Firewalker loops

Hi fitat49! I bought my firewalker loops at Amazon and am more than impressed by them - since Cathe didn't list them as for sale on her site I read the reviews and don't regret buying these at all. They have light, medium, heavy, and extra heavy in one package.

I purchase stuff at Amazon through their smile program (charity) so I couldn't post a direct link but they are the TNT Pro Series. If those are the ones that broke on you I apologize for recommending them! I hope this helps! :)
Hi fitat49! I bought my firewalker loops at Amazon and am more than impressed by them - since Cathe didn't list them as for sale on her site I read the reviews and don't regret buying these at all. They have light, medium, heavy, and extra heavy in one package.

I purchase stuff at Amazon through their smile program (charity) so I couldn't post a direct link but they are the TNT Pro Series. If those are the ones that broke on you I apologize for recommending them! I hope this helps! :)

Fit49, when one of my loops broke and one of my long bands broke they sent me new ones free of charge. Unfortunately, now one of those firewalker bands broke. :-( They don't seem to last too long. I may try the ones kathydaffy bought.
I'm going to tag along on this one but with a slightly different question in regards to the firewalker loops. I started a thread on the Open Discussion and wanted to add to here as well in case some that could answer my question looks here first.

Does anyone know how many lbs of resistance the firewalker bands have? I know the red is light, green is medium, and blue is heavy resistance. Wondering if the lbs of resistance was every specified. I'm looking to buy some for one of my classes and trying to figure out what resistance to get and I only have Cathe's firewalker bands to compare it to.

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