Help ... new cat and allergies

DS brought home a kitten. He knows better, but we've all fallen in love with the little scamp. Problem is, my allergies.

I used to take Claritin years ago, ran out and had a several day lapse in between filling my prescription. I felt so much more clearheaded and alert (and smarter) once I stopped taking it, that I just figured I'd live with the allergies and enjoy my renewed vocabulary.

Thirteen years later, and now I'm sneezing, feeling congested, asthmatic, headachey. Too late to get rid of the cat ... best I can hope for is that he'll go to college with DS, but that's years away.

Does anyone here take Zyrtec regularly? How about Singulair? I know Zyrtec is over the counter; Singulair would require a trip to the doctor. I don't want to be dependent on meds again, and don't want to suffer from mysterious side effects either, but I can't go on like this.

You can sometimes reduce allergens from cats by wiping them down regularly with a damp washcloth (they even sell special wipes that have something in them to reduce allergens, but I've heard that just plain water can work as well).

Using an air purifier (with a HEPA filter) can reduce airborne allergens from the cat.

Also, keep washable throws on wherever kitty sits and sleeps, so you can frequently wash them and reduce allergens that way.

Also, sometimes after the cat is around for a while, your allergy symptoms could lessen (I knew a woman who had 12 cats, even though she was allergic. Every time she got a new one, she was sneezing and sniffling for a few weeks, then it calmed down).
Thanks, Kathryn! I hope I adapt, and I'm very interested in any possible solution that doesn't involve pills.

It's a good thing that DS found a short haired cat. At least we don't have the long hair all over the place plus the dander! She still looks like a nappy little kitten.

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