Why? This is the correct date. LOL!!! At least I think it is!

Today was cardio and I chose Low Impact Circuit Cardio Blast premix which I really love this workout. However, when I started the 2nd step segment I slipped off my step (using two risers a side) and landed hard. My ankle was screaming at me and it scared me half to death. So I rubbed out my ankle and after about 5 minutes the shock and pain went away. I stood up and was going to start again but when I put my weight on a certain part of my ankle it hurt. I decided to just stop and ended up doing the ab work from this workout. So it wasn't a total loss. I should be ok, there is no pain right now, only when I turn my foot outward. I hope that goes away soon.

HR STATS for the piddly cardio:
25 minutes total
5 minutes below zone
14 minutes in zone
6 minutes above zone
182 calories burned

Such a bummer, I really love this workout. I should have known better then to use two risers. I just think that is dangerous and I think I proved that today.
I saw we have a few threads started but this is the most recent, so I will post here :)

Debbie-Holy Crap :eek: glad you are ok. I would be scared to death too, that is not something you need to have happen. I do that w/ a 6in riser so 8in would be a death trap :p

Hermia-something is always better than nothing workout-wise. Has your schedule eased up at all?

Lori-it looked very strange yesterday morning but it was your average run-of-the-mill storms. People in Oklahoma stand on their porch and watch :p Glad you are both ok.

Yesterday I did Step Moves and did not wear a HR monitor. My eats were 100% yesterday and I don't want to get hung up on numbers :) I did very well except combo 3 tripped me up a bit.
i started a thread also.............but here's my post copied

Morning Maniacs -

ugh....4:30 am came too fast. I did Stephanie Vittorino's Body Target which is a half hour weight/cardio circuit and I added on the warm up, cool-down and a 10 minute arm segment. Workout was 60" and I burned 500 calories. Max HR was 153. Have great workouts everyone.

Lori - No problem about the talent question. I just didn't understand it. I do have a passion for both makeup and fragrance....thus I'm torn on which dept I'd rather be in. The problem with makeup is that you need to get into a big enough (busy enough) counter that has free gifts a couple of times a year....or you're screwed. Also, there's the thing about having someone seated in your chair and you do a makeover, and then they buy only 1 thing after you've spent an hour on them. Not sure if I would be able to handle that. Although, the downside of fragrance is that it is VERY seasonal. We are mostly only busy during the major holidays like Christmas, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. Summer's are dead and I get super stressed. However, on the other hand, I'm VERY good at what I do (not to toot my own horn). I've had several customers come back looking for me because they say I always help them find things they like and I'm very knowledgable. It makes me feel good.....and then there's the fact that I have this entire oil collection at home and collecting them has been a passion of mine for years....so I'm passionate about Aromatherapy! Thanks for listening to my babbling.

Hi to everyone else!

Good Morning Maniacs!

I am officially down another .5 lbs - incredible!! I am really very excited and have to keep this up to get to my bikini shape for summer - LOL. Even in the best shape of my life I don't think I was sporting a bikini... Anyway, today I did CardioFusion - love that one - a combination cardio DVD which was about 80 min including w/u and c/d. I was drenched with sweat when I was done and am definitely feeling the MIS workout from yesterday.

Lori - Wow about the tornados - that's no fun. I agree, however, people do tend to interact and socialize more in the midst of chaos - go figure!

Diane Sue - Do you really like the KB workouts? I have been hemming and hawing about getting them, but I really don't want to spend the money unless they are really worth it. Again, I burned myself out on Bosu and P90X, and I know I will not be able to do those workouts again for a LONG time.
Nice work out yesterday also!

Ok...hi to everyone else. I will try to post more later today.


P.S. This is the post I thought I deleted, since I am obviously not awake yet and wishfully thought it was Wednesday!! LOL, LOL

Debbie - I have done the same thing (many times)....it sucks!! I also seem to fall off of the high step, which I have planned for tomorrow, so I'll have to be extra careful. Hope it feels better...
I finished my workout and showered. Now I am just sitting here waiting on grandchildren and the sprinkler repair guys who are late.
Workout was all of Cardio Pump Fusion (this was my first time to do all of this one at once) 66 minutes 409 calories Max HR 152. I realized today that she uses a 15lb kettlebelll for the cardio kettlebell(lower focus) workout section and a 10lb on the crank kettlebell segment. So I did the same.
Then I did her Kettlebell Butts & Guts abs 10 minutes and Amy's Kettlebell Dynamics abs 8 minutes. I used 15 and 20lb kettlebells and calories burned was 85. Total time spent was 1 hr 24 minutes.. Calories burned was 494.

