Hey, this is FUN!!!

No problem Nancy! I think the gals warned me because it's very tempting NOT to do some form of weight training. One lady from my check-in learned the hard way. She did kettle bells during active recovery, over trained and got injured. I definitely don't want that to be me!

I really like the S&G cardio portion. I love those discs, especially during the leg work in STS. I think yoga is a wonderful idea for active recovery. I've been slacking with my yoga lately :eek:. I think my flexibility went down the toilet :( :).

Enjoy your cardio week :). M2 is just around the corner for ya! So many people seem to love that Meso the best. And bye, bye to all those push-ups! Aren't you going to miss them ? ;).

Have a great weekend :)

BTW, did you pre-order Cathe's newest? I did :eek:. I'm glad it's more kick butt cardio. Tabata is no joke! I'm sweating just thinking about it :eek::eek:

Yes, I pre-ordered the new workouts! And I am so excited to give Tabata a try! I really love how much my endurance has improved with Cathe's cardio! As far as the yoga goes, I'm not too flexible; however, I think the extended stretch from STS has really been beneficial in that department. The last time I did Yoga Relax, I noticed that I could hold some of the moves longer and deeper! I also use a foam roller whenever I have a leg day or cardio day. Really helps that IT band! Do you use a foam roller?
Hi Nancy,

No I don't have a foam roller. I feel as though I'm missing out :(. So many of you seem to love it. I should check into it, thanks :).

I rarely do any other cardio besides Cathe, but when I want to change things up, I like Jillian, Bob, Jari and Tom Holland from Supreme 90-Day. Tom has Tabata Inferno and holy smokes is it HARD! He does 2 or 3 exercises in a circuit, 20 sec work w/10 sec rest. He goes on for about 4min, alternating exercises. After the 4min, he gives you a 1 minute rest period (THANK GOODNESS!) and you go on to yet another 4min circuit with 2 or 3 different exercises with the same 2:1 ratio. The whole workout is 30min of cardio brutality. Some circuits are harder than others, but you are totally drenched in sweat at the end. The rule is you have to go as hard as you possible can for that 20 sec. I really like Tom Holland as his style kinda' remind me of Cathe quite a bit, and he is motivating and funny without being overbearing and pushy. Anyway, those 4min are gonna push you out of your comfort zone. Think 40/20 but condensed :eek:.

How was your recovery week? Did it feel weird not to do any weight training? This week is my last from M1 and next week will be recovery. I'm gonna try to push myself with the cardio this week with intervals & hiit since next week will be light walking and steady state. I just downloaded Rhythmic Step and it has definitely put my brain to the test. I will probably spend next week trying to nail that sucker :D

Have a great day :cool:

Hi Nancy,

No I don't have a foam roller. I feel as though I'm missing out :(. So many of you seem to love it. I should check into it, thanks :).

I rarely do any other cardio besides Cathe, but when I want to change things up, I like Jillian, Bob, Jari and Tom Holland from Supreme 90-Day. Tom has Tabata Inferno and holy smokes is it HARD! He does 2 or 3 exercises in a circuit, 20 sec work w/10 sec rest. He goes on for about 4min, alternating exercises. After the 4min, he gives you a 1 minute rest period (THANK GOODNESS!) and you go on to yet another 4min circuit with 2 or 3 different exercises with the same 2:1 ratio. The whole workout is 30min of cardio brutality. Some circuits are harder than others, but you are totally drenched in sweat at the end. The rule is you have to go as hard as you possible can for that 20 sec. I really like Tom Holland as his style kinda' remind me of Cathe quite a bit, and he is motivating and funny without being overbearing and pushy. Anyway, those 4min are gonna push you out of your comfort zone. Think 40/20 but condensed :eek:.

