G/D/M/T.....Lets Go, Lets Go, Lets Go Tuesday!


Good Morning:)

Today was 4DS KB/BC!! You know I love-love-love this premix! I also love all the "accidental" ab work in the kickbox. I always feel this all over!
I am having a hard time waking up since the time change. And so far this morning was the worst. If it weren't for the workout I was doing I probably would have layed in bed for another hour!;-)

I answered last nights post...

Gin~ Low Max cardio only? LIC cardio only? what did you end up doing today? Keep us posted with your decision about next year.

Marcy~ What body part did you workout today? Any word on a moving date?

Have a great day!
Later gators:p

Good Morning DMT!

Today was Low Max step combos premix. Thank you for the suggestion. It was perfect. I can't believe the blasts add so much becuase it really made a difference without them.
Now....I am feeling better, but not 100% yet, so....what do you girls recommend for tomorrow? HSC is on the rotation, but should I do the whole thing, the shorter HSC premix or walk/run with my friends and do PP?
My muscles have been sore from the flu. One leg hurts all the way down the side from my hip to my foot! Weird and OUCH!

Deanie--So glad you were able to do 4ds KB/BC and you enjoyed it. I look forward to that one when I can. I'm leaning toward teaching the pre-k next year. I taught this class for 4 years and it may be just one year this time and then go back to 4's. Our 4's enrollment is down for next year and pre-k is up.

Marcy--How are you? Is it a PackMax and CleanMax day or is that on the weekends?

Have a great day!

ETA: Deanie--I am curious. If you have your rotations planned up to July, what are they? I love how organized you are!
Good Morning DGT!

Today was Tracey's Strictly Upper Body from her Parts Series. Great endurance workout (even though I hate endurance}( ) (so much harder than heavy lifting). She did a lot of stuff on the bosu but I used either a stability ball or my step.

Plank wih dbl row: 10#
1 arm rows - 15# - I think she did 3 sets of 1 slow with a hold at the top and 2 quick sets of singles.
Concentration curls on ball: 15# - different counts - 6-2, 4-4, 2-6, 4-4, 2-2 (? don't quite remember all the counts)
Bicep curls with pivot (think upper cuts) - 10# - different counts
Curls - 5# - with arms at sides, low ends, high ends and hammers (the lo, hi and hammers were done while balancing on one leg)
1 arm chest press on ball - 18# - different counts
Chest flies on ball - 5# - different counts
Rotational pushups - 5#
Kickbacks on ball - 5# - Sets of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (on the odd sets, you hold for a count of 3 at the end of the set)
Overhead extension on ball - 10#
Kickbacks on ball again this time with palms down - 5# (really tough tricep work)
Shoulders - I'm a wimp. I couldn't even finish the shoulder work. She did straight arm raises, then a straight arm up and scoop down turning dbbls in. Then there was a shoulder press combo - with arms bent at 90 degrees (no lower than shoulders), do shoulder presses all the way up, then only lift up an inch, then do a flutter (which is where I lost it!) The shoulder press combo was done twice. I think I only used 5# on these.
Abs - Side double leg lefts while leaning on step (a little uncomfortable for me - she did this on the bosu). First she did the leg lifts, then the legs were on the floor and she raised the body, then she did it raising legs and body. This was the only exercise for abs. She did abs yesterday too and just did a bicycle series.

So far I'm very impressed with the Parts series. There is a total body workout (30 mins.) that is a combo of pilates, yoga and some other stuff which I forget). Haven't done this one yet.

I think this will be my rotation for the month:

Glute Camp + Abs Core Plus
Strictly Upper Body
Total Body Plus (P90X+)

I might switch the order of my days. Today I'm going dancing instead of Thursday so I didn't want to do cardio in the morning and evening.

Deanie - I'm also having a tough time waking up after the time change. Actually it's been tough the last few years. I'll post back later with the Lean rotation. I am much happier with my body now although I'm still a couple of pounds more than usual since I came back from vacation. I have a really big appetite lately. My DH is always amazed at how I eat since I started exercising. It's like I never stop eating. He would like to say it's too much but he sees that I don't really gain weight so he doesn't bother. I do have to eat by certain times though because I start feeling sick if I don't.

Gin - Glad the Low Max step combo worked out for you. Sounds like you've done a lot of cardio so far. Maybe do the shorter HSC premix or a walk with friends and Push/Pull. I hope everything works out for you with the 5s next year. How many do you have in your class now?

Clean Max is on Fridays and Pack Max is on the weekends. Still haven't heard anything housewise. Have to give my broker a call.

Have a great day.

Hi guys!

Gin~ It sounds like the pre-k class may work out for you! Our 4's enrollment is down also. I hope your leg feels better! I would do PP tomorrow, HSC premix if you feel better. I know that after I was sick, doing PP and low max step cardio only worked well for me. I felt good I was working out, but not too much, since I just got better. These are the rotations I would like to do till July (of course if Cathe posts a great one, I would sub-- or if you guys choose one too!)
April- June 07 (s&h/pyramids)
May- March 08 (ps/pyramids)
June- 4DS ---> doing weights first:
KB only
LEgs only premix

I like the results I got from june 07 last time we did it, and I like the results I get from the pyramids.

Marcy~ Thank you so much for the lean rotation. I will tell my DH about it tonight:) I like your rotation this month. I am the same way about eating, if I don't eat every 2-3 hours, I start to get light headed and nausous(sp?) I always!!! carry a bar with me!:) Although again with the time change, my eating is all offx( and I am all over the place.

Have a great afternoon

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