For the Urban Rebounding Interests Below!


I have a mini trampoline and the original Urban Rebounding tape that I ordered from Collage. It is the only tape available by the creator of the actual program used in fitness centers.
It is fun and my heart rate soars - (again, if only Cathe would make a tape for every kind of workout!!!!)
So, if you can't get to a club - check it out!
Debbie,I have a mini tramp and I love to use it for my cardio, especially when my knees are burnt out from stepping or just for something different. I have Keep on Rebounding and Air-boics 1&2, all done by Holly Anderson. I don't like them all that much, and am really interested in the Urban Rebounding tape. Is it an advanced tape, how long is it and is this the original title. I actually went to their web site and asked for a breakdown of the tape, but they never replied. Maybe you could fill me in?
Me Too!

Hi Debbie,

I have a mini-tramp and got the Urban Rebounding tape too. I like it as much as you do. I think it is an excellent tape for rebounding. From it, I learned what rebounding actually is and now I'm able to use my mini-tramp for other high impact workouts when my legs can't stand the jumping.
Kate, it's been a little while since I've done the tape but it breaks down to I think about 30-35 minutes of cardio and then at the end you do training using the rebounder for your abs. I also think you do pushups against the tramp. The instructor's cuing is excellent. He previews the moves for you, then you join him and the class, do it a couple of times and then add it on to the routine. I think it is a definite must have tape if you have a mini-trampoline.

Man Oh Man!

I just sold my mini-tramp in our garage sale! I didn't even have a clue that there was such a thing as rebounding. I also sold our old execercise bike and now I'm hearing about all the spinning tapes. I KNEW I should have held onto those things! :-mad!!! Oh well, it's not like I don't have enough tapes to keep me busy til the year 2005! Maybe, I'll just have to go "Garage-Sale~ing" this next Spring. Hee-Hee! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
RE: Man Oh Man!

Debbie it's too bad you sold your rebounder, but if you hit a few garage sales maybe you'll find another. I was lucky got both of mine for $20 and they are $300 new. Both are in excellent shape. I have been using rebounders for 15 yrs about. I went through 4 cheapies before I found these ones.
RE: Me Too!

Joyce, thanx for the info on Urban Rebounding. It sounds way better than the tapes I have. I also bounce to music and just watch exercise shows or tapes with the sound down and I copy arm and leg movements.
I'm going to check out their website and see if I can get a deal.
I will do my best!

I have been sick for a while (getting my gallbladder out next month - so I have not being working out)! It was so hard just to preview my new Cathe 8 pack!

Anyway - I never tried the tapes you mentioned as mini trampoline workouts never appealed to me until I heard about Urban Rebounding. I will not be able to compare it to these.

It is well produced by Greg Twombly in a typical CIA/Cathe type set. It is marked as intermediate at Collage but I feel you get what you put into it. My heart rate soars during the intervals.
(I have done Interval Max to completion once!)

The workout is 45 minutes long including a 10 minute warm up and 5 minute ab section at the end. I am not really into the ab section. The pure cardio part is a full 30 minutes.
His cueing is superb. You do moves like jumping jacks, straddle hops, twists and knee ups. He teaches combo style with add ons. I thought I would mention this as some people hate the "take it from the top thing". The next section is intervals where you do sprints and then jog to recover. My heart rate is up there - almost anerobic zone.

The secret to getting the benefits (I think this was mentioned by the instructor in the other thread) is that you only jump a few inches above the rebounder and push down on the trampoline on the down step. You have to practice this as my tendancy was to just have so much fun jumping all over, I was actually getting a less efficient workout. You must jump down - not up!
Your body is heavier at the bottom of the jump - this strengthens muscles and bones without impact. The impact to joints is less than even floor aerobics but with amazing calorie burn.
NASA has just recently endorsed Urban Rebounding (the actual technique) as a good cardio and bone strengthening workout for astronauts.

I will warn you - as I know everyone here is a Cathe fan - this is not complex or dancy - basic athletic moves.
Hope this helps!
I really like it - but I love variety. I still like to use my slide (how many people still slide?????!)
I hope you like it if you decide to buy it.
I got mine at...

....#####'s Sporting Goods a couple years ago for $39.00. :-jumpy :-jumpy
I got mine at...

....D!ck's Sporting Goods a couple years ago for $39.00. :-jumpy :-jumpy

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