help! need a mixed rotation after shoulder recovery

i am in my second month of physical therapy from shoulder surgery-nothing major-small tear in labrum and bone spur. i have been doing Supersets and PushPull. i know i need to mostly work on strengthening my shoulders. i also need to start doing pushups but not sure how to start. i can do 3 straight leg pushups,not 40 in a row like i used to. it feels like a brick on my back. which dvds should i use? i thought of doing SS and adding in Slow & Heavy shoulders but not sure how to start doing pushups again.

I did STS after shoulder surgery. I started out very light using water bottles as my weights. For push-ups, I did the table top version. I didn't have much arm strength before my surgery let alone after. Once you get comfortable doing these things again, you can decide if you can go up. You know your body best and determine what you think you can do but be careful and don't push it. It took me a while before I was using dumbbells again. Hope this helps!

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