
Hey - I think I got the correct DAY and DATE? Still not sure...it's been a crazy week. :)

Just a quick check in: This morning was GS Legs - Brutal!! LOL. I still can't get the one leg roll in with the stability ball - just can't keep it balanced. I just do it with both legs, but I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions as to why I can't do this?? I matched Cathe for weights and actually used a medium resist. band - KILLER - "don't try this at home" :p

Gotta run and get some work done, but will try to check back later!

Cheryl-YAY on matching weights, that is a great feeling :D Nice workout.

Yesterday was a shorter cardio and I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Plyo. It's "cathe-light" for those of you who have not done it, and then I was spent. I am hosting a jewelry party at my house this weekend (I hate this kind of crap, but I got suckered into it) so I will be cleaning and prepping tonight and tomorrow a.m. I hope to get some weight work in, but I am not holding my breath.

Debbie-How did your Mom's surgery go?

Lori-I just saw your post from last night, and WOW is all I can say. If we ever had people from Discovery here, I was not aware. And yeah, I grew up in Tulsa, Ok and all the tornado stuff that comes w/ that. The color the sky can get at times is really impressive, we had a nice storm roll through a couple of days ago and the clouds were wicked. Hope the F5 they are predicting does not come to fruition (sp?). As far as the Twilight series, I think it is a great read. Overall, it's a love story; sex is involved in the plot a bit but she's Mormon so it's not over the top (like it can be anywhere currently). I would give it a PG rating, but she really is a great storyteller. I have not wanted to leave that world yet. :)
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Morning Maniacs - this morning I did Tracie Long's Kickback (with my own warmup) and then I did Petra Kolber's Streamlined Strength - Total Body segement with double stretch (but I still don't feel stretched out!!). Max heartrate was 163 briefly while doing Kickback. I burned 500 calories in 75".

I didn't think Kick...back felt like that complete of a workout if I would have done it alone. I liked it though. The music is coordinated to the moves....it's sort of cool. I think I'd have liked these more if she would have made them as long as the last series, about 50 minutes. I like the use of the med ball in her last series also and this series doesn't have that.

Have great workouts everyone....working 12-9:15 again and we have a corporate visit today. They are stressful!

Cheryl - yes, I am off Monday and Tuesday. I can't wait!!!

Hi to everyone else.
I have the original Bootcamp scheduled today. I set it up last night. Also copied down a couple ideas from Bodyrock TV. Both are only 12 minutes long. If I hit them really hard they should be pretty good workouts and short enough that I can squeeze them in if the weather continues to be flippy.

Theresa - Cathe-light - good descriptive :) . Thanks for the Twilight rundown. Unfortunately, DS has been exposed to way beyond PG. His dad has let him watch all sorts of 'stuff.' Catcher In The Rye has pretty bad language but DS said he's heard worse during passing period at school :confused: - and it was an important book for him/us to read. Guess we'll be getting into the Twilight series. It might be a good idea to get a copy today in case we do end up stuck in the basement. Thank you ;) . Jewelry party wouldn't be high on my list of ways I'd want to spend my free time, either :( - Bet you'd rather be reading, huh? or ... almost anything else? Hope it ends up being great fun (ever the optimist).

Debbie - Hope you and your mom are doing well.

Lora - I've seen/read about those workouts (Tracie's new one's). Thanks for your thoughts. Tracie puts together some eclectic workouts, for sure. I have one of her older one's from Fit Prime. It didn't seem to hit everything equally, but it was unique - and pretty fun. Looks like you got a good one in :D and I'm glad your day's off are in sight.

Have a good morning everyone.

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Hey everyone,

Just a quick note before I "fly" off to camp for the weekend...

Theresa - I think the jewelry party could be a lot of fun, especially if you serve some lite mamosas (crystal light morning orange and a little bit of champagne) - just a thought...;) I agree on the Twilight series....really a good read and one of those books you just don't want to end....

Lori - I hope you don't end up in the basement....argh!! The weather here has been crazy also (Upstate NY), but nothing like that... Thanks for being such an inspiration as well. I love how you put together all different workouts from different places (Bodyrock TV) and piece them together with great workouts like the original Boot Camp - very cool!!

Lora - Funny story for you. I was talking to DH yest about buying some new cologne. I have to say he is VERY sweet and means well......that said...he came back with a bottle of Sweet Honesty- remember that one?? LOL, LOL I didn't have the heart to tell him that was not quite what I meant, so I said it was "perfect" and I will wear it at camp. :D too funny!! Enjoy your days off!!

Debbie - I hope your mom is doing well and your ankle is feeling better. I'm still sending those prayers. :)

Diane Sue - I hope you have a great weekend and find a little time for some rest and relaxation - I know you don't do that often! :)

Ok....off to camp in a few minutes and I'm sure I will have quite a bit of reading and catching up to do on Sun. night/Mon. morning. Have a great weekend everyone!


P.S. I still haven't gained any weight back this week. Yippee!! I haven't been eating as clean over the past few days, however, so I hope I can get in some good exercise over the weekend and keeping moving in the right direction.
I finished my workout. The garage door installers are here. Another mess up on the sprinkler repair though. The guys dh called yesterday showed up to fix our hot water problem?? :0 They don't do sprinklers. DH told them what he wanted:confused: Wonder if we will ever find someone to fix them

This mornings workout was 10 minutes Solution 5 Day Get Fit Kickbox segment 10 minutes 68 calories. Then I did Brook Benton's Kettlebell Butts and Guts entire workout with abs 56 minutes 393 calories Max HR 163. Then I did Jari Love's Body Rock weights and abs segment 32 minutes 141 calories. Finished with Spinervals Flexible Warrior swim segment 10 minutes 22 calories. Workout time was 1 hr 49 minutes and total calories burned was 623.