Sprinkler guys just left. Said they would come back in the morning. That sure puts a damper on my workout in the morning because they want to come around 7-7:30. I didn't have much confidence in them, especially when they asked for the manual to my sprinkler system:eek: They are local and one of them I know works in the local mexican restaurant we go to here. I sure hope they can fix it right.
I had to go look at all of the other posts and threads:D

Hermia, I guess we had the same workout in mind yesterday. I have been enjoying some of my older workouts lately. I didn't do the cardio portion though as I had enough cardio with the Step Challenge 2 premix:)

Lori, it sounds like you had quite the storm. We don't need anymore right now. Still waiting to get everything repaired. Our cover blew off the fifthwheel again so now it is exposed with all of the broken out skylights.
No basement here either. DH made me go sit in the closet while he was checking on things. Our neighbors ended up with 12 people in their storm shelter. You are right about the excitement and energy. The whole neighborhood was buzzed. We drove around and checked on them. Still are talking about it in stores and stuff. Mainly about getting damage repaired though.

Cheryl, I really am enjoying these new Kettlebell workouts. I think that after using them a bit that I like Brook Benton's Butts and Guts a little better than than the Kettlebell Cardio Fusion one. I have had some nice doms even in the abdominal area. Is that Cathe's Fusion workout or another one? Awesome on the continued weight loss:D

Debbie, I have turned my ankle a few times on the step. I have tripped over it a few times knocking the platform flying. Most of the time I just figure it is because I am not paying enough attention to what I am doing though. I let my mind wander. I used to use nothing but an 8 inch step but after a knee injury quite some time ago I started using 1 riser most of the time. I still will use two for Low Impact though. I also discovered that the extra riser does not necessarily make the calorie burn much more to be worth it. Same goes for the weighted gloves in kickboxing workouts.

Lora, nice quick workout and great calorie burn. I never had a department store makeover before. Just went to purchase makeup I wanted. Now I mostly end up at Beauty brands or Ulta or I mail order from Aromaleigh and Sephora. Hey, do you know of a good sealant for mineral eye makeup? Aromaleigh did not have any of theirs when I tried to order:( I liked theirs and the price was great. I used to buy a clear waterproof liner that I would use with shadows for liner made by Two Faced cosmetics. It worked well but I hated having to wipe off the color from the applicator and every time I bought one the lid would end up cracking on me so I had to put it in a baggie to keep from drying out.
Theresa - I like Step Moves. The third section messed me up a bit, too, but after the 3rd time doing the workout I finally got it. Nice going with your eats!!! The top of my ankle is really starting to hurt. I think when I go home I'm going to put ice on it. This sucks. :mad:

Lora - Nice workout. You do get up early sometimes! I guess we do what we need to do, huh?

Cheryl - Nice job on your weightloss, girl! You are doing awesome! Isn't it great to see results, then it's easier to stay on plan. When you diet and diet and diet and never see change you finally cave and say, what the heck am I doing this for? But when you start seeing change that's motivation enough. Great job!!!

Diane Sue - Nice workout today. That sucks about the sprinkler guys and yea, I agree. WTH??? They need the instruction manual. Scary.

Well you all, my ankle is killing me right now. As the time progresses it is getting worse. I can't even walk on it right now. I rode my motorcycle in today, I have no clue how I will get home. It's my brake foot, so I guess I'll be ok since I have front brakes, but still. Now why on earth was it ok about 5 minutes after it happened and now it hurts like crazy? Doesn't make sense.

Oh, and I emailed Linda, she's in Disney World this week. She's hoping to be able to get back to the checkin next week.
I was here earlier and saw all the threads. It looked like the Wednesday one was winning :confused: Decided to let better mind's than mine figure that one out. :p

Last night I tried - yet again - to still get in a workout but got interrupted - yet again. My neighbor came by to tell me the tornado actually touched down and did some damage about eight - ten blocks from here. No one was hurt that I know of. That’s the second one since spring that's come really close (less than a mile away). Yeow. This sort of weather typically comes late afternoon around here - today I will make sure to get my workout done a little earlier ;) . I put together an interval workout before bed - 5 tabata rounds and then a clump of 25/15 - should total around an 75 min or so. I'll take a short break after the tabata.

