? for Honeybunch


Hi Honeybunch,
I think I read on a prior post that when you did the cross trainer rotation you were really pleased with your results, and you saw good changes in your upper body. I just purchased DVD so I purchased the Express series on DVD and will now combine the upper body workout out.

When you did the series what type of rotation did you come up with, and how long did you do the rotation before seeing results? I wanted to have your input before I came up with my rotatation.

I would also welcome anyone elses input also.


I'll post the rotation I did, but I don't remember what results I got and how fast. I DO remember that I was successful in keeping my weight down when I did them. That short cardio is a fooler.

I would do...

10-10-10-, All Step, Leaner Legs, rest, Step and Intervals, Power Circuit, and Kickbox.

Any way you put them together is good, except try not to do Power Circuit and Leaner Legs on consecutive days.

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