Fit_Fairy Any news?


Any news yet?? How did the surgery go?
Thinking of your family and praying for all to be well.
Concerned about you. How are you doing?

Love to hear from you, when you can.

I must've missed this about Catherine!! Yes, please update us with some good news!!

not to butt in here, but to fill you in on what I know (and others may have more to offer) but late last week Catherine's BIL (DH's side) went into the hospital with major headaches and they found a brain tumor of some sort I believe. He was to go into surgery this morning.

again, that's just a brief explaination, but if you want more details you can search her member name and find more specifics... :) or look at some of the <-- (enter song title here) posts in Open Forum since last friday, too...
Thank you all so much for your concern!! The news was good (as good as it gets when you have a lesion on the brain). It looks like it was a blood clot. The edge of it looked funny. So they had the pathologist look at it. He wasn't sure. So they got another pathologist, up the street, look at it. He said it was not cancer. As a precaution they are sending it out for more test. They are also gonna do more tests on him to try and determine why he had a bleed in the head in the first place. Meantime he is in recovery waiting on a bed. It has been a looooong day. I got up at 3:30 :confused:
Catherine - what a relief you must all be feeling! I'm so thankful that it is not a tumor. A clot is scary enough though. Keep us posted. I hope he recovers 100% and never suffers one again, but I know if I were him, I would need to understand why that happened and what I could do to prevent it in the future and hope the answer is just medication! So, has the clot disintegrated? Hope you all get some good rest tonight.
Catherine, I'm relieved it was not a tumor. A good friend of mine had a bleed a couple years ago. He is fully recovered and they never could explain why it happened. Sleep well, lovely lady....
Shana, they surgically removed the clot. Thanks again for thinking of us!

Robin, thanks I think I will sleep soundly tonight!!
Very happy to hear the good news! Hopefully you can let down your guard a bit now and maybe relax and take some deep, cleansing breaths.


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