HATE - July 13


Morny morn morn!


ROBIN - Haha, your poor son and the grape olive! I'm totally there with him, man. When you expect sweet, you expect sweet. That reminds me that my friend's mother went to some kind of International Potluck where all the various foods from various countries were spread out on one giant table. She took a tortilla chip, and smothered it in guacamole dip, wedged that sucker into her mouth, started chewing away only to realize that the green dip was wasabi for the sushi to the other side of it.

I'll bet your hair looks great. Short is nice for summer. I'll bet it looks short and sassy!

DANA - Bundles of money? Do you think that the people who stole the golden bathtub decided to somehow return to the community? I have not heard of the bundles of money, but I'll be on the lookout from tomorrow.

Urgh, the vet! That must have been such a bummer all around. But Ralphie will be all better soon and back to his old playful, destructive self soon enough.

Arse. Hah.

DIANE - I'm glad you don't have to pay anything extra for anything (at least not at this point, LOL). Have fun figuring it all out. You can do that at work or does the computer go home with you?

BECKY - Hiya! You make babysitting sound so fun! That's great that you had an extra day with him. Reminds me of when I used to babysit when I was in middle school. Can you believe people would hire a middle school student to babysit for their babies? I can't believe I was doing that at that age and getting away with it! All I did was go and watch TV and search through the kitchen cabinets for something good to snack on. It makes me shudder! Thank goodness nothing ever happened!

I'm not sure where I'm going with this.

Anyway, glad you had fun LOL.

MICHELE - Hey you, how's it going? Were you able to get some rest? Is your hair soft and silky?

JANA - You!

SHELLEY - Oh, I haven't seen BIG in ages. Yeah, I do vaguely remember him taking something at a party and then slyly returning it to the tray. Haha, I also remember him eating the tiny corn! Tiny corn! Tiny corn!

JEN - Thanks for your sweet compliments! So glad you got some rest and are feeling better....Snicker Marathon bar?! Wow, that sounds pretty good. Remember Marathon bars from way back when? They were twisted caramel bars dipped in chocolate and aside from the delicious taste, they were great at one thing : pulling teeth out! I guess that's why they went off the market. Ha.

Okay guys, I'm out of town this weekend again.

Have a great one!!
HIYA August! Where are you going this weekend?

Guess what day it is? My LUCKY DAY- Friday the 13th!!! I love it- I was born on Friday the 13th so it's always been lucky for me. I always try to get on the 13th row when I fly if I'm able to go on-line & move the seats around on my own. :)
Where the heck is Sapporo??? So speaking of tiny corns, you are going to think I am nuts, well you already know that I am nuts. So YEARS ago, I mean like 10 YEARS ago, my friend Julia (who is a total nutcase) and I ordered Chinese take-out and it had those little corns in it (Yuck). So anyway, we took them out and put them in an envelope and mailed them to this guy Rob. Why???? No clue. Never knew if he got them. She was a bad influence on me. HA!!!

So I check my e-mail this morning and my brother just got back from his vacation in Iceland. OMG girls, you should see the pictures. Absolutely beautiful. The waterfalls, glaciers, the scenery in general. Breathtaking.

Ralphie is doing good. When I dropped him off at the vet they gave me an estimated price and I had to sign it. I also opted to have the pre-surgery bloodwork done to check for cancer, etc. That was an additional $38. When I picked him up yesterday, the bill was $6 less then the estimate. They didn't charge me for the blood work or the pain meds. Last time they didn't charge me for the office visit, and the time before that they didn't charge me for clipping his nails. I'm used to having an office charge for every little thing. This is a different vet then the one that I have used in the past. The breeder referred this one and from the people that I have talked to, it is highly recommended. He has to go for 2 more dips. $100 more bucks!!!!!

Michele - how are you thing morning? Are you still so tired???

Robin - hey!!!!

Shelley - too funny about Sophie and the "S" word. Isn't it amazing how they know just when to use the word? How's the mood today?

Jen - thanks for such nice words. I don't know what is up with my friend. She has known me for like 17 years so if I get an attitude with her you would think that she would know to just blow it off. How are you feeling? I wish that I had your problem of not wanting to eat. I"m the opposite, unfortunately. :(

Jana - Are you home yet?

Diane - I'm w/Shelley, what's the verdict on the name?

Becky - when do you leave for the beach?

Have a great day and I'll check back later!
Grrrrrr morning! http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/wavesmile.gif

August - Have fun in Sapporo! Isn't that a beer? http://planetsmilies.net/eat-drink-smiley-7834.gif :p Don't work too hard, Augie Doggie :* http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/club.gif

...And take a little time for this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzQmH4LSwbQ&mode=related&search=

Jen - Happy Friday the 13th!!! What are you doing to celebrate!? Here's a little something I found in honor of your lucky day http://cats.about.com/od/catspicturecalendar/ig/BlackCatsPictureGallery/index.htm

Dana - Tiny Corns? Huh...Wha...who...WTH are tiny corns? http://bestsmileys.com/clueless/1.gif -- LMAO!! I'm ROTFLMAO at you for sending corn through the mail. I'm so glad you found a vet who is willing to cut you some slack on the cost. Most GOOD vets will do that, IMHO. Sheesh, pet ownership is getting more and more costly by the minute!

