Firm Classics Revisited


I knew there was a reason I kept my Firm Classic videos even after years of not using them. This morning I dusted off Firm Sculpted Buns, Hips and Thighs and boy did I feel the burn in my glutes! You might recall this a floor work only video. I used 5# ankles weights only but I loved the way I was able to really isolate my glutes and feel the "burn". I've been using Cathe lower body workouts exclusively for many years now and go really heavy with standing floor work, but lately I've felt as if I haven't really been able to isolate my glutes to really feel it even with her lying floor work.

The exercises in the Firm video are the classics, old standbys - kickbacks, hip extensions, glute tucks etc. I think I'm going to incorporate this video into my rotation for the next month or so and see what happens to my behind. :7 In fact, I may revisit all of my Firm Classics for a change. It may do my body some good.

I am with you girl. I am a die hard fan of the older firm videos. They have the intensity that I look for in a workout. Even though I am now a Catheite, I still use my Firm Standing Legs DVD. It is awesome.
Firm Standing Legs is the next one I'm going to revisit! I remember that as being one tought workout!


>I am with you girl. I am a die hard fan of the older firm
>videos. They have the intensity that I look for in a workout.
>Even though I am now a Catheite, I still use my Firm Standing
>Legs DVD. It is awesome.

I have that Sculted Buns, Hips, and Thighs w/o. As I remember, it is a burner. I believe The Firm classics are of higher intensity than the more recent ones. Just MHO.
What do you guys think of the older Firm Lower Body Split and Upper Body Split workouts? I have those but don't usually want to do those workouts for the 60-70 minutes they each take. I'm curious how these compare to the ones you are talking about. Thanks!
I recently cleaned out my video collection but couldn't part with some of my FIRM classics videos. I held on to Body Sculpting Basics w/Susan Harris, Tough Tape and Sculpted Buns, Hips and Thighs. I got rid of Standing Legs because I thought that Cathe's Leaner Legs was very similar. Maybe I should have held on to it. Although I haven't used them since coming back from an injury now that you mention them I might break them out.
Wow! I dusted off Boot Camp yesterday and really enjoyed it. I kept saying to myself---why are they using such light weights. I can lift heavier since I have been doing Cathe. I have never given away any of my FIRM tapes and was just thinking how I used to enjoy some of them and may start incorporating a few of my favorites back into my workout.
>> What do you guys think of the older Firm Lower Body Split and Upper Body Split workouts? >>

Amy, I have the lower body split. As I remember, it is a pretty decent w/o. It has been a long time since I've done these. I need to revisit them and see if they still give me the w/o I remember or if Cathe's w/o has advanced me beyond them. It is a 70 minute w/o.

I also have super cardio mix and super cardio burn. These use to kill me... I need to do them again for the reason stated above. This is an interesting experiment I can try.
I have thought about using the The Firm with Susan Harris the original one - bc the FLOOR WORK is killer in that one - if I get around to doing the floor work only later tonight, I will post tomorrow!! I just finished the KPC/Legs and Glutes 80mins premix and heading out to take doggy for a slow walk/ we will see :)
The Firm often gets a bad rap on this site because most people who complain that the Firm workouts are easy are doing the newer ones, the ones made by Goodtimes. The pre-Goodtimes Firms are so much more intense, and they never fail to give me serious DOMS.

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