glute raises instead of lunges?


Hi, Cathe--

I've had problems with my right knee (had arthroscopic surgery 6 years ago). It feels good most of the time now, but one exercise that sometimes seems to irritate it is lunges. The funny thing is, the position that bothers it is when the right leg is in back. Something about bending the leg behind me just doesn't feel right in that knee. Would glute raises (like those done in ME) be a good substitute? Leaving that back leg straight alleviates all the discomfort. I know I'm not getting the quad/hip flexor benefits on the back leg that come with regular lunges, but would the front leg still be getting the same benefit as it would with a lunge? I actually substituted this exercise for lunges the other day and used a barbell (only 25lbs, I think), and it felt good.

I hope this makes sense! Thanks for your help!

I substitute glute raises for lunges all the time. I don't use weights. I'm curious about your use of the barbell. Do you have the barbell resting on your shoulders as you lean forward? If so, I'm thinking this might cause lower back issues?

Hi, Crystal--

Good point! When I do it in ME with no weight, I do lean forward like Cathe and the crew does. But when I added the barbell, which I did rest on my shoulders, I kept my body upright as if I were doing a lunge and just kept my back leg straight rather than bent. This felt very comfortable, and I really felt it in the front leg (mostly upper hamstring/glute area). I'm glad you brought this up! I hope Cathe can add her thoughts on keeping your body upright while doing this move. Thanks!


This sounds like a good alternative. You are engaging the glute and hamstrings of the front leg and minimizing quadriceps involvement of the back leg.

Yeah, it seems like a pretty good substitute. Something about bending that knee behind me really aggravates my knee sometimes for some reason! At least this way it feels like I'm still getting all the benefits to the front leg, which is probably the main focus of the lunge anyway (I think?). I'd definitely still like to hear Cathe's thoughts on this!


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