Hardcore Fitness Maniac - Tuesday June 17, 2008

Linda, I have not tried Afterburn but have read some of what that method for fat burning is. Basically HIIT, I believe it is recommended to do Total Body Super Sets or Circuits. Not sure about the nutrition program other than he says adequate protein and good fats.

[font color=indigo]Meals for today:[/font]

M1: ON whey protein shake w/strawberries (pre workout)
M2: ON whey protein shake w/strawberries (post workout)
M3: Chocolate Fudge BSN w/ 1/2 c. oats & 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
M4: 3.5 oz. turkey breast on 1 slice 12 grain bread; 2 tbsp. raw almonds
M5: 1/2 c. LF cottage cheese mixed w/Strawberry & Cream yogurt
M6: Crab cake; salad w/Parmesan yogurt dressing
M7: 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites

[font color=blue]1659 calories
56 g. fat - 30%
175 g. protein - 42%
116 g. carbs - 28%
Finished working my biceps. Felt sick and almost puked up my nasty tunafish so will do triceps tomorrow with chest/back.

Preacher Curls:
60# bb 3/8

Easy Curl Bar:
80# bb 3/8

Concentration Curls:
45# db's 3/8
dropped to 6 on last set

Hammer Curls
35# db's (boy did these feel feather light in comparison)

Changing my diet around some to include more cals so I had to eat alot more for lunch and will need to eat more for breakfast (as I usually do, but have been getting into bad habits)
My meals today are not so good!

I did pure strength after attempting pull ups. It was a decent work out without getting me too overheated.

M1: 2 eggs 1 slice whole wheat toast
M2: chocolate cake - boss' birthday
M3: carbmaster yogurt
M4: turkey wrap on light flat out
M5: cottage cheese and yogurt mixed

dinner - we are going to a taste of Nashville - so I will be snacking and try to do healthy snacking. Before the taste of Nashville - these are the stats:

calories 1045
fat 30%
carb 37%
protein 33% - I will try to stick to chicken grilled items at the festivities.
Char - Nice workout. I can't believe you can curl so much with your biceps. It amazes me! You animal!!! Sorry you almost puked. :(

Ally - The chocolate cake sounds good! Yummy!
Ok - I am getting that message again that I have a message in my inbox and there nothing new there! What is up?

The chocolate cake was good. A coworker brought it in from Publix and it had chocolate covered strawberries on top and a strawberry glaze in between the layers. It was a small cake, which is good cause we are a small group.
Hey again! I have a few minutes here to post.:) I'm eating 2 slices of homemade Pizza with extra jalepenos.:9 Had cottage cheese/yogurt/strawberries for breakfast and snack so far today.

Ally- nice job on the eats yesterday! I need to get me some of that talapia.

Lora- You are doing great sticking with WSFL!

Char- Unbelievable bicep workout AGAIN! How many calories did Fitday tell you? It's always nice to check once in awhile isn't it?

Debbie- Those perfect pushups thingy's are great, aren't they? Nice workout you did!!

Linda- Almonds and raisins are a great combo aren't they?:9 Funny we were eating them at the same time!

Sandy- Great job on TJ sculpt! Those TJ's are so fun! Yes, you do need to try the raisin/almond combo!:)

Meg- Glad you had fun camping and great job on the eating!

Anne- I can't wait for the stress to die down for you. I can't believe all the little extras you have to deal with. I don't know if I could handle all that! It's going to be so cool once it's all done. You are one tough lady!

Diane Sue- The sunflower seeds with raisins sound really good too! Great job on running at 12 incline at 6 mph! I keep forgetting to make my mammogram appointment, need to do that today!


[font face="script" color=magenta size=+1]*~Dallys~*[/font]

I did Butts & Guts today. Meals have not been too good today. I baked cookies for a swim party tomorrow and ate some of that darn dough! Going to eat better the rest of the day. What time is a good time for my last meal?

Deb - yes, I saw your posts. Problem is that I read them at night and then forget what people asked the next morning! LOL. I don't like to post this late....cuz usually nobody's around. Did you like Prodigal Son? I don't think it's that good. Like a lot of their other stuff better. No - I've never heard of that band you mention.