Debbie - I remember you saying you loved that workout. Spills can be so scary. Seems like it takes awhile for your body to catch up and let you know if you're ok or not. I did something almost exactly like that a couple years ago. My ankle was moody for about a day but then felt fine. We'll go with that for yours too ;) . Hope it's all ok.

Theresa - Yah. The porch phenomenon. Here too. People are funny. Way to go on eats yesterday. Bet that felt good. I do better when I stay away from numbers, too. I know when I'm on track and try to go with that - but that's just me. Some people seem to do well - and don't drive themselves nuts - using the numbers as a tool. I, on the other hand, would probably use them as a torture device :confused: I was thinking about doing Step Moves later this week. It seems to make me :p :p happy :D .

Diane Sue - I think people are just repairing what they have to to get by right now - and waiting it out. It doesn't sound like this weather is done with us. I STILL haven't been able to get a new roof put on. Truly, there hasn't been a string of decent days to make that possible. I'm nervous about it but there's really nothing to be done except wait it out :confused: Weird weather. Speaking of sprinklers, I haven't even needed to water yet this season. Hope yours turn out ok. You sure got a good workout in this morning :)

Cheryl - I thought maybe the storm had blown us through a time warp or something this morning :p ;) - I've gotten the wrong day in my head more than a few times myself. Pretty funny. Cardio Fusion is a good one. Enjoy your Wednesday (You get two of them this week).

Lora - Another good workout :) . I appreciate you taking the time to explain as you did and I think I have a better understanding. The job itself is good, objectively. It incorporates a number of things you love. The problem is the work environment (other employees, some of the "bosses" and the number system etc). Maybe that's how you're able to keep going back, huh? Having customer's appreciate and ask for you - yah. That would make me feel good - make it worthwhile for me, too. I'd never really considered how seasonal fragrances are - now that you mention it, of course they are. And what can you do about that :confused: ? I'm curious about Aromatherapy. Different scents have such a powerful effect on emotion and mood - that's for sure. The other day I was walking Skyler (who is all about different scents) and we passed a lilac bush - it's smell was so strong - I just froze there - made me feel ... better (and I hadn't been feeling horrible to begin). That's a more natural - serendipity-type example, but the whole field of aromatherapy is fascinating to me.

Hermia - Your comment/visual about me working out while the neighborhood scattered was VERY funny - not too far off, either. If DS hadn’t been home, that’s probably what would have happened ;) New twist on Dorothy's story. huh? - Dorothy blows into Oz, still in the midst of Circuit Blast. The Munchkins can only just stare in awe :confused: :p - I don’t have any of Amy’s step workouts - seems like a few of you guys do. What do you think of them - I think I read somewhere that they’re hard to follow - cuing not too great or something? Anyway, maybe we'll both have better luck getting in a workout today :D

Have a good morning.

Lori - LOL, LOL.....on the Wizard of Oz reference......and my two Wednesday week.....you crack me up - even in text - NOW THAT'S FUNNY!!!

Debbie - If you sprained your ankle you should try RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation - if possible. :( I'm so sorry - that is such a bummer...

Diane Sue - Thanks for the info on the KB workouts. I'm going to check out Brook Benton... I did Cathe's CardioFusion today. :) Also, good luck with the sprinkler situation - I have to agree I wouldn't be very confident either.:confused:

Lora - Betcha wish you didn't give us that much info about your vocation....LOL. I have some questions for you also, but I will wait my turn - J/K. I hope you have a good day today and nice workout!

Hermia - I second that LOL about Lori working out during a tornado....we are all crazy!! :)

Ok....gotta get back to work.

Debbie-do you have a way to wrap it tightly w/ something until you get home? If you torqued it a certain way, it may be possible you strained or sprained it. If you can get hold of an ace bandage of something like it, you could probably wrap it tight enough to compress it until you can get home and take care of it. Is there swelling? bruising? Also, keep it elevated if possible. I hope it gets better soon; man, you cannot catch a break :(

Lori-that is WAY too close for comfort, the tornados. It has been quite the wacky weather this year already. Your little interval plan sounds tough, good luck :)

Cheryl-YAY on your continued weight loss, and yeah you should be rockin' that bikini :)

Diane Sue-the sprinkler situation does not sound promising, I hope they get it fixed.

