Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for June 2016

This morning I did 21 Day Fix Extreme Dirty 30, 32 minutes, 183 calories. I do not think I like this one too much because there is so much shoulder work in it. Some is for other body parts but the push up and plank stuff with row etc. for 1 minute at a time puts an awful lot of pressure on the shoulder. My shoulder was a bit achy this morning for some reason. I can only guess it is from the jacks and overhead presses and other weighted work in the cardio yesterday. I then did Legs and Abs mix that is chair/ firewalker with the warm up and stretch and added on the care, 44 minutes, 167 calories. Total time spent 76 minutes, 350 calories.

Debbie, my dip station was a space hog. I miss it sometimes. It was so heavy I could wrap my tubing around it and it would stay in place. I couldn't see them trying to cart it upstairs even if I did decide I wanted to keep it, My freestanding heavybag stand is a space hog but. I wanted to keep it.
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Today was a rest day. We had family day and I am catching up some things and mowing the back yard. The neighborhood association mows the front. Hopefully I get some good workouts in this week. I am trying to clean up my diet some more. I did not replace the nuts and nut butter that I ran out of. The last two days I pretty much ate the Julie Bauer cookbook Jalapeno Popper Chicken Chili I made up. Today I put together a batch of coconut rice with some garlic and ginger in it and made a favorite recipe of Coconut Curry Scallops to eat over it. I will have some left for tomorrow.

Roselyn, a float trip sounds like fun :) I am planning on getting my 8 year old granddaughter Wednesday so I can take her and my 5 year old grandson to our neighborhood pool Thursday. It will be one of the hotter days.
Sunday evening and I'm back from my short vacation. I have to say, I could not enjoy myself because I never got a workout in except for long walks along the lake. This is so pathetic, I get out of my routine and I'm like a fish out of water. One thing I did notice was, if I don't workout, I don't sleep well. For me that's a killer. If I don't get a good 8 hours I'm done. I cant wait to get back into the gym tomorrow morning. :)

I hope you all had nice workouts.

Debbie, good job on getting some new equipment!
Jolie, it has taken me a long time to be able to take some days off without feeling I have missed something. I am better at taking a day off or doing something short. When we go for our weekend Cabin stay in July I do not plan on working out. I am sure here will be walking and boating and lots of activity. I have a hard time when I am not feeling like working out, that I CAN the day off. I am the one making myself do it. No guilt! that should be the motto for having some fun without the workout. Each day only happens once and we should make it the best.
So I am starting another round of Body Beast. Pretty excited about it. Today I did Build: Chest & Tri's and had a great workout. I forgot how fun these workouts are. I didn't go too heavy for my first run, this week will be a trial week with the weights. I felt it tough, that's for sure.

Single Set
Dumbbell Chest Press:
15's/20's/25's/20's - 15/12/8/8 (last two sets were drop sets)

Super Set
Incline Dumbbell Fly:
ss w/
Incline Dumbbell Press: 15's/20's/25's/20's - 15/12/8/8 (last two sets were drop sets)

Giant Set
Close Grip Press:
12s/15s/20s - 15/12/8
Partial Chest Press: 12s/15s/20s - 15/12/8
Decline Pushups: 10/12/8 reps

Single Set
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions:
8'/10's/12's/10's - 15/12/8/8 (last two sets were drop sets)

Super Set
Single-Arm Kickbacks:
8's/10's/12's/10's (last two sets were drop sets)
ss w/
Tricep Pushups: 12/10/8 - (on my knees)

Super Set
60 seconds
ss w/
Ins & Outs (abs): 60 seconds

Jolie - Please don't let not working out ruin vacations, life is too short for that crap. It took me a long time to learn that. Now I enjoy any time off I have and then get back to it as soon as I can. I get the not sleeping well when you don't workout, though!!!

You all had great workouts this weekend, nice job. I'm off today so I'm going to my moms to cut her grass. It's beautiful outside!!!!

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Today I did ICE Muscle Meltdown, Shoulders, Biceps and triceps. I had a great workout. I also did ICE Core #1.
These workouts are Giant Sets, 3 rounds and no rests. You have to go lighter but you definitely get a nice burn!

