***Happy Birthday Klaudia!!!*** c&t tuesday

Hey ladies!! Sounds like everyone got some great workouts in today, and good eats too!! My lunch out was delish -- chicken quesadilla with black bean salsa, sooooo good! I ate it all (it was big) then wasn't hungry all afternoon so no snack. Dinner will be chicken, rice, and steamed broccoli.

I'm gonna do some core work tonight -- prob on my own, don't feel like fighting anyone for the TV. I am going to try EVERY NIGHT to do at least 10 minutes of either core work or stretching. That little extra seems to lean me out and really relax me.

Better get dinner ready!
Good idea Katie...I was thinking of doing some k-bells swings in the evening...we will see. The part of my body that I hate is my core. If I ate whatever I wanted I would look like I was 5 mons preggo.
Katie use you green k-bells for some of those ab moves.:p let me know how you feel after

Anne you are making me homesick...I use to love NY gyros and bagels:(

My eats were almost 100% buuuut I made some bake-ziti with meat sauce. I had about 1 cup with veggie. I use real cheese too.
anne, i miss lunch dates!:( i'll just live vicariously thru you!

katie, great job today! i feel so much leaner when im consistent w/ stretching too... wish i had more time in the day

robin, ziti sounds great!

good day today but im tired! gotta grocery shop tonight after i get juliadown, 8 pm. we have almost no fresh veggies:mad: sooooo glad i got my wo done! oh, gotta do payroll too - great!:rolleyes:
Kate, BOOOOO on late night grocery shopping and payroll. Good thing you got the workout in earlier.

Robin, I love using my KB for core work -- I used it this morning in GS C&T also. Swings are really the only KB move I enjoy -- I throw in a few every now and then.

Dinner was a success!! I brought home some b-day cake, and ate NONE! My boys ate it all!!

...but I did eat two small pieces of chocolate after dinner...:eek:...:D
katie the clean eater, rock on with your bad self, girl!:D:p
is that dove dk choc.??? oo, thats my fave!

hi shana!
Hey girls!

Never worked out -my parents came over with treats:) Didn't have to drive to dance-the other carpool mom did:) Waiting to have cake and ice cream. Have to let the pizza settle;) I had 2 slices and a breadstick. Still feeling bloated and gassy (sorry-tmi, I know). I hate being a hypochondriac! Back on track tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone! You girls are the BEST:)
off to bed for me. dinner with friends was great and oh so clean!! my eats were fabulous today - i can tell b/c i am even a little hungry going to bed. also got gs double bis done - felt great!! tomorrow i am i think i will do some cathe cardio - maybe cardio fusion? i am dying to imax 3 it, but maybe that is a bit too much impact? company comes in starting on thursday - stuff like this really stress me out. i have one more day to relax, though, sort of.

kate, sorry for the late night shopping - yuck!

katie, good job with the core work - you are a lean machine!

robin, lol on the real cheese. dh hates that i always use 2%

anne, glad you had a productive day - hope tap class is fun.

klaudia, what kind of cake was it??? sounds good

Mmmmm, pizza. It's been a long time since I had some good pizza. What kind of cake?? I'm living vicariously through you.

Kate, how you doing hun?

Shana, nice to see you here again!

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