Fat Burners and Protein Shakes


Hello Cathe,

I understand you might have your hands full with your videos now, If you or anyone out there has a second to give input, it would be appreciated. I don't know too much about all these "fat burners" and protein shakes and I am interested in some feedback on the safety and efficacy of these products.
I know the fat burners are just that, and I know the protein shakes are supposed to "build" muscle after a workout. Do they work? I eat clean, do 4-5 days of (mostly cathe)cardio (with some running), and I lift using a variety of Cathe's strength tapes. I really have seen some nice muscle development in my arms and legs. It just seems as though I am at a complete stand still. No change, even if I change my rotations, eat more, eat less, etc. I can't seem to reduce my body fat. I am hearing and reading all the time about this these fat burning pills to burn fat faster than just dieting. I know alot of muscle builders and women in fitness mags and competitions use it and to be honest I know they eat clean and workout hard, but I wonder is this the other ingredient really needed to look like them???? I guess what I am saying is, I believe the stuff works, but...I also have been hearing alot about the "dangers" of chromium picolinate, L-carnitine, mau-hang and ephedra (the active ingredients in these fat burning pills). I want to look good, but I also don't want to risk my health years down the road over it. I am also curious if adding protein shakes or bars to my diet will give me a leaner, more cut look. I don't believe these shakes have any negative effects like fat burners. I also realize genetics does have alot to do with looking really cut and lean, but, I also don't just want to give up and not progress.
Cathe or anyone with some info on these products, I would love to know what you think. Good, bad or idifferent. Thanks for listening.
Hi RA!
I've also been doing a lot of research on fat burners.
I did find a completely natural one at GNC which doesn't contain and ephedra or ephedra type of herbs.
It's by Schiff and is just called *fat Burners*. It contains Vitamin B6, calcium,chromium,hydrocitric acid, grapefruit extract, cinnamon powder, dong quai, bearberry, L-carnitine, chasteberry, and cayenne.
My only concern is the bearberry, aka uva ursi. I've read on herbal websites that uva ursi shouldn't be used for more than 2 weeks at a time.
Today is my first day so I'll let you know in a week if there's any difference.
I'm also taking ENDUROX which is the herb ciwujia used by Soviet athletes for years to increase fat burning during exercise. It also claims to reduce lactic acid build up and speed muscle recovery.

On the other side, a dear friend of mine just started Hydroxycut and is taking a much smaller dose than recommended and still getting great results with no side effects.

The keyword here, IMO is Caution! Your best bet is to research, start slowly, and watch for any side effects no matter what you decide to take.

Good luck! I'll let you know whether or not I see any positive (or negative) results with my supplements!

Hi RA! I was taking Pyruvex by SportsPharma which is a fat burner. I was taking 6 capsules a day, 3 after my breakfast and 3 more in the afternoon. I took them for 2 weeks on and 1 week off for 2 months. I'm 5'2" tall and weigh 110 lbs. I'm a size 4 and I went down to a size 2. I'm off of Pyruvex now because I wanted to see if I was going to gain the weight back (which I didn't) and I don't think it's wise to stay on them for a long time anyway. I also took Micronized Creatine and felt very pumped while lifting my weights and could lift heavier, however, I started looking bloated. Didn't like that at all and took myself off it. I don't feel you need these supplements at all. I could've achieved the same thing by eating smaller meals but more frequently throughout the day to cut my bodyfat. As for protein shakes, I use them just for nutritional means. If I don't have the time to make myself a meal, or it's too late at night to eat (I workout at 8:30 p.m.) I'll whip up a shake. I haven't seen any difference in my muscles. They look the same to me. Just keep eating a clean and healthy diet and you'll achieve the results you want. Take care! Kathy
I'm with Kathy. I have been a personal trainer for eight years and have never taken anything other than vitamins to help my training. I have never recommended these supplements to my clients either. I think you can spend a lot of money for something that probably won't work. I had a client Gia who had three kids and looked amazing. She was still depressed about her body though because she didn't look like Fitness America competitors. I believe there needs to be a point of self-acceptance. If you are honestly doing all you can do with diet and exercise then be happy. Be happy that you are fit and slim and yet can enjoy pizza and ice cream. Be happy that you are able to exercise and love to move your body. Be happy with all of the fitness gains you've made over the years. The list can go on and on. We women are so driven to do better and better and we often forget about all of our accomplishments and the things we have to be grateful for. Hope that isn't too touchy-feely for you. I just believe so strongly that we need to realign our perspective and start being more positive about our bodies. This is coming from a woman who has been defeated by her pot belly. The little beast won't go away unless I starve myself. I am unwilling to do that so I just decide to be happy with what I've got. I often think that I may not look like a Muscle & Fitness model but boy am I in good shape. I can do plyometrics until the cows come home. It's not six pack abs but it will have to do.

All of my best in your fitness journey, Cyndie
Thank You all for your feedback. I appreciate the time you took to write back with your advice. It was all well recieved.
Thank you Cyndie!

What great words of inspiration! I think I am going to print out your message and read it whenever I am feeling discouraged. You sure help keep things in perspective!


I haven't seen an update on your progress with Schiff's "Fat Burners"?! Did it work? Any bad side effects?

Take Care!
Oops! I'd forgotten this thread!
Well, first off, after a few days with the Schiff's I decided it was dumb to take something that was limited to a 14 day cycle, so I returned it to GNC and brought home a bottle of Hydroxycut.
I am taking a much smaller dose than recommended, max 3-4 pills a day and I'm down to my last day's supply. Once that's gone I'm done.
Results ~ down 6 pounds and 6 inches in 6 weeks.
Not rapid fire by any means and I've also been doing 1 hour of cardio 5-6 days a week and an hour of weights 4-5 days a week.

Side effects ~ none, not a bit of the scary shaking,etc that many people claim to have with ephedra products.

Bottom line ~ did it help? I'm not sure. It did seem to help curb my appetite and give me more energy. But could that be the extra exercise, cleaner eating, etc? Certainly. Even if the majority of the benefits were in my head, I broke through a major plateau these past few weeks and I don't care what helped!

I'll check back in in another 6 weeks and see if I'm still progressing without the HC.

Thanks for asking! :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-01 AT 09:22PM (Est)[/font][p]Cyndie, you are so right about being happy that we have healthy bodies. I have been diabetic (Type 1) for 35 years and would give anything to just be healthy. It sometimes frustrates me that people don't appreciate their health. I take 5 shots a day and constantly have to check my blood sugar (about 4 times a day). I worry about if my kidneys will fail, or if I will go blind or about all the many other complications that I may experience down the road. I would gladly "suffer" a less-toned body, or a pot belly, to not have diabetes anymore.
Hi Cyndie,
I printed this out too for when I need inspiration. I really loved your message and I agree with you 100%. I have never really accepted myself the way I am, but I'm working on it!!
That's the goal I want to achieve first before any other goals - self acceptance.

I hope to teach my son to accept and love himself early on in life so he doesn't end up trying to learn this when he's 35 like myself. Also, I want to set a good example for him. Take care.


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