Good Morning,

Today was cardio for me. I did Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning and then a Hiit TF 20, followed by TF abs 10. Have good workouts everyone.
Happy Monday!

Nice workout Roselyn!!

Sorry I wasn't able to post over the weekend - it was crazy busy with moving, etc. I was able to move a lot of things, but still have quite a bit to go!! :eek:

Today was my circuit workout, so I did High Step Challenge. I had a good workout at about 50 min and stopped for some extensive yoga stretching, since my body is so sore from moving heavy stuff!

Hi to everyone that follows and I hope everyone has a great day!

I am getting ready to leave for Grandparents day at the girls school with Olivia. Ought to be interesting :) This morning I did STS Cardio Core Circuit 50 minutes 467 calories, HR 143 avg 169 max. Then I did Lauren Brooks 2nd workout Killer Abs segment and stretch 16 min 93 calories burned. Total workout time was 66 minutes and calories burned 560.
I need to print up this weeks STS workouts. I spent yesterday setting up a different printer with my computers and never got to it.
Hey Guys:D

Quick check in letting you guys know that I haven't checked out yet:rolleyes: The saying goes “when it rain it pours” DAM! First, my car and now I need a plumper:eek: As far as diet, I fell of the wagon, eating has been way out of control, and I mean waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of control:eek:

I have always been a nervous eater, to the point of NO return. Yesterday I ate until I was sick. I get out of my shower; go down stairs to kitchen only to find water on floor leaking from kitchen ceiling. This is my first home, and I don’t think I can afford to keep it or keep it up, really.

I just pray tomorrow will be better day for me.TTY guys tomorrow.
Roselyn - Great workout :) . That was a lot of hard work. I have only previewed that workout (have a hard time not jumping ahead just to try them out sometimes but I'm trying to hold to the schedule, trusting it's designed as it is for good reason). Do you have a favorite Insanity?

Teddy - I like High Step Challenge. Glad you took some extra time to stretch; you've been getting in a lot of tough workouts and surely needed it :) Sorry about all the house/car trouble :( . I entirely understand feeling like owning your own home is too much and overwhelming. This is my first house too and I get that way sometimes. I had a pipe blow out in the basement a while ago -- water puddles in the middle of a room just aren't something you ever really want to see and they seem to come at the worst time. It also seems like there's ALWAYS something that needs fixed or worked on :confused: I have to remind myself to just do the best I can -- doesn't always seem like that will be good enough, but ultimately, it is ;) You are not alone. Hang in there.

Diane Sue - Have fun at Grandparent's Day :) I think CCC may be my favorite from the Shock Cardio Series -one of the top one's anyway. You got A LOT of good work done in just over an hour :eek:

Saturday I worked chest, shoulders and tri’s using Upper Body Pyramid. I did the same add-on sets after the full pyramid (and about a 5 min rest) that I used the last time I did this series -- repeating the descending pyramid with 6/8/10/12 reps. Great workout. Sunday, I did Iliara’s Powerstrike. I followed this with 3 tabata cycles. Two of these (ski abs and in/out abs) were exercises from Insanity and I thought a little extra work (to get my speed up) might not be a bad idea. The 3rd exercise was a one leg elevated lunge with a jump at the top ROM. I did 4 rounds per leg, alternating every 2 rounds. Then I did Insanity’s Cardio Recovery. Today I have Insanity's Power and Resistance scheduled and Pyramid UB back and biceps with TGU and Pistol practice this evening.

Have a good day, everyone.


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