Help with Rotation Please


Hello, I would like to create a Rotation from the existing DVDs I have. I viewed the tutorial in the Workout Manager but it is not as simple as I want it to be. LOL I wish I could enter my existing DVDs and click a button and a Rotation was created for me..LOL I have also view previous Rotation and there is always a DVD or two that I am missing. Which brings me to ask for your suggestions.

Monday October 17Th, I think is the 9Th week of my Cathe's Beginner Rotation. I am doing great and feeling strong and I see my body shrinking and toning. :) :) THANK YOU CATHE. :)

What I would like to do is Build Muscle Strength and Endurance with Cardio (Tone), not sure if this is possible or if it makes since. I enjoy Cathe's Total Body workouts the most, I totally dislike working my Abs they are very weak. I am 5'6" and my current weight is 179lbs. I carry my weight in my Abs and Thighs (Saddle Bags).

If there are any experienced exercisers out there that would like to take on the challenge of suggesting a Rotation for me from the below listed DVDs, with emphases on my weak Abs, saddle bags with emphasis on Muscle Strength and Endurance with Cardio (Tone). It would be greatly appreciated. :)

Current Cathe DVDs
Low Max
Kick, Punch & Crunch & Legs & Glutes
Butts & Guts
Core Max - Although my Abs are weak, I enjoy the workout on the Stability Ball
Stretch Max
Slow & Heavy (Legs & Shoulders, Chest & Back, Triceps & Biceps)
Pyramid Lower + Upper Body
High Step Circuit
Kick Max
Basic Step + Body Fusion
Low Impact Step w/Total Body Sculpting

Non-Cathe DVDS that I would not mind incorporating
Turbo Fire - Never tried it.
Beginner Yoga - Sometime use in place of Stretch Max

A little more information, I am putting forth an effort to workout twice a day 5 per week. I like to do my Cardio in the AM and would like to incorporate Weight Training in the Evening.

Thanks again for all of your help
Deanna :)
Hello again, I revisted the Rotation area in the Workout Manager and I found something Fitnessfreak previously posted regarding a breakdown of a Rotation.

Day 1 Upper Body + Abs
Day 2 Cario
Day 3 Lower Body
Day 4 Yoga or Stretching
Day 5 Total Body
Day 6 Cardio
Day 7 Rest

The Rest day can be placed anywhere. I am going to try to create a Rotation based on this knowlege. However, your suggestions will still be appreciated. :)

Just make sure you space out weight lifting so that you aren't working the same muscle group too soon or too much. You usually need 24-48 hours rest between workouts to let the muscle recover. I just did up a couple rotation in another thread, see what you think. Or you can plop in workouts where necessary in the breakdown you have above.
Thank you for coming in and posting, it is really appreciated. :)

Just make sure you space out weight lifting so that you aren't working the same muscle group too soon or too much. You usually need 24-48 hours rest between workouts to let the muscle recover. I just did up a couple rotation in another thread, see what you think. Or you can plop in workouts where necessary in the breakdown you have above.

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