I'm still feeling whacked out. Yes, whoever asked, I think it's from spending so much time with damily. It's not just spending time, though -- it's all the STUFF. There's so much going on with my damily lately. My poor brother is having so many problems right now, and my sister's life is a train wreck. I was happy to have her here and show her a good time because there is so little joy in her life right now, but I felt so depressed after she left. We've talked everyday this week and I just kind of feel overwhelmed by all of her problems. She's a bit anxiety stricken at the moment and it's kind of wearing me down.

I'm planning to visit my brother this weekend. DH is going to see if he can take Monday and Tuesday off. I hope he can -- we need some time to just be together without anyone else around and relax. If he gets the time off I probably won't post again until next Wednesday.

I was baaaaaaaaad yesterday. First off, I went to high tea with my best friend and her daughter. They served up a TOWER of little finger sandwiches and pastries}( :9 . Everything was so yummy! I was planning to have a nice dinner until DH informed me that he had a meeting and wouldn't be home, so I took myself out to a tavern (}( :p), book in hand, and ordered a basket of...of...you're just going to DIE :eek: ...fried chicken and french fries...OH...and a coke}( :p :7 :9 :7 :9

This has been my WEEK of magical unclean eating and I ain't sorry! Yep, it's Friday and that means PIZZA -- YEA! YEA! YEA! It's pizza day!!!

ETA a big hello to everyone else. I hope each and every one of you have a fun, peaceful, restful weekend:* :*
YEA! YEA! PIZZA!! I always get excited about pizza night:p :D


You sent THOSE through the mail!? http://planetsmilies.net/not-tagged-smiley-12802.gif

I'm going back to my book. I'm almost finished with it and I'm anxious to start another one. I tend to go in spurts when it comes to reading and I'm in a spurt right now :p . I've collected a hefty stack of books over the past few months that I haven't read yet and I want to see how many I can plow through this summer.

Dana, I hope the rest of your work day flies by :*

Okay, well, I'll check back later today to see who else stops by Hatertown :*
Michele, it looks like it is just you and me in hatertown today.

So what kinda pizza are you getting? We usually just order a plain one. I would love a mushroom/onion/black olive pizza but none of my boys like that. At this age, I can still give Gannon mushrooms and he'll eat them. But Mark and Gabe hate em!

The last time I read a book was 6 years ago!!!! Can you believe that? I have one on my nightstand that my boss gave me last summer and I didn't make it past the first chapter. Not like it isn't a good book but I have no time to read. :(

My goodness is this day dragging!!!! 45 minutes to go.

I doubt I'll check back so have a great weekend. And I hope your DH gets off on Mon/Tues. Have fun!
HI! Just running through....

Name is Ella (Ellie) Grace!

Okay, back to work, I want to get out of here as early as I can since DH already left at noon. So jealous.

LMAO at you wacky bunch!!!!!!!!!

Big smooches to you, Michele. http://bestsmileys.com/hugging/1.gif What with all that's going on with you, your posts (and link!) sure made me smile and laugh a ton.

Dana, tiny corn in the mail?! LMAO! I'm glad to hear that Ralphie is on the way to recovery...yikes about his bills. Maybe you should come visit Tokyo and look for bags of money.

Diane, you've decided the name? Yeah right LOL.

It's 5am. I'm up. But I'm sleeping again from now. And then I'm off to catch the plane to Sapporo. In a typhoon. :eek:


ETA : Hiyas to Janjan!
>>And then I'm off to catch the plane to Sapporo. In a typhoon. :eek:

Oh geez, August, be careful! Now I'm gonna be worried about you, too;) :*

Diane, I love the current name choice but I can't wait to hear what esle you come up with -- lol! Just kidding:*

Janjan, I hope you find a new job soon -- one that will free up some posting time:*

Jen - where are you tonight? :*

Where're Shelley and Robin?:* :*

Are you guys checking the blog!? OMG, I don't even like kickboxing and I can't wait to preview that workout -- LMAO! I love the kickboxing outfit. I'm excited about the weight work -- it all looks so good!

Okay, it's PIZZA TIME:9

See y'all later:*
Hi haters. No time for personals - I'm headed for bed. We had a great time at the Arts Festival in State College. We got a couple Christmas gifts. Most things there are lovely, but way out of my price range. The baby was an angel. We had dinner at the restaurant I had wanted to visit it May during our redbud drive. MMMMM, Crab and spinach stuffed portabellos with roasted red pepper crawdad sauce. Oh, and a Kick Max premix before we left. See you tomarrow. MWAH to all.

Hey haters... a guy at work sent this to me, too funny! Everyone at work knows I've had a boob job so most of the guys are in awe of the difference between how I used to be & now... and I'm not even big, just was VERY small before!

Anyway, thought it might give you guys a laugh. I've been starving today & not sure why. Going to go to bed early so I don't wreck my decent eating all in one night. At least I'm not craving crap but still...

Oh, I uploaded an old picture of CJ, my baby Siamese/Himalayan cat, that I had for 10 years. The picture was about 2-3 years before she died on my couch with my neighbors cat. We lived in a duplex that had a hallway in the front where we could open the doors to each side and go back & forth between our places. So, anytime they went out of town or I did we'd just watch each others animals so I was cat sitting when I took that picture. I still my baby. :(

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