute. Don't you just love Paint It Black at the end? :D. Have you tried Rhythmic Step? I just downloaded it and it's so much fun! I never thought I'd be part of the club who enjoys complex choreo, but now I'm obsessed :eek:.

Have a nice recovery week. I have one more disc left for W3. I can't believe M1 is almost done :(.........just when I was starting to like those 1 billion push-ups :eek:.

YIKES!!! Natasha, you are right: NO WEIGHT TRAINING! So now I have a few hours to decide on a new workout for tonight! I think I put Turbo Barre into the mix because I miss it and thought it would be good the day after Step Blast. Hmmmm, time to get thinkin'! :p
Thanks for helping me re-think my workout for last night! I ended up doing the Cardio + Abs + Stretch premix from Slide and Glide and loved it! It really helped to round out the week as I had a step workout on Wednesday, and a no equipment workout scheduled for Saturday...then I added that slider workout for last night (my weeks are Wednesday thru Tuesday...crazy, I know, but for some reason I like having Tuesday as my "off" day!) . Tonight I'm going for a long power walk and doing Yoga Relax. I have to tell you, the all-cardio week has me lookiing forward to M2!!!!;)
Thanks for helping me re-think my workout for last night! I ended up doing the Cardio + Abs + Stretch premix from Slide and Glide and loved it! It really helped to round out the week as I had a step workout on Wednesday, and a no equipment workout scheduled for Saturday...then I added that slider workout for last night (my weeks are Wednesday thru Tuesday...crazy, I know, but for some reason I like having Tuesday as my "off" day!) . Tonight I'm going for a long power walk and doing Yoga Relax. I have to tell you, the all-cardio week has me lookiing forward to M2!!!!;)

No problem Nancy! I think the gals warned me because it's very tempting NOT to do some form of weight training. One lady from my check-in learned the hard way. She did kettle bells during active recovery, over trained and got injured. I definitely don't want that to be me!

I really like the S&G cardio portion. I love those discs, especially during the leg work in STS. I think yoga is a wonderful idea for active recovery. I've been slacking with my yoga lately :eek:. I think my flexibility went down the toilet :( :).

Enjoy your cardio week :). M2 is just around the corner for ya! So many people seem to love that Meso the best. And bye, bye to all those push-ups! Aren't you going to miss them ? ;).

Have a great weekend :)

BTW, did you pre-order Cathe's newest? I did :eek:. I'm glad it's more kick butt cardio. Tabata is no joke! I'm sweating just thinking about it :eek::eek:

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