Overhead Press- 15# x 12, x 12, x 12 reps
Upright Rows- 15# x 12, x 12, x 12
Lateral Raise- 10# x 12, x 12, x 12
Front Raise- 8# x 12, x 12, x12
Rear Flys- 12# x 12, x 12, x 12

Bicep Curls- 15# 3 sets of 12 reps
Hammer Curls- 15#
Preacher Curls- 12 # ( could have gone heavier here)
Incline Hammer Curls- 12#
Conc. Curls- 15#

Lyning Tricep Ext- 12# 3 sets of 12 reps
Kickbacks- 10#
Lying Ext. 10# again, no dips
Cross Body Ext.- 12#
Close Grip Bench Press- 12#


Debbie, great workout! You are really lifting some impressive weights. I love Body Beast. I usually go back to the workout in the summer and love it. I might have to do it with you!:) I need to make my vacation time my recovery rest week so I don't feel bad about taking time off. I just don't sleep well if I don't get a lot of physical activity so I love to work out to feel tired at the end of the day. I am an A type personality so working out is really good for me! ;)

Diane Sue, Thanks for the vacation advise, I will keep it in mind when I go again!

Roselyn, great workouts this past week!

Have a great day!
Today I did 21 Day Fix Extreme Plyo , 31 minutes, 204 calories, 119 avg/153 max heart rate. I then did 21 Day Fix Extreme Pilates, 33 minutes, 130 calories. I decided since this was lower body and pilates extreme had a lot of core and lower body that I would ad some lower to it. I did the bonus chair work from Great Glutes using a 10# dumbbell, 7 minutes, 22 calories, and Lean Legs and Abs chair and firewalker and bonus chair no warm up, 33 minutes, 98 calories. I used a 10# dumbbell and a medium strength firewalker band, also used a 3# ankle weight above my knee for the barre work. I think I could have used 5# for this. I spent a lot of time going over moves that help and moves that hurt knees and it was suggested to do some of those moves with the ankle weight above the knee. It worked fine this way. I was surprised at how many moves we normally do in yoga and stretching that can hurt the knees. Basically most things that turn the knee at a different angle. Even the stance where one foot is back and at an angle and the other forward for warrior poses is not a good one. They suggest you point both feet forward. Then step ups is a good move to do. I bookmarked a couple of things to go back to. Total time today ended up being 1 hour 44 minutes, 452 calories.

Debbie, nice work out the weights. I am going to finish up 21 Day Fix Extreme this week and I think I will just pick and choose some workouts for a bit till I decide what I want to do.

Jolie, I love those muscle meltdowns. I have said it before but, I really want those other workouts so I can have all of the muscle meltdowns. I thought I would add at least biceps muscle meltdown tomorrow. Nice work doing that many of them and good job on the weights.
So today I was going to do Press Play - all of it - but after cutting hedges and grass yesterday, my low back is a bit sore. I don't want to aggravate it so I decided to jut walk 3 miles on my treadmill. Felt good and I got 8,000 steps in by the end of that. I will do Press Play on Thursday. Then I did the Ab work from Maximum Intensity Step. I like that one. I also did the stretch from that workout as well.

Jolie - You should do BB with me!!! Nice job yesterday!! You are hitting some good weights as well!

Diane Sue - Can yo direct me to the Muscle Meltdown workouts? I googled it, but I only see stuff from T-Nation.

Roselyn - Are you doing a Body Beast rotation or are you mixing them with other stuff? Following what you've been doing, it looks like you are doing a BB rotation. Love these workouts! Nice job!!
The Muscle Meltdowns are part of Cathe's ICE workout series. I love this part of the series because they exhaust the muscle in a very short period of time, one body part at a time. You find them in the Bonus section in the Main Menu. You could do one body part and cardio everyday which I am liking lately.

Today's workout was Cardio and I picked Hardstrikes Boxing from Cathe Live. I did this workout once before and loved it so I did it again. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 527 calories. I used 2 pound gloves the entire workout and had to work very hard to finish. My average heart rate was 140 and my max was 180! I was drenched when I was done. I love kickboxing because when I was young I took 13 years of Karate so I am very familiar with the moves. I did a lot of tournaments and actually would fight with pads on. What a nut I am!

Debbie, regarding Body Beast, I may have to start that again. I am loving the Cathe Live Workouts but I could use them form my cardio days. They only thing I don't like about the Body Beast workouts are the leg segments. I would substitute my own leg workout which would be fine. We only get to do two days of cardio per week with this roation, correct? I might do two weight workouts on one day and get an extra cardio in for the week!:) I really need the cardio, I still cant get my scale to budge!

