form question on PUB


Hi Cathe,

I'm wondering what the difference is holding our hands with dumbell ends meeting vs. palms facing forward when doing the chest flies in PUB. I think my shoulder might do better if I do this with palms facing each other, like a tree hug, but was wondering if it makes a big difference.


Hi Cathe,

I'm wondering what the difference is holding our hands with dumbell ends meeting vs. palms facing forward when doing the chest flies in PUB. I think my shoulder might do better if I do this with palms facing each other, like a tree hug, but was wondering if it makes a big difference.


Hi Melinda! Anytime you change an exercise slightly, you will recruit muscle fibers in a slightly different manner, presenting slightly new challenges to the muscle. These changes are only welcomed if they present no discomfort to you. Comfort and safety always come first. Choose the position that meets your needs. Take Care!
Hi Melinda! Anytime you change an exercise slightly, you will recruit muscle fibers in a slightly different manner, presenting slightly new challenges to the muscle. These changes are only welcomed if they present no discomfort to you. Comfort and safety always come first. Choose the position that meets your needs. Take Care!

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