Lori, I hope your Discovery channel guys leave disappointed too!! That sounds like our weather here. I hate tornado season. We have seen some pretty heavy tornado damage in our state. That is one of Billy Blanks better workouts. He can get you working your abs well to.

Cheryl, enjoy some R&R at camp:D I find that I can get way off on my eating for a few weeks and not gain weight but I usually feel icky. I always fall back into my healthy eating pattern though. Doubt there will be that much relaxation with a dinner to fix tomorrow and the grandbaby LOL But maybe some will fit in there. Good job getting Gym Styles in.

Lora, would you say Traci's new workout is intermediate or advanced? Nice calorie burn as always. Have a good day at work.

Theresa, the sky does get pretty strange looking at times here doesn't it? I remember one tornado hovering over us and dh standing outside trying to get video(camera battery was dead) Was weird seeing the swirl pattern in the middle of it seeming so low over our home. It hit on the other side of the lake and damaged some roofs but wasn't too bad in the end.
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts everyone! My mom is doing GREAT!!! This surgery went so much better then the first one. She is walking around (sort of) already and in minimal pain. I'm so happy about this. I'm hoping her recovery time will be a lot less this time.

Today I did Meso 1, Disc 5, Back and Triceps. Ankle is almost 100% again. Very thankful about that. I'll wait until Tuesday to do cardio and even then I'll probably only get on my TM to walk a bit. I'm hoping to be able to do an STS leg workout next week too. We'll see.

Had a great workout today.

Double Arm Dumbbell Row - 12's/15 reps
Close Grip Pushups - 8 reps
Double Arm Dumbbell Row - 12's/15 reps
Close Grip Pushups - 8 reps

Chinups - 8 unassisted
One Arm Seated Overhead Extensions - 15#/15 reps
One Arm Row - 32#/15 reps
T-Pull w/Band - Green band/15 reps
Flat Bench Dumbbell Tricep Extension - 15's/15 reps
Barbell Rows - 50#/21 reps
Y's w/Band - Gree band/32 reps
One Arm Kickbacks - 11#/15 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row - 22#/15 reps
Deadlifts - 30#/8 reps
Seasaw Pushups - 20 reps, lots of low ends.
One Arm Press Down w/Band - Green band/36 reps
Chinups - 7 reps unassisted
Double Arm Seated Overhead Extension - 30#/15 reps
Barbell Rows - 50#/21 reps
Double Arm Rows w/Band - Green band/36 reps
Side Leaning Overhead Extension on SB - 12#/15 reps
Pullovers - 25#/15 reps
Double Arm Kickbacks - 10's/15 reps
One Arm Band Kickbacks - Green band/36 reps
Pull-Downs w/Bands - All three bands/15 reps
***These were suppose to be pullups but didn't have it in me to do them.
Cross Body Kickbacks - 15#/15 reps
Lat Pulldowns w/Band - Green band doubled up/10 reps
Close Grip Tricep Pushups - 8 on toes/8 on knees
Seated Bent Over Horizontal Row - 15's/10 reps
Seated Bent Over Horizontal Row - 12's/10 reps
Seated Bent Over Horizontal Row - 10's/10 reps
***These were drop sets. 10 second rest between each set of rows.
Double Arm Kickbacks - 10's/10 reps
Double Arm Kickbacks - 8's/10 reps
Double Arm Kickbacks - 5's/10 reps
***These were drop sets too. 10 second rest between each set.
Supermans - 30 reps
Bootcamp's done :D I don't always really enjoy that one, but I did today. Just the right intensity for where I was at. Also, I think I was just so grateful to be able to workout without being interrupted. I have my timer set up and exercises written out - ready to go for a later workout.

Debbie - Relieved and happy to see your post - good news about both your mom and you. Impressive workout - bet that felt great :D

Diane Sue - Your workout had a bit of everything in it - another good one :D I can see why you hate tornado season :eek: I guess I've been spoiled - can't imagine going through this on a yearly basis. The sprinkler saga continues ??!!! Very odd (and frustrating). Also, I wondered if maybe you had the Get Ripped (Tae Bo) workouts - kinda thought maybe yes ;). Wish he'd done - or would do - more along these lines.

Cheryl - Thank you :D . Hope you have a great weekend (I imagine you will). It's fun to hear about the stuff you do - makes me really jones to go camping. Maybe not this weekend. Guess we could set up the tent in the basement. Woo hoo :confused: Btw - I REMEMBER SWEET HONESTY! My nose kinda crinkled up when I wrote that, but when I was a teenager it was all the rage. Also Love's Baby Soft :p I can almost smell them just by thinking about them and then (like Lora pointed out), way too many memories come with that :rolleyes: Doesn't seem as long ago as it actually was.

I will try to be back later. Need to get as much done above ground as I can - just in case. But who knows? Weathermen are NOT always right.

Have a good afternoon.

Debbie, that is great news about your mother. Sending well wishes for the speedy recovery. I am also glad to hear that your ankle is coming along quickly:D Nice workout.
Lori, I don't always like Bootcamp either but occasionally it is ok. I am sure glad the weathermen are not always right. Not sure what kind of workout I will get tomorrow so wanted to get everything hit today. I am hoping for some cardio and yoga/flexibility work. We will see:)
I remember those fragrances too. One of the big ones when I was a teenager that I used a lot was Yardley's Eau De London and I remember some model named Jean Shrimpton being in their television and magazine ads. Funny the things that stick with you. I can almost smell that one when I think about it. It was heavy on the Jasmine if I remember right.

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