Diane Sue, nice workout! Do you want to do Body Beast again? It would be fun if we all did it together!

Roselyn, where are you in the Body Beast rotation?
Today was BB Build Legs.

Yes, I am doing a BB rotation, and I need to get my rear in gear and post my weights. I work out so early and then just now am posting and I don't want to walk downstairs to get my workout sheets. LAZY!!! :)
Today I started with the Ice Low Impact Sweat mix of cardio 2 and blizzard blast, 37 minutes, 263 calories, 125 avg/155 max hr.. I then 21 Day Fix Extreme Upper body 34 minutes, 161 calories . I lowered the weight on this a bit because the last two days my shoulder and neck have been bothering me. I am not sure why. Maybe arthritis. I just did not want to push it too hard. I finished off with 21 Day Fix Extreme Yoga, 31 minutes, 102 calories. Total time 1 hr 42 minutes, 532 calories. So far this week I am burning slightly less calories on the same workouts as last week. I will have to get up and get started on a workout tomorrow early. I am picking up my granddaughter 8 for a fun sleep over and swimming on Thursday with her cousin 5 who is here on Thursdays. I got a new swimsuit in the mail this morning. I am quite pleased with it since it only cost me 15.00 at Amazon. I just wanted something modest for when I take grandchildren to the pool or go to my daughters and use their pool. It has boy shorts and a t back tank type top. Perfect for me. I was worried it wouldn't fit because everyone said they run small and it is converted sizing from Asian sizing.

Debbie. muscle meltdowns are on the ice workouts. They are three rounds of giant sets of 5 exercises at 12 reps each exercise. There is also a premix for each body part that is 4 rounds instead of 3. You can heavy up on these and when I did 4 rnds on biceps I was pretty much spent. Right now I only have the ones with biceps and back. Also you can print up the worksheets from the back of the PDF book download for the meltdowns.
Here they are with times: times exclude the w/up and c/d
Ice Rockem Sockem, Triceps 13:54
Ice Bootcamp circuit, biceps 15:22
Chiseled Lower Body, shoulders 15:38 shoulders also on To the Mat Legs and Glutes
Metabolic Total Body, chest 15:27
Low Impact Sweat, back 21:11
Chiseled upper body does not have a muscle meltdown but instead has both Icy Core workouts on it
I always liked that ab workout on MIS

Jolie, I will have to think about doing BB again. I sort of wanted to mess with a few other workouts first. I would probably go a bit lighter at first. I like the lower body work but, I can see you having some issues with it. Any time that I have done BB, I have done extra cardio. I never do the Beast cardio workout every week either. If I go real heavy and put my all into the BB workouts I have a hard time doing two at a time. I have done it but it is hard. Maybe you could make up your own schedule of how you would want to do it. I don't think any of the workouts have to be set in the rotation they give you. I have changed up 21 Day Fix Extreme a bit. I have been adding the pilates and yoga to the other workouts and more cardio and a bit more strength work.

Roselyn, I do the same thing sometimes. I just do not want to go back upstairs to pick up my notes.

I forgot to mention that I went to Sprouts today and they had the Amazing Grass green superfood ORAC BOGO. At 28.00 for one that was an excellent deal. I had to remind the girl at the checkout though because they both rang up and it was in their ad. Manager had her take off the 28.00. Next time I get the Amazing Grass protein and greens I am going to get the chocolate peanut butter again. I recently tried the nutrition bars and the chocolate chip coconut one was pretty good. It reminded me of a Lara bar. Lots of carbs though.
Today I did To the Max less impact mix, 38 min., avg hr.115/max146. I then did Ripped with Hiit Low impact 1 and 2 doing both stretches, 53 min., 378 calories, 126 avg/148 max hr.. Total time 91 minutes, calories 614.
I will do personals late. I need to go pick up my granddaughter.

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Today I did Build: Back & Bi's and had a great workout. Again, I didn't go too heavy for my first week run, this week will be a trial week with the weights. I felt it tough, that's for sure.

