Has STS ruined you?

If all you can afford is STS and nothing else, get STS because there is nothing like it on the market, and that includes CLX. However, after finishing STS(which I did today), I am longing to do some full body work-outs instead of splits, so will be using some of those for a couple of months, before heading back into STS.

That's what I need. A bunch of full body workouts.
First I agree that if you can only afford one get STS. That said I finished STS 2 weeks ago and started CLX this week. At first I was like 'whatever' but now I am really getting into it. I really liked Burn & Intervals(?). What I find is that doing STS prior to CLX has allowed me to lift heavier with CLX. STS increased my strength considerably and that really helped with CLX. I usually add a couple of miles with Leslie and/or a stretch after CLX because the w/o's are short. Both are keepers for me.

YAY! I'm very happy you are enjoying CLX.
I love Burn Intervals too. I've been using it with a 20 minute elliptical fix on the end. It's a fun workout:)

I gave the program this week to see if my opinion would change. Sadly it hasn't. It doesn't have the same or at least different intensity for me(different would be Insanity series:eek:)
CLX does not offer enough challenge for me to grow in the direction I want.
One of my favorite trainers (Christian Thibaudeau) often talks about the importance of intensity. SNM has also talked about the importance of intensity levels. It's not how many times you work a body part, it's how intense you work it. Your muscles respond to intensity. IMO, CLX is a few pegs down in the intensity dept.- JMO!

I really didn't start this thread with the intention of making it a CLX vs STS. I was completely shocked to begin a program I once loved & found challenging- not challenging. I'm wondering what I'll think of my Jari Love now??:confused:

I truly enjoyed CLX the first round. I'm a huge Chalene fan. I find her motivating, hip, fresh and funny. The set of CLX is bright, the music is great and the workout is great to get women to toss out their pink dumbbells and pick up in the big boy section of the gym:D
I will keep my set for when I need to take a break, or if I ever find myself too deconditioned to do STS.
Cynthia I too have been wondering about Jari. I did not get her new one and am thinking about passing on her others. The thing with CLX is the limited sets. It just doesn't seem like enough and I don't feel like running thru the whole workout again. That is why I just add on something else to make my workout feel more complete. Anyway change up is always good.
Cynthia I too have been wondering about Jari. I did not get her new one and am thinking about passing on her others.

I bought her new workout but haven't tried it. I previewed a little of it.
She is VERY different in this workout. Very talkative and almost insulting. One of the things I loved about Jari was her gentle, somewhat quiet presence(and I liked her workout). Her form in the new workout is pretty sucky IMO. She doesn't use full range of motion on lunges/squats etc.
The only thing that I feel saves the workout is that her background exercisers are in good form.
I haven't tried the workout. It has a lot of lower body work, very little upper. I would use it for leg day if I decide I like it.
I tried CLX briefly, but I couldn't stomach the feel of it. I could also tell that it wasn't gonna work me hard enough. I then got STS and feel that it is much more appropriate for my level and what I was looking for (a challenge). I don't think it is only STS though that has spoiled me- I think it is Cathe in general. There are just no other workouts out there that are as intense and that offer the viewer REAL training. BTW- I did get Jari's EX Ripped, and while I sort of like a few of hers, I did not like the newest one. And frankly, when I do my Cathe's, I realize that all of those endless Jari reps are not really time well spent. I get much better results from Cathe!
I have not tried STS yet. I've completed P90x & Chalean Extreme. I've done Cathe's Gym Style, Slow and Heavy (my favorite), and Pyramids. Am I ready for STS? How does STS compare?
I have not tried STS yet. I've completed P90x & Chalean Extreme. I've done Cathe's Gym Style, Slow and Heavy (my favorite), and Pyramids. Am I ready for STS? How does STS compare?

Yes you are ready for STS!
STS is by far Cathe's best work. I love all her weight lifting programs, but STS pushed me to grow in ways the other programs did not. If you increase weights as Cathe tells you to, you will make gains. Don't worry about the increases. They are small increments so you can push yourself just a tiny bit further each time. I used wrist weights(1lb), pace weights(.1/2lb), and platemates(1 1/2lb).

STS is the most comprehensive weight training system I know of. I loved P90X, but STS beats it by a mile.
What I also like about the program is that it only requires 3 days a week, and allows for you to do whatever you want on non-STS days. Cathe gives you cardio suggestions in the STS forum. I followed some of her cardio suggestions in the beginning but then I ventured out doing other workouts. I tried a lot of new cardio workouts during STS and discovered some new favorites.:cool:

This thread explains one of the reasons I am still on the fence about STS. I've been considering getting just Meso 2 (since I suck at sticking with rotations) but at the back of my mind I've always had the niggling feeling that I will like STS so much that I'll become locked into lifting the STS way exclusively.

At the moment I lift using Cathe's Muscle Max and Slow & Heavy, as well as using stuff from other instructors, or just lifting without a vid at all. My fear is that I won't be able to go 'back' to these after doing STS.

I will be interested to see how you get on doing other weight workouts in the future!

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This may not end up being a problem for you, Adam. I'm currently in Meso #2 and loving it, but I'm also excited to get back to the Pyramids, S&H, MM, etc. to see how I've improved. I'm also going to try using the 1RM approach with them as well.

This thread explains one of the reasons I am still on the fence about STS. I've been considering getting just Meso 2 (since I suck at sticking with rotations) but at the back of my mind I've always had the niggling feeling that I will like STS so much that I'll become locked into lifting the STS way exclusively.

At the moment I lift using Cathe's Muscle Max and Slow & Heavy, as well as using stuff from other instructors, or just lifting without a vid at all. My fear is that I won't be able to go 'back' to these after doing STS.

I will be interested to see how you get on doing other weight workouts in the future!


I finished STS early last week. I did Push/Pull Sunday, ramped up the weight because I could, and thoroughly enjoyed the work-out. I am actually looking forward to some full body work, adding more cardio, and integrating more yoga than I did doing STS. I will do this over the summer, and then in the fall I will go back into another STS rotation. For me, STS has not ruined my enjoyment of other work-outs.
I am half way through STS (doing the 3.5 month rotation). I love it, but I also look forward to getting back to my other Cathe and KCM weight lifting dvds. After finishing STS in about 6 weeks, I will spend the rest of the summer doing Circuit workouts and other weight lifting work (like Pyramids, Muscle Endurance, etc.) and then I will consider doing STS in the late Fall. I definitely do not think STS will make it so you never want to use other dvds and instructors again.
I will be interested to see how you get on doing other weight workouts in the future!

I did Jari Love Ripped & Chiseled yesterday and Extremely Ripped today.
You will be happy to know that I still love my Jari workouts as was able to bump up the weight. :) Both workouts left me drenched and my muscles fatigued. :cool: I really like how my muscles pop with Jari's high reps. I know many do not like the 120 rep bicep track, but I love the burn!!
I'm going to try Jari's advanced rotation for a few weeks (until Insanity arrives) subbing Ripped 1000 with Extremely Ripped. R&C is upper body intense, Extremely Ripped is lower body.

Monday- R&C
Tuesday- Extreme Ripped
Wed-60 minutes Cardio
Thurs R&C
Friday- Extremely Ripped
Sat- 60 minutes Cardio
R&C is upper body intense, Extremely Ripped is lower body.

I guess I just fell out of love with my CLX. It happens:-(
OK, thats good to hear...not that you fell out of love with CLX :(, but that there is life after STS!
I may order Meso 2 as my 'summer project'.

Adam, MEso 2 is the best. You will like it a lot.

Cynthia, I would give some space to CLX and then do it again later in the year. You may find that you like it better than. That is what I am planning on doing.

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