Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wed Sept 12

Ya'll are probably sleeping. I am just not tired yet as I got my leg workout in late and had endless energy. Weird..just the opposite yesterday. Hyper as can be. I will crash soon..like someone hit me over the head. lol.

So I did Coremax 1 in the am and PLB this evening. Had a friend of mine come over after work and I helped her some with coremax 2. She did really good for first time on stability ball. Was impressed. Then onto PLB. Fifteen minutes into workout and she said she was done. She even looked sick and was sweating profusely?????? I did not give her a barbell of over 100#...I swear. Only 25# barbell. She said she got a cramp in her leg and wanted to go home. Even before we started..she said she couldn't do it when she seen Cathe on stepper with barbell. She proved she did it, but she kept saying negative things entire time....mindset thing, ya know? Anyhow, I don't know if she is really serious about working out..time will tell.
Charlotte, LOL on the 100#. I tried to get one of my daughters to use a Firm tape that was light and I had to go back and remember what was really hard for me when I started. I gave her 3 and 5 pounders and she thought it was hard. Good luck. I hope she realizes that she can do it. My other daughter went to the gym and on the second visit the guy had her and her friend doing walking lunges with a 50# barbell. I thought that was excessive and should have been worked up to. She went and told him. They did stick with it for awhile and he backed off a little after she talked to him.


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