Single Set
12s/15s/20s/15s - 15/12/8/8 reps (last two sets were drop sets)

Super Set
Dumbbell Pullover:
20#/25#/30# - 15/12/10 reps
ss w/
Pullups: 3 sets/10 reps (Used my Perfect Pullup bar but had legs stretched out in front of me on the floor)

Giant Set
EZ Bar Row:
30#/35#/40# - 15/12/8 reps
One-Arm Row: 15#/20#/25# - 15/12/8 reps
Reverse Fly: 10s/12s/15s - 10/12/8 reps

Single Set
Close Grip Chin Ups:
Used my Bands for this - 3 sets/30 seconds each set

Single Set
Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curl:
10s/12s/15s/12s - 15/12/8/8 reps (last two sets were drop sets)

Single Set
1, 1, 2 Hammer Curl:
5s/8s/10s/12s - 15/12/8

Single Set
Neutral EZ Bar Curl:
20#/25#/30#/20# - 15/12/8/8 reps (last two sets were drop sets)

Single Set
Airplane Cobra:
Skipped - I don't like doing these because they hurt my upper back

Diane Sue - Thanks for the breakdown on the Meltdown workouts. I didn't know they were from ICE for some reason. So how much is the Sprouts stuff you got usually? I think it is so ridiculous how much they charge for protein powders and healthy things we eat. Have fun with your granddaughter.

Jolie - I like the leg workouts on BB, I'm just not sure I can do them. I may try one and see how it goes.

Roselyn - It is hard to post workouts on BB, there are so many exercises in them.
Today I did Body Beast Build Chest/Tris. I did the weights that I did the last time I did this rotation and I thought the workout was easy! Calories burned were 289. After, I jumped on the treadmill and walked 30 minutes at a steep incline for 1.50 miles at 8.0 incline. Calories burned 223. Total calories were 512. I am not sure if I will do the BB rotation because there is limited cardio and I am really liking it right now. If I do decide to continue, I will have to some sort of cardio after each workout. That makes for a long workout, I'm not sure I have the time... I do however miss lifting heavy, I notice I am loosing my rounded muscles., which in turn makes me look bulky! :confused:

DB Chest press- 15#, 20#, 25#, 20# Reps, x 15, x 12, x 8 drop set x 8

Super Set
Incline Dumbell Fly- 15#, 20#, 25# Reps, x 15, x 12, x 8
Incline DB Press- 15#, 20#, 25#, 20# Reps, x 15, x 12, x 8, x8

Giant Set
Close Grip Press- 12#, 15#, 20# Reps, x 15, x 12, x 8
Partical Chest Fly- 12#, 15#, 20# Reps, same
Pushups regular- 7 x 7 x7 These kill my shoulder

Tricep Ext- 10#, 12#, 15# 12# Reps, x 15, x12, x 8, x 8

1 arm kickbacks- 8#, 10#, 12#, 10#
Cross Body Ext.- 8#, 10#, 12# I did this instead of pushups

Cable Pulldowns- 30#, 20 reps, I did this instead of dips, they hurt my shoulder.

I might continue with Cathe Live, I am not sure yet. We shall see...

Have a nice day.
Deb, I usually pay 28.00 at Sprouts or 24.00 on Amazon for a 30 serving size canister, I was reading a review and breakdown of Shakeology ingredients and you can have the same thung less doing a protein powder and a powder like the Amazing grass and you get the benefit of all organic quality ingredients. There is only one ingredient listed on Shakeology that is organic according to the reviewer. She called and asked two different times about them being organic and no it is not. I have often wondered about how much of the really good stuff you get in some of those products or if they fill it up with mostly the lower cost ingredients. The only thing I did not see on the Amazing grass ORAC was moringa. I have had my eye on that herb at the store. It is at the bottom of the Shakeology list and costs about 15.00 for two weeks of it. Also when I use maca powder I use 1 to 2 tsp a day. That would take up quite a bit of space in that scoop of Shakeology that also has protein powder in it. Also it gives me control over the sweeteners. Yes it does cost a lot to eat healthy and I am on a very limited budget but I can tell the difference if I do not use the good stuff.

Jolie, nice work today.
Today was Build Back/Bis

15/12/8/8 reps 20#/21/23/21/21

Pullover with pull up

10 reps 3X for pull ups

Giant Set
15,12,8 reps

Barbell rows 35#/40#/45#
One arm rows 20#/21#/22#
Reverse fly 8#/9#/10#

Close grip chin ups
30 seconds 3X

Seated Bicep Curl

1,1, hammer curl
12#/13#/15# 15,12,8 reps

Barbell curl

finished off with some ab work
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