Hardcore Rotation Checkin 3/2/05

Hi everyone!

Looks like we're doin' great!:7

I just did Low Max--man do I love this one. I still feel sort of shaky and glowy (a word?)--all those endorphins.

Tomorrow is my rest day.

take care
Hello everyone:7
I did kickmax earlier this evening!! All I can say is WOW I LOVE those leg drills:7

Take care,

Hey Denise,

I love Christi Taylor! Her workouts are so much fun. I think her Solid Golds are my favorite, but I love pretty much all of her stuff.

just joining in! remembered half way through IM3 last night that an 8 inch step is MURDER!!!! Whoa!
did GS Legs plus core #1, pretty sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow!
I missed the checkin yesterday! So...I did Kick Max yesterday and Low Max today! Feeling good! I love this series! :)
I did MM (timesaver) and ran 11/2 miles on my treadmill. I had a time shortage because my hubby took the volume off my alarm the day before when he was listening to the radio(grrrr)
So, I was in a bit of a rush

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