Hardcore fitness mainiacs Wednesday the 18th

Debbie, that is great that your Dad is going to get to go home. I am having problems with the 1RM that I did. A lot of the time I find I can go heavier than I come up with on my workout card & others for some reason I cannot go near as heavy as it says. So I keep going back and adjusting. I never did do all of them. Just some of them that Cathe has teh 4 and 5 stars on. I think for me I pretty much know somewhat how much I can lift. If I pick up something and do a couple of reps and it seems light or to heavy I go back and start over with a heavier weight. I really don't think the 1RM is all that important for someone who has been lifting heavy for a while. That is just my opinion.
Debbie, that is great that your Dad is going to get to go home. I am having problems with the 1RM that I did. A lot of the time I find I can go heavier than I come up with on my workout card & others for some reason I cannot go near as heavy as it says. So I keep going back and adjusting. I never did do all of them. Just some of them that Cathe has teh 4 and 5 stars on. I think for me I pretty much know somewhat how much I can lift. If I pick up something and do a couple of reps and it seems light or to heavy I go back and start over with a heavier weight. I really don't think the 1RM is all that important for someone who has been lifting heavy for a while. That is just my opinion.

I have heard so many people having a hard time with this part of the workout. I think it's all trial and error. Most of the time we know what weights we need for a certain amount of reps.
I just finished lunch. I took Health Valley no salt vegetarian chili and added cooked lean ground turkey breast. I topped it with 1Tbs fat free sour cream. Tasted better than that chili by itself.

STS back and triceps weights that I used for disc 8. This took me 8 minutes longer than the 55 minutes for pauses to get equipment.
lat pulldowns with band purple 10 reps
double arm band rows high end purple 28 reps
seesaw push ups no weight 10 reps
dips no weight 16 reps
seated 1 arm overhead extensions 16# 15 reps
t-pull with band blue heavy band 28 reps
flat bench barbell triceps extensions 21# 14 reps(this is an area that I think the 1rm was way off) My work sheet says 18# and I know I could have went heavier than I did
barbell rows 57# 21 reps
y's with the band purple 38 reps
kickbacks 1 arm dumbbell 19# 15 reps
1 arm horizontal row 31# dumbbell 16 reps
deadlifts 31# dumbbells 8 reps( I could go heavier here but after the deadlifts in legs and all of the supermans I have done my low back is somewhat sore
close grip bench press dumbbells (another one I questioned because the sheet says 39#?) I did it with 21's for 15 reps I think I should have went 25's.
1 arm press down with the band purple 36 reps
chin ups ( I did pulldowns with the bowflex) 180# 16 reps
seated overhead extensions both arms 31# dumbbell 15 reps
barbell rows 57# 21 reps
Double arm rows with the band bloue heavy band 36 reps
side leaning 1 arm overhead extensions on the ball 15# dumbbell 15 reps
dumbbell rows both arms 31# dumbbells 10 reps
dumbbell rows both arms 25's 10 reps
dumbbell rows both arms 20's 10 reps
double arm dumbbell kickback 18's 15 reps
one arm band kickback purple 36 reps
pull ups( I did pulldowns with the Bowflex) 180# 16 reps
cross body kickbacks 15# 10 reps
cross body kickbacks 12# 10 reps
cross body kickbacks 10# 10 reps
straight arm flys on incline bench 8's 15 reps
side lying 1 arm pushups no weight 16 reps
scapular retractions 50# barbell 15 reps
supermans on the floor arms and legs elevate no weight 24 reps
I did Disc 8 today. Do any of you use weighted gloves? If so, which ones? I notice Cathe uses them and they look easy to work with.

Thanks for any advice.
Hey Maniacs!!!

Back in the saddle again and just thought it is time to workout as I don't know when this neck of mine will be the same, if ever.:rolleyes:

Worked Arms.

Concentration Curls 40's 3/8 (lighter as I could have done with 45's)
DB Curls 30's 3/8 (these burned so bad I thought my forearms were on fire)
Hammer Curls 35's 3/8

Lying Tricep Ext 15's 3/8 (I actually went up in weights here..weird)
Close Grips 65# 3/8
Dips w/35# db (could have gone much higher and put 90# in lap, but tisk..tisk..would maybe regret later) So did 3/12

Gonna do some ab work tonight. Did some AM Yoga earlier in day. Rodney Yee. Why does he wear speedo's???? WHY???
Roselyn: I think there is only the one for men. I have it and made the Beefcake Meatloaf out of it tonight- DH and I both liked it a lot. HTH.
Roseln there is only one Muscle Chow. That would be the one. The guy is holding a stuffed red pepper and fork and knife:) I have been using 1# weighted gloves when adding a little weight on STS. I got mine at Target a long time ago. They don't even have them in the store now. Would like to have Cathe's 2# ones. She does make it look easy to unzip them and take out the weights.
Diane Sue: I found 2# wrist weights at Target- made by Reebok. I got them just about a month ago. They wrap around the hand in such a way that I can still lift with them. Of course I can't take out any weight like Cathe's gloves, but I'll manage. :)
Glad your dad got to go home, Debbie. =)

Tonight I did the leg blast premix from Butts and Gutts. I felt it right away; it's killer. I didn't do quite the whole thing cuz I thought I was going to perish. Afterwards, I did calves on my own, then the prone series from Tracey's Yoga Solutions, and a couple extra stretches.

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