Help me spend my money. . .again!


Okay, here I go again :) I am ready to think about adding more tapes to my ever-expanding Cathe collection. I currently own the CTX series, Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks, Interval Max, MIS, MIC, the PS series, and Body Max. I think that's it, at this point, who knows! Anyway, I am thinking about buying one or more of Cathe's all-step videos (this coming from a woman who up until a relatively short time ago had sworn off step aerobics, forever, LOL). I thought I should ask the educated crowd here for advice regarding the level of intensity/complexity of Cathe's other step tapes; I really crave intensity in my workouts and enjoy learning choreography. Any responses are very welcome, and thanks in advance.


P.S. -- Lex411, if you happen to read this, I love, love, love Slammin' Sports Cardio by Mindy Mylrea and I also adore Interval Max (okay, maybe adore isn't the right word, but I am very grateful once I've finished the workout :)). Both of them are so much fun, thanks for the suggestions!
Hi Randi

Here's my opinion! :)
If you love the cardio in MIC and the CTX series, then I think you wouldn't feel challenged enough by the lower intensity and the easier choreography of Cathe's older tapes. Therefore I would suggest some of the newer, more challenging step tapes, namely StepWorks, and perhaps StepFit and opposed to the more basic ones such as Wedding Video, Mega Step Blast, Step Max, Step Jam, and Step Heat.

HOWEVER, that being said, ALLLL of Cathe's tapes are wonderful and have their place in my rotations! Some days I am not feeling like going "all out", and then I am more than happy to pop Step Heat in and have a less intense workout.

BUT, if you're looking for the most challenging step tapes both intensity-wise and choreography-wise, then I'd say StepWorks is your top pick.

This is just my opinion of course and I'm sure you'll get lots of varied opinions!!!

Good luck deciding! You know you can't go wrong, whatever you choose!!!
Ditto what Deb said.

As I was reading your post, I was thinking exactly the same things that Deb said, although I would say "definitely" on Power Max and Step Fit, rather than "maybe." The tempo on those 2 is a bit slower, but if you really put your all into the moves, you get an awesome cardio workout, plus they're a blast! :)


I have most of the one's you already have too. But I would put my vote in for StepWorks. It is one of my favorites too.

Lynn W
Thanks for the suggestions!

Thanks for all the suggestions. I will either purchase StepWorks on its own or I will buy the Cardio Hits dvd. Haven't decided yet. . .

Thanks again,


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