flooring and other ideas for exercise room


We are currently finishing our basement area. For the last few years, I have been exercising on a piece of berber remnant over padding on a concrete floor of the basement and this has worked well for me. We trying to choose flooring for the basement area. I was wondering about any flooring ideas for an exercise area. I was just thinking of add any old kind of carpet and some really thick padding. The room will hold all my Cathe stuff, old Firm tapes/steps and my treadmill. I am not trying to make it fancy or anything, but just curious about some cool ideas for the room.
Ok, this is going to sound weird but it works really good! YOu know those EXPENSIVE rubber athletic flooring (I don't know what else to call it) well my family and I found something just as good!! We set up a gym last year in our garage and needed a "shock absorbing" flooring to handle all those plyo jacks heehee. :) what we found, on accident actually, is that rubber horse mats work perfectly! THey are super thick and heavy ( horses walk on them so they have to be) My dad just laid them down tightly against eachother, and cut a few to fit the corners, and they work just fine. Each one is really heavy so trust me, it wont move. Oh,
I'm 19 so thats why my dad put it in in case you are wondering! Anyways, I hope that helps and I HIGHLY encourage giving it a try!
I really like a good solid wooden floor for working out on. It gives you a natural shock absorber, it's also why most gyms that have live aerobics us this type of flooring. Just it’s not cheap you could also try the wooden lament. Which is a lot cheaper and you can do it yourself. As all you do, is slide the piece together, kind of like a puzzle, and they are pretty light. A case of 15 boards weighs about 30 pounds, and pretty easy to cut as well. From watching Cathe’s videos I think that’s what they use too. Or it sure looks like it, as my floor in my workout room nearly matches the floor in the hardcore series.

So you may want to look around and talk to a few professionals (doctors etc) as they’ll be able to tell you what’s really right for your body.

I received valuable information after doing a search "flooring". There have been many discussions about this previously. Many people seem to have mentioned greatmats. Can greatmats be installed directly over concrete and is this something I can easily do myself? Any comments from people who have installed the mats themselves will be appreciated. Some people mentioned getting similar mats at Sam's Club, Home Depot or Walmart, etc. Are they the same mats or similar?

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