Lora-nice calorie burn again, you have really been getting some great numbers. Hope work goes by fast :)
I ended up going to the emergency room because it was just hurting so bad. I really thought I fractured something. They x-rayed it and said it was a sprain. I have a splint on it and after icing it at the hospital it feels much better. Said to not work out with my legs for about a week, maybe longer. Didn't want to hear that. Not sure what I'm going to do. Take it one day at a time I guess. Probably about $1,000 later, I'm back at work.
Deb- I'm so sorry :::::::::hugs::::::::::::: That's really a bummer. :(
I sprained my ankle last year and just did upper body exercise only for about 2 weeks - if that's any consolation (and I know it isn't - been there).

On a side note (not to make light of this), but how are you going to drive the bike home with a big 'ol splint on your foot? :confused:

Deb- I'm so sorry :::::::::hugs::::::::::::: That's really a bummer. :(
I sprained my ankle last year and just did upper body exercise only for about 2 weeks - if that's any consolation (and I know it isn't - been there).

On a side note (not to make light of this), but how are you going to drive the bike home with a big 'ol splint on your foot? :confused:


Actually, I have both my truck and my bike here now. I want to take my bike home because driving was no problem, believe it or not. So I know I can use my brake. And the split is on my calf going into my shoe so it's not hindering my shoes at all. My dh and I will come back later to get my truck.
Debbie - I am so so sorry. I feel just awful for you :( I'm glad you can at least ride your bike. Like Cheryl, I've had a badly sprained ankle before - they really are painful. Glad the ice helped. Sending healing vibes and prayers your way.


Stopped in a little while ago, saw Debbie's post(s) about her ankles - then forgot everything else. That's ok. Would have felt like a butthead talking about how "great" MY workout was, anyway. So I'll just say it's done. It was hard. 83 minutes and forty seconds (not counting warm up or break or cool down).

Debbie - I meant to thank you on the update about Linda. I've missed her.

Theresa - Thanks for wishing me luck. Felt like I needed it a few times there. Maybe sometime I'll post a breakdown of one of these interval workouts so you'll know what I mean when I talk about doing them.

Cheryl - Forgot to send you a WOO HOO on the bikini butt kicking success! You go :D :D Just remember when you go swimsuit shopping: most dressing room mirrors were originally in funhouses. Do not believe anything they tell you unless you happen to run across the 1 out of about every hundred thousand that says something nice. The rest are not to be trusted ;) .

Ok. Hope everyone else is enjoying their afternoon.

Cheryl - ask away please..........I can never speak enough about beauty products!!! LOL. I've always been a little Libra Venusian Goddess....aka Diva!! I used to do a "beauty day" once a week when I was a teenager and give myself a facial massage, steaming, masque, etc!

Lori - You are always so kind!! Listening to me babble about work! Yes, aromatherapy is amazing. I've always suffered from severe depression (goes hand in hand with my disease of addiction) and I've ALWAYS been drawn towards great smelling skin care, perfume, bath stuff, etc. etc. I like Aveda skin care for the aromatherapy experience. Did you know that your sense of smell can take you FAR back to a particular moment in time more intensely than anything else! This is a proven fact....and one I've found out is true by testing oils. I've actually worn a new oil to work before and had the "day from He@# and could never even wear it again cuz it took me to that "bad place". Recently, we got a new Ed Hardy fragrance in at work - Hearts & Daggers. I wasn't really as crazy about it as my very favorite Ed Hardy (original), strawberries, vanilla pudding, freesia, and other goodies (I wear the original fragrance all of the time....as it's my "anti-depression antidote".) - but I wore the new one on this one particular day and started having a HORRID day. I proceeded to wipe the fragrance off with alcohol so I wouldn't have to be reminded of sheer horror every time I wear it.....but sadly I haven't been able to wear it again since! Thank goodness they have a new fragrance coming out in the Fall and I've read the notes in it and it sounds amazing! Yes, fragrance is like a symphony.....each note plays out on your skin as the fragrance morphs thru different stages........thus the reason you need to wear a fragrance for an entire day to experience it fully.. Okay....I'll shut up now!!! Can you tell I'm passionate about this subject....Lord help everyone!!!
oopss...sorry Diane Sue-- almost forgot. I love Aromaleigh's sealent also due to the price and cuz it's good! In a pinch, the only other one I know of is Bare Escentuals. Darn....I need some Aromaleigh sealent also as I use it on my darker eyeshadows so I can get a waterproof line. My eyes have been tearing in my old age....so plain water doesn't work for me.

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