Found a blooper in Muscle Max


Yesterday morning whilst doing Muscle Max I found a "blooper" in the static lunges secion - towards the end of the second set there is one rep where the bands are crumpled on the floor and then the shot goes back to Cathe and the bands are back on the step neatly folded.

I had to watch this section over again after finishing the workout just to make sure I actually saw what I thought I saw.

My reward for finding this blooper whilst under incredible strain doing static lunges should be a free life time supply of all Cathe DVDs, equipment, gear etc.:) :) :)

Thanks to Cathe and SNM in advance!! }(

Cathy:) :) :) :)
Another blooper/same workout. On the lunges...towards the end of the 3 count low ends (I think it's on the left leg lunge) it shows her with a lot more weight on the barbel for that last set of low ends...then when you go back to singles...she is with the lighter weight again on her barbel. Something else to look for. I love just goes to show...that when the camera is rolling...not everything is perfect!
I guess I'm paying too much attention to what I'M doing during a workout to notice things like this!

I wouldn't call these "bloopers" per se. More like continuity errors.
I just did MM and I didn't see anything -- I was feeling the burn during those static lunges w/ the 30 lb barbell though! :) (also during numerous other portions! great workout!)
>I agree. You definitely deserve a lifetime supply of Cathe
>DVD's for this discovery.:p :p :p

Thanks Soosan, now if only Cathe and SNM agree!!!

I will look out for the other error - I love finding things like this too. }( }( }(

I never catch these things, but they are kind of "fun" - I'm such a film geek that I watch the director's commentary on rented DVDs. They often point out these slight continuity errors and because they can be costly to fix, many times they leave them. I'd have to watch a workout or DVD 63 times before I picked up on something like that!
There are some bloopers in Step Max. Not the same kind as these, but areas where Cathe forgets to do part of a combo when linking some of them together. But she corrects it very smoothly by telling us to listen up because it's going to be a little different this time.
I love it when they have specials on t.v. showing these types of little glitches that were never fixed in movies because of the high cost....after all, they are in all movies. One, Samuel L. Jackson uses a different name for "Brad" in Pulp Fiction. Another,Nicole Kidman refers to Tom Cruise as "Tom" in the movie Days of Thunder...not his name in the movie. :7
These are no shockers. Since the late ninties, (power max, etc.,) the crew is quite dry and refreshed after a 60 sec exertion/heart rate they couldn't have been doing the check, maybe-maybe checking out the shower and bottled water? No way could those advance step hour long workouts be done seamlessly without any noted decrease of intensity among all in the group. Well, possibly the pay is worth the pain.

The truth is, VF'ers would complain if they were any more 'real'. We need some phoniness to keep us striving for the edited version of ourselves!!
>The truth is, VF'ers would complain if they were any more
>'real'. We need some phoniness to keep us striving for the
>edited version of ourselves!!

Get over yourself. Cathe has a lot of fans at VF and to say something about that forum shows your lack of class. It is quite tiresome.

Truth be told I think it is tacky to have even started this thread and in the Ask Cathe section!!

I'm sure she loves to be reminded that she is not perfect. When all of you start making videos please let us nasty VF'ers take a look at them and see if we can find anything missed during the edit process.

I would also hope that Cathe or SNM would stop the snide comments regarding any other forum.
>Truth be told I think it is tacky to have even started this
>thread and in the Ask Cathe section!!
Dear Catheized

I started this thread in the Ask Cathe section as a fun thread if you read my original posting - not as something tacky - just a bit of fun.

Also in Muscle Max.... ever notice that when Cathe is removing the plates from her barbell to do the calf raises, the rest of the crew are waiting for her? They have no need to remove their plates, they disappeared by magic!


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