Height of Step for Imax 1?


Just wondering what step height everyone uses for this workout. I always use just one riser, but notice Cathe and crew use two.

For me I base all step heights in how my body feels that day. Intervals after my rest day are always 2-3 and it feels great - if the Interval work is close to the end of my week and I'm ready for a rest soon then usually my workout is more effective w/ 0-1 riser.
I base the height on how I can do the entire workout with good form, target heartrates and complete in its entirety with that days fatigue level.
Hope that helps.
I also vary the height of my step depending on how I feel, and everybody is different, so some people may use 8" for this workout, others may use 6" or even 4". It depends on a lot of things, including how tall you are.

I usually use 8" for this workout.
I use a 6" step for all of the Cathe workouts that I have except for Low Impact Step and Low Max. I feel like I get a very good workout and I feel comfortable with the step at this height. I have tried 8" step on workouts other than the ones listed above and just about killed myself. Apparently they are too fast of a beat to get my leg up high ;-) .

Like everyone has said. It is what you feel comfortable doing.

I use 8 inch for workouts like step blast and steady state cardio workouts(Rhythmic step,cardio hits) and then a 6 inch for interval step workouts like all of the imaxes.

I always use what Cathe does. In this workout she does an 8" step, but you should always listen to your body. If one riser is not challenging enough you could always go up and adjust as needed through the workout (i.e.- by interval 5 go to 6")and work your way up to getting through to the end. Good Luck!
I never use the 8" step as it does something to my back -- I'm on the short side and so I'm thinking this might be why. Usually use 6" step except on IMAX3 -- 4" is enough for me there. : )
Thanks to everyone who responded.

I think I will stick with the 6" step. When I use 8" for Low Max I always feel strange (??) at the start, until I really settle into the extra height.

I don't feel I would have that settling in time with Imax.


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