How was your recovery week? Did it feel weird not to do any weight training? This week is my last from M1 and next week will be recovery. I'm gonna try to push myself with the cardio this week with intervals & hiit since next week will be light walking and steady state. I just downloaded Rhythmic Step and it has definitely put my brain to the test. I will probably spend next week trying to nail that sucker :D

Have a great day :cool:


This is the last day of my recovery week! I picked some good Cathe cardio and enjoyed walking and Cathe yoga, too! But, I REALLY DID miss the weights! Tomorrow is the start of M2 and I am so pumped! The only thing I wish is that I would have gotten a handle on my eating during this recovery week! I AM RAVENOUS!!!!! I eat pretty clean, but I found myself really looking forward to mealtimes, wolfing down my food, and then snacking after dinner! I need to lean out a bit to see some muscle so I hope to really burn through those calories with this next mesocycle!
Congratulations on finishing M1 and enjoy your recovery week!
Hi Nancy :)

I'm really feeling the 5% increase today in my entire UB. Knowing this is my last week of M1, I'm pushing hard. I'm kinda sad to see this Mesocycle end actually (yes, even the push-ups!). STS so far has not only been a weight lifting program (I know this is gonna sound corny but who cares), but it's also been a journey. I've never challenged myself to that extent before with weights, and I've certainly never had as much fun. With each week I am gaining a new found confidence in my body and it's ability to do things I never thought possible. I now know why everyone is so addicted to this program. It truly is THE BEST!

Did you start M2 yet??!! Which disc? How was it? LOL so many questions :D.

I'm really hungry too BTW :p. I'm not a huge fan of just drinking protein shakes as I would rather be eating my calories instead. I'm trying to satisfy my hunger with healthy proteins such as egg whites, greek yogurt, homemade protein bars ect. I made kale chips yesterday and they were delish :p. Even my daughter was noshing on them :D. I get snacky too after dinner. To be honest, I never feel full!

I think the new workouts will be shipped in time for you to incorporate them with STS. OMG, I can't imagine how many calories those must burn!! :eek:

Have a wonderful week :)
Hi Natasha,
My chest, shoulders, and triceps are quiverin' this morning!!!! Last night was the start of M2 for me with Disc 13. WOW!!!! I have learned from the previous mesocycle to lift as heavy as possible, so I had to increase the weight on a few exercises (bench presses). I was just trembling by the end! Even though you get a 60 sec break this round, it goes by SO FAST! My pecs are just acting goofy today with little spasms when I lift my arms....LOVIN' IT!!!!!!:eek:

Today, one of my vegan co-workers came in with a batch of the Black Bean Brownies that were making the rounds on the Nutrition forum. She said they are amazing (her words were "the best d@mn brownies EVER!!!!") and gave me a teeny tiny sliver to try with my tea later this morning. I haven't had a goodie in a very long time :eek:.

Dawn & Pam,
I don't know if you'll see this, but I hope your first week of STS is going well and you're getting used to those quick equipment changes! Last night would have been Disc 2 for you guys....how do you feel today?;)
Hi Nancy,

M2 sounds awesome!!! I love those little muscle spasms :p.

I "attempted" the black bean brownies. I say that because I'm not a baker (unless it's something from a box lol). The batter tasted terrific, but after 1 hour of baking in the oven, well.......ummm.......ya let's just say they didn't turn out :confused:. I will try the recipe again next time :).

Today is my last disc of M1. I'm a little sad but looking forward to next week's active recovery. I pushed hard with all my last discs this week and felt terrific DOMS :eek:. One thing you gotta know, I LOVE ME SOME DOMS! The more the merrier :D.

Congrats on finishing M1 and starting M2 :). To me every mesocycle is like a rotation and so every rotation deserves a big ol' CONGRATULATIONS :eek:.

Have a great Memorial weekend!

M2 really IS awesome! That first week was very challenging for me and made me realize just how committed I am to this program! I couldn't wait to get to it after work each day. I had some tough cardio days in between and really needed my rest day yesterday!
Tonight I start M2 W2 and am wondering how I'll handle 75% of my 1RM and the new type of drop sets. I love all of this variety with technique, don't you?

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