Dallys- depends on what kinds of fragrances you like and what to get at Lush. I like sweet scents, so I love the Creamy Candy Bath Bubble Bar and Honey Bee Bath Bomb. For dusting powders, Silky Underwear is "da bomb" and I love Candy Fluff. All of my fave shower gels were discontinued....but I do like the smell of Sweetie Pie shower jelly...although the jelly is harder to use in the shower than gel. Other than that, I think must haves would be to try the skin care...which is outa this world. Recommendations would depend on your skin type. I love Celestial, Afterlife, Skin's Shranglila and Imperialis is great for the hot humid weather. Lastly, their hair stuff is also the bomb. Jungle solid conditioner smells fab and is wonderful, as well as American Cream. I also use Cynthia Sylvia Stout shampoo and various shampoo bars and other hair stuff. For hair pre-treatments, Hsuan Wen Hua is wonderful!! Love the smell and it is really good for your hair. Happy shopping....Lush would be a great place to be in person. I will live vicariously thru your experience.

Diane Sue - have you gotten a chance to glance at the Dovesbodies workouts, and if so, what do you think?

Linda - I have Afterburn & Afterburn II. Afterburn looks a lot like WSFL....but it starts out easier and gets progressively harder with longer sessions. Skwigg's talks about it on her Blog a lot from when she did it. Afterburn II gets more into Tabata protocols and Alwyn's "infamous" complexes which are sort of hard for me to figure out. As a matter of fact, he just posted a REALLY good looking rotation on his Blog from a class he just taught at a seminar last week. I posted it on our thread....cuz I'd like to do it, but I don't know how to do a few of the complexes he has listed. Complexes are basically a supersetted exercise.....but it's blended into one move. Do you read his Blog? It's a recent post.
Linda - I still had it saved........so here it is posted below:

Perform Better Workout

As promised here is the programming for the hands-on portion. Morning and afternoon sessions were a little different so I've listed different variations.

Warm up:
Running Drills - high knees, butt kicks, side shuffles, cariocas, high knee drives

1) Hip flexor and hamstring lunge complex
2) Lateral band X walks (2 variations)
3) Lateral Lunge - drop lunge complex

2) Hip-thigh extension and glute bridge variations
3) Plank walk-ups

1) Swiss Ball Mountain Climbers - Hip Extension
2) Val slide planks and push away combinations
3) Side Planks (dynamic to crossover)

Strength and Elasticity:
1) Prone jacknife-push up combo paired with SHELC
2) Airex/Valslide Reverse Lunge Combo (optional counter -load) paired with VS mountain climbers
3) Kettlebell Swing paired with Goblet Squat and press hybrid

1) Tabata Protocol: Jump Squat and Plyo Push up ( see The Body-Bot for more details)
2) Leg Matrix: 3 variations - 18 reps, 24 reps, 36 reps

I don't know what Goblet squat is, Hip-thigh ext and glue bride variation, YTWLI, hip flexor and hamstring complex, lateral band X-walk, variations....................If you know what these are, I'd appreciate an explanation.

Lora, I looked at what I could see of Dove Bodies. It looks like she does some of everything. Couldn't watch the clip for some reason. I have problems with Collage Clips too though. It has something to do with my computer settings. It is always trying to get me to download clips. I didn't see anything when I clicked on purchase either.

Lora - Looks like greek to me! LOL! What I think you might be seeing though are exercises from Ryan Lee's new creation Body Bot. It's a program loaded with tons of exercises that allows you to create your own workout videos, more or less. But that is just a guess, if that's not right I am not exactly sure how you would be able to figure out what in the world he is talking about. And no I have not looked at his blog.
Hey Maniacs! Just returned from my bike ride. I was quite pleased with the numbers, because this is a fairly easy ride for me. I rode the paved canyon trail (you can see it in my picture trail). This was a great steady-state ride. I do much better burning calories outside I've decided.

Ride was 15 miles
1 hr. 7 min.
Average hr-151 (never get that inside!)
In Zone-55 min.(very pleased with that)
High hr-10 min.
Low hr-3 min.(probably when I stopped to turn around and drank a huge amount of water)

Lora- Thanks! I'll have to print that all out! Gives me a lot to investigate while I'm there.:D I really want to try the hair stuff and now I want to try the skin care stuff. Oh! I always read the thread late and post late. I'm over on the other side of the country you know!:)

Roselyn- I usually stop eating around 7 maybe 8. I don't worry to much about it as I think it's mostly a calories in calories out thing.

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+1]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Lora - I tried to find that post that you copied on Alwyn's blog but couldn't find it. You now have me curious what those exercises are! Could you give me a link to that post?
Linda - I need your email - Actually, Alwyn emailed that workout in his montly newsletter read. You can sign up on his website and I'll forward the old one. thanks.

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