Favorite styles from old Cathe Videos


I love pulling out some of the older Cathe workouts occasionally and always find the styles of clothing and the background very telling of the era.

Which are your favorite looks and Gym style?

By the way, who makes the grape top Cathe wears in some of the Ripped with Hiit Series? Where are they sold? Thanks.
By the way, who makes the grape top Cathe wears in some of the Ripped with Hiit Series? Where are they sold? Thanks.

Cathe gets a lot of her workout wear from Dick's Sporting Goods. They have brick and mortar stores throughout the US and a well-stocked website. I may or may not have purchased multiple items from Dick's just because I saw them on Cathe Live. ;)

I think the entire cast looks extraordinarily fancy in the Hardcore series--especially the hair styles. I don't care for Greek columns and statues in the background, though.

I like the simple brick + windows background that Cathe has used since STS. I like that the window "scenery" changes between the different newer series.
The pants in IMax 3 look fantastic. I like more bootcut pants. Everyone looks cute in those yellow tops in High Step Training.
I also don't care for the columns for background. The more recent background/lighting is pleasant to look at.
My favourite colour scheme for outfits are:

  • STS Total Red-Bleu.
  • Lower Body Blast Orange-Bleu.
  • ICE Pink-Grey/Charcoal.
  • 4DS Brown Bootcamp.
My favourite background filming set is the recent bricks wall. I like the lighting too.

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