Finding the time to workout is so hard with a newborn


It has been so tough. My daughter is 7 weeks and I've just been to exhausted to workout. Not to mention here lately she has been so fussy and crying alot and want lay still for to long. I have the swing the playyard, kick and play bouncer and she doesn't really like any of it. I've worked out maybe 3 times since she's been born and I keep saying I'm going to do it when I get home and try to get her settled. Yeah right, yesterday when I came home she went to sleep and so did I LOL. How do you do it? thanks.

Hi Shanda

I remember being in your shoes when I went back to work after my son was born and I was very overwhelmed and extremely tired. Sleep whenever you can, but remember that exercise helps get your energy level back up. As far as finding the time, I posted nearly the same question and Cathe replied (see below) that you should just try to find pockets of free time and do what you can for now. Soon enough you'll find a rhythm and you'll fit it all in.

Now I'm 7 months pregnant with son number two (my first is 19 months) and I'm already wondering when the heck I'm going to find a moment to workout once this baby is born. I'll find a way...and so will you.

I used the CTX Series a LOT when I first started back to work. The short cardios seemed to work really well while my husband watched the baby and then once I got my son down for the night, I would finish by doing the weight work and stretch. It gave me a sense of completion because I did manage to finish the entire tape and I got pretty good results.

Go easy on yourself...motherhood is a tough and tiring adjustment. You can do it!

Here is Cathe's repsonse verbatim:

Hi Angela! So very nice to hear from you again. I had wondered how you were doing. So glad to hear that you, Nate and hubby are all adjusting so well.

We are doing well here and adjusting to having a newborn and a terrible two'er (who is now crawling all over me as I try to type) under one roof. Sleep is not something that we get around here much at all. Two or three solid hours a night are a luxury:)!

I too just started back to work yesterday and am happy to be in the company of adults for a portion of the day. I taught my first class yesterday and I'm sore today, youch! But it felt so good to just be able to let loose and jump around. I still have about 15 pounds to lose but I'm doing it gradually since I feel some joint sensitivity due to the relaxin still lingering in my joints a bit.

As far as getting back into exercise and/or finding the time, just let yourself get used to being back at work first. Once you get used to it and establish a routine you'll be able to see where your free pockets of time are. Then use that time to just do what you can. Instead of looking for that hour to dive in where you left off, set smaller goals for yourself. Say 20 minutes three times a week. Once you do that much you'll be able to see where you can add on.

So great to hear from you and keep in touch!
RE: Hi Shanda

I remember when I had my daughter I put a baby sling on and put her in it and did small short video tapes while "wearing her". I would just take out high impact moves. She would sleep the whole time while I worked out.
Maybe aim for 3 short workouts a week for a month or so and then slowly work your way up. She will probably sleep better and such as time goes on.
Hi Shanda -- It is tough finding the time those first 3 or 4 months -- especially when both of your sleeping patterns are irregular. Just take it in small chunks -- If you have Cathe's DVDs -- her CTXs are great because you can try to do a few chapters at a time, then if your baby stays asleep or happy for you to go longer, you can. My baby (my 6th) is 9 1/2 months old now and I'm able to get in full hour workouts all the time, but I do remember early on being thrilled if I could even do 20 or 30 minutes at a time. Hang in there and know that you'll get more free time and your baby will be more content as time goes on. -- Renee
Don't forget, you can also get in exercise by walking. Just put her in the stroller or a carrier, and go for a power walk. That will help calm her, and you'll get some fresh air and cardio.

Then, as she adjusts to your new schedules and life, you can add in some tapes and weights.

Don't rush things. She's only a newborn for a short while. You'll make it through, and be working out before you know it. Just try to enjoy this stage.....

Another wonderful thing to do that your baby will LOVE is to just sit on a Stability Ball and lightly bounce. It's good for your pelvic floor muscles and babies love it. You know how babies don't really love that rocking chair motion and just want you to walk around and bounce them? Well the Stability Ball gives them that, yet gives your back a rest and your core a gentle conditioning. I do it every day and night just before I put my baby in his crib (and sing him this little song -- my version to "Beautiful Dreamer" that's on his crib toy, but I sing "Beautiful Baby, sweet baby boy . . . " :) ) -- Renee
i am right there with you! My baby is 8 weeks old and has Colic pretty much through the last 6 weeks or so. I put her in the kick and play bouncy chair during nap times, turn that sucker on and then work out. My baby seems to like the Cathe
She may have a touch of Colic too. I have been using baby Zantac drops and have eliminated milk products from my diet. i also use Mylecon drops with each feeding. All these have helped tremendously.
I now work out 4 days per week on schedule. I hope that helps a little. Hang in does get better. had you asked me that 3 weeks ago i would have strangled you...but it does..with time.
Good luck,
Patty :7
It is tough with a newborn. Especially if it is hard to discern a pattern to your day and if she/he only takes short naps.

My baby is now 4 1/2 months old. Up until a week ago I mostly took walks with her for cardio since she would nap longer in the stroller than in her crib, and I snuck in weight work when I could.

But then the weather turned sharply colder and I am sick of walking which has never been my thing in the first place.

So here's what I am now doing...

By now I have figured out how our day will be structured--this took me a while. There are still no naps longer than 20-30 minutes. But she will reliably sleep until 7:00-7:30 in the morning. So now I wake up early in the morning and fit my workout in before she gets up.

It was difficult the first few days. She still wakes me up at night to nurse her to get back to sleep (I know, I know, terrible of me to indulge her). But is SO worth it. My body feels great after a touch workout. I feel so much more in control of my body and so much more disciplined. I feel a bit more like my former self.

Hang in there. With time you'll figure something out. Really you will. I didn't think I would 